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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. @zealex.9410 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Heibi.4251 said:So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials?

    I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer.

    However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough.

    I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor.

    A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich.

    And wanting to be compensated for a massive change like this is after working hard to create those sets is not a sense of entitlement.

    What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated?

    The armors post this update will be useless, ppl want compensation because smth that was a legit mechanic of the game (crafting multiple armors) has now left them with multiple useless sets.

    Again, the game will not take any gold, item etc away from you. So there is no legitimate claim for compensation.And: The fact that other players may get the same functionality with less effort in the future does not justify claims for compensation

    The players that are already rich still want more gold. I get it. And that's OK. :) A lot of players want more gold. But it is still not justified compensation.

  2. @Heibi.4251 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Heibi.4251 said:So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials?

    I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer.

    However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough.

    I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor.

    A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich.

    And wanting to be compensated for a massive change like this is after working hard to create those sets is not a sense of entitlement.

    What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated?

  3. Hi,

    I can not activate the tank skills #2 (Grenade Shot) and #3 (Harpoon) with the Keyboard in the instance/mission "Forging Steel". When I press the "2" and "3" keys, nothing happens. To activate these two skills, I have to click with the mouse on the skill icon. And because #2 is an AOE, I can only shot the tank with this. Skills #1 and #4 can be used with keyboard as they should without problems.

    Some other players also can not use tank skill #2 and #3 with their keyboard and think, that it has to do with the remapping of some mount skill keyboard bindings. I also have remapped some mount skill keyboard bindings, but I can use all mount skills normally with my keyboard without problems.

  4. @Heibi.4251 said:So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials?

    I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer.

    However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough.

  5. @Karkara.9067 said:Things that make me sad about the new Expansion announcement...I had conflicting feelings in the last few days, for as much as I’m happy there would be a new expansion, there is one big problem hanging over it.This will be for sure a paid expansion, probably will cost up to 30-60 Dollars...I’ll not pay 150 reais minimum for this expansion I’m sorry and the reason is not that I don’t have the money, but this is too over budget for a simple 3-4 maps+ spec+mount expansion.

    So, it makes you sad, that you do not want to buy the expansion because you think that the price will be too high, for what the expansion is worth to you.

    Isn't this a little bit premature?

    There is no release-date yet (probably it's 1-2 years in the future), there is no price yet, and there is no list of items that are included in the expansion.

  6. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:But I did not finish the last boss fight solo. Because I could not break the break bar completely with spamming tank-skill-3(harpoon) doing this alone.

    This is odd because if you spam your button 3 you will break the bar easily solo. It was when I went in a public mission that it was really hard to break that bar because the majority of my squad didn't know the harpoon mechanic. When the NPC says "tank in position", hop in, press 3, wait for recharge, spam it, it will break the bar even when solo.

    Yes, I know, this is odd. I did make several tries with this and the timing was right.

    Another person experienced the same and said, what worked was to press-3 and then not release it untill the break bar is broken. I will try this next time.

    Or this maybe is related to the key-bind-error that some other players also have: Tank skills #2,#3 do not work when I press them with keyboard, I have to activate them with mouse clicks.

    @Healix.5819 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:But I did not finish the last boss fight solo. Because I could not break the break bar completely with spamming tank-skill-3(harpoon) doing this alone.

    This is odd because if you spam your button 3 you will break the bar easily solo.

    The pull is on a 1/4s cooldown, so if you're even a little slow at spamming it, you won't do enough break damage and will fail with 1% of the bar left. Holding down the button to automatically use the skill is how you easily break it.

    Thanks. Makes sense. Clicking with mouse maybe is a little bit slower than keypresses.

  7. @Kanok.3027 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @"mikeds.5608" said:just call it armory and make it work for ascended gear to.

    exactly this!

    No. While ascended gear is account bound, it's stats can't be changed and honestly, that would mean having to unlock every, single, stat combo for your ascended gear and have a VERY big armory for that.

    You do not have to use it with ascended, if you do not want to. And, like now, now one has to unlock every single stat combo for ascended gear. An, like bank space, Anet can sell the extra (virtual) space.

    So, that others could do this also for ascended gear would not worsen it for players, that only want to use it for legendary gear.

    I'd rather it'd be limited to legendary gear since that is stat swappable on the fly. This is clearly the better option and honestly

    It does not need to be limited to stat-swappable gear. And no, that limitation would not be the better option.

  8. @Dreamy Lu.3865 said:I just want to know if it's a bug that after all is done, at scrying pool, Forging Steel appears as a choice but not Darkrime Delves, the one after that.

    Darkrime Delves is (internally) a story-instance and appears as a story-instance star near the scrying pool if the story is active in your story journal and after you finished Forging steel at least once.

    Forging steel is (internally) a strike mission that can be started even when the episode is not active anymore in your story journal.

    It is a little bit confusing and this separation feels artificial.

  9. @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:Also really hoping for news about Wing 8 soon! It's been 9 months and I'm excited for more challenging content!Strikes don't really do it for me, sorry, but they just are too boring and easy.

    From: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97028/a-message-from-andrew-gray/p1 :

    @Fire Attunement.9835 said:Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support, the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract. We gathered data to determine why, and the most common answer was that there is a giant leap in difficulty between raids and other endgame content, and there isn't anything to help players work their way up.

    So, until they can increase the raid-population (with strikes etc...) don't get your hopes up about Wing 8.

  10. @Delita Silverburg.8632 said:

    @Delita Silverburg.8632 said:I also want to note that we've passed the 9 month mark and still no talk of Wing 8 for raids after stating that the team was going to focus on faster releases.Actually there was communication on raid development as recent as early february of this year in the
    • Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support,
      the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract
      .To me that translates to
      we can't afford to spend resources on raid development until we have more people raiding but hope to find them via strike missions

    Correct, but this was also said right around the release of W7.

    "We are planning to release raids with more regularity this season." - ANet Jason

    Basically my issue is from the backpedaling in February that you are referencing. I'm pissed they gave us hope, then waited 8 months to just rip it away again. Honestly, I really only play the game to raid at this point. What's the point in staying faithful to the game and spending any money on the gem store if all they're are gonna do is change their mind like the wind changes direction? They killed dungeons with raids and now they're gonna kill raids with strikes which are joke fights that offer no satisfaction to people looking for a challenge.

    A word of advice: Anet is a company that has to make money. It is not a charity and it is not a kickstarter-project. Buy only things if you like them now. But do not buy things now just because you hope they maybe will make something in the future that you like. Because you have no saying in what they do with their money (that was your money before).

  11. @"Fenella.2634" said:Now that I've played the Season 1 instances, I really have to wonder: Why? Who are they for?I started GW2 in 2015, way past LS1, but I am one of those players who do go to youtube and have a general idea what the season was about. Still, couldn't you have added a little more context to these instances? The instances by themselves are not very impressive. A few mobs, then a boss fight, well. They were supposed to introduce us to the characters, I think, but they fail at this since they basically expect us to already know them by this point. And then they often end with cliffhangers that cannot be addressed further, because this is all we have from LS1 now.I'm seriously confused about this move. The instances add little to the characters' backgrounds and are not overly impressive instances by themselves either.

    I played season 1 back in the days and the fights where harder in my memory than they are now (I still hate the canach-fight :) ). Sure, a reason is, I wasn't experienced at that time and we now have elite specs and "power-creep".

    And it is confusing, that the dialogues are not adjusted even a little bit to the new situation that they are now stand-alone instances.

  12. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @"Anthonev.6452" said:Legendary gear needs to go into an account wide gear storage, which then allows you to apply any of that gear, to any gear template, on any toon,

    Not only legendary gear, but also ascended gear and every other gear, that is not soul bound and that can be switched between characters.

    I like the idea, but I don't see how ANet profits?

    Direct: They could sell "account gear storage" like bank storageIndirect: Happy customers buy more stuff.

  13. @"Andovar Edoras.2143" said:I thought it was a smart move for Anet to make the first half of Visions of the Past be this Strike Mission disguised as a Story Mission. Why? Because now we have a Lot of people trying out this newer form of content.

    Well actually it is more like a (quite easy) scripted story mission for more than one player. It is not like the other strike missions. So, for lack of a better wording, I would call this a "dungeon story mode mission". Calling this a strike mission is misleading and could backfire when people are trying other strike missions and find out, that the usual strike missions are completely different.

  14. @Blocki.4931 said:You can comfortably solo this. Just kill the enemies from the portals, repair whenever scrap drops and the tank is damaged to 50%, pick up every single ammo drop you can and just hold down 1 in the tank after you got rid of the armor through the harpoon.

    How do you break the break bar completely? When I played it solo, I was only able to reduce the break bar to around 30% with spamming the tank-skill-3 (harpoon) before the skill went into cool down. And without a fully broken break bar, it takes way too long for my taste (so I left after the boss had 70%, because I proved to myself that it was solo-able and because I had already finished it before in a public mission).

  15. @Vayne.8563 said:

    @"Mea.5491" said:
    "Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."

    Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively
    game. :tongue:

    Yep and some people chose this game for that reason. This is a change that's introduced badly. Anet is trying to tell me well if you want to keep moving forward this is the direction we're going. If it is, you'll be going without me and players like me.

    It may not matter to you, but if there are enough of us, it will matter to the bottom line of the game. And that should matter to everyone playing.

    Sure it might "force" you to play with other players for that one mission but its taking care of the forming of a group for you if you just use the Public squad. The mission itself is fairly easy and doesn't require a ton of coordination beyond just ticking the boxes of the progressive objectives and then the boss fight at the end.

    Technically the game "forces" you to play with other players whenever you do an event in the world or a World Boss. Its not much different than that, you're just pressing a button to do it.

    But it's not forcing me to group with other people. I can rock up to a meta event or world boss without grouping and often do.

    The person above just said they duo it easily which could mean it's soloable so try solo or with a friend who understands your unique circumstances

    Yep I'm going to try it. You might be led to think I solo most of the time, but that's not the case. I just play with a few guldies most of the time.

    After finishing it as a public strike, I played it solo until the last boss fight and solo it takes a little bit longer to kill mobs, vets etc. but it was solo much more fun because solo I could do the pre-events and events in my own time, understand mechanics, do the little jumping puzzles, collect items etc. and other players could not steal mechanics or collection items. I could even go AFK a few minutes for a phone call.

    But I did not finish the last boss fight solo. Because I could not break the break bar completely with spamming tank-skill-3(harpoon) doing this alone. And without breaking the break bar the fight is way too long. So I left the instance when the boss was at 70%.

    If anet would tweak this instance only a little bit, it would be a nice and not too hard solo story instance.

    Calling this a strike mission is misleading.

  16. @"Andovar Edoras.2143" said:I thought it was a smart move for Anet to make the first half of Visions of the Past be this Strike Mission disguised as a Story Mission. Why? Because now we have a Lot of people trying out this newer form of content.

    Well actually it is more like a (quite easy) scripted story mission for more than one player. It is not like the other strike missions. So, for lack of a better wording, I would call this a "dungeon story mode mission". Calling this a strike mission could backfire when people are trying out other strike missions and find out, that the usual strike missions are completely different.

  17. @Blocki.4931 said:Loved soloing the first mission. Will have to take a look at the rest later. Entering a public mission just to spawn in the camp with 0 events, no timers, no way to do anything was awkward though. Must have been bugged?

    Will, it seems the public misson waits for other players. I entered a sqaud-mission solo and the timer started and I could do all pre-events etc.

  18. @Tazer.2157 said:

    @"Mewcifer.5198" said:Why is a 5-10 man instanced strike
    to complete the story? Requiring other players for story content hasn't been a thing since before you made killing Zhaitan a soloable instance. I am not happy about this. I get you want people to do strikes, but forcing it on people who want to play the main story is not the way to go about it.

    I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

    Bad choice Anet. Normally I am a "white knight" (as some people have tried to call me) about the game. But this really gets under my skin.

    Disagree, the other players make this fun. The music, the other players and the npcs make me feel as a part of the warband. Its chaotic, its fast and that adds to the atmosphere. Doing this solo would be a big bore and make the instance longer than it already is. You can still do the content and not have anyone distract you. I am not sure how randoms would distract you and take away from your enjoyment of the lore. If lore is what you are really after, I would think you would appreciate the lore of having other players in your warband. The instance is long enough to allow you to go through the achievements. This is honestly the best story mission I have experienced in the entire game and I wish Anet releases more content this way. It was ridiculous that we were able to take down the elder dragons and even a god solo.

    The instance is quite easy when played with others that are not exploring or AFK, but I do not like in this instance, that other players can steal the collection items (flowers, snow etc.) during events and that the last fight takes way too long because other players do not help breaking the breakbar of the boss (spamming tank skill 3 - harpoon) and do not read chat about this. Nothing fun about the above.

    EDIT: I have started the strike-mission with the squad-option as a solo player until the fight against the Acient Forgeman. Now I do see all the pre-events and events and now they make sense for the first time. Because when I entered the public-strike mission twice before, other players did already some events. Playing this strike-mission and it's events solo is much more fun and helps more understanding it.

    In the public strike I could not understand the mechanic how the gate should be ripped open and how you use the different tank skills for this (because other players did this already before I could do it) but in the solo-instance it takes longer but is more fun and I now understood the mechanics. Also I now have my own time to do the little jumping puzzles to the snipers above.

    And it's easiers for some achievements (like collection scrap metal to repair the tank) because other players can not steal the scrap metal and other collection items.

    Until the last boss fight it was fun doing it solo. But I did not finish the last boss fight, because I was never able to break the break bar completely with tank-skill-3, so it would take way too long for my taste and I left the instance.

    So, after playing a part of this strike-mission solo: The solo experience until the last boss fight is much, much better than the public strike experience.

  19. @Randulf.7614 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Mewcifer.5198 said:Why is a 5-10 man instanced strike
    to complete the story? Requiring other players for story content hasn't been a thing since before you made killing Zhaitan a soloable instance. I am not happy about this. I get you want people to do strikes, but forcing it on people who want to play the main story is not the way to go about it.

    I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

    Bad choice Anet. Normally I am a "white knight" (as some people have tried to call me) about the game. But this really gets under my skin.

    If you mean the Steelwarband stuff it's all just side story. It's similar to a dungeon to be honest just with public access.

    Dungeons were never required to complete the story with the exception of killing Zhaitan and Anet changed that to a soloable instance for the story. This is a step backwards.

    I disagree wholeheartedly. You should have to do group content in an MMO. This is not a single player game. People who push this to be a solo experience are why many people only come back every 3 months or so to just complete story then move on to other games.

    Actually, GW2 is (or should I say "was"?) a very solo friendly game/MMO, and because of this, the game has a lot of players that do no want to group with other players in instances.

    And if the company wants to change this "basic product feature" now, and wants to ignore those players/customers, it could result in the leaving of more and more unhappy players/customers.

    Really? Because apart from main episode stories, I've always found GW2 to be heavily built on cooperative play. In fact it has been stated by the devs to be a founding pillar of the game. Outside of our characters story instances, the game is very much geared for bringing players together.

    Yes, the openworld-PvE is intentionally very cooperative and "solo-players" can just play "ad-hoc" together with other players and help each other without any further commitment. But instances are a different beast. As an example. Anet had to change the zhaitan-story-instance. At first it was 5-player group content and because of that a lot of players did not finish it.

  20. @Delita Silverburg.8632 said:

    @Mewcifer.5198 said:Why is a 5-10 man instanced strike
    to complete the story? Requiring other players for story content hasn't been a thing since before you made killing Zhaitan a soloable instance. I am not happy about this. I get you want people to do strikes, but forcing it on people who want to play the main story is not the way to go about it.

    I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

    Bad choice Anet. Normally I am a "white knight" (as some people have tried to call me) about the game. But this really gets under my skin.

    If you mean the Steelwarband stuff it's all just side story. It's similar to a dungeon to be honest just with public access.

    Dungeons were never required to complete the story with the exception of killing Zhaitan and Anet changed that to a soloable instance for the story. This is a step backwards.

    I disagree wholeheartedly. You should have to do group content in an MMO. This is not a single player game. People who push this to be a solo experience are why many people only come back every 3 months or so to just complete story then move on to other games.

    Actually, GW2 is (or should I say "was"?) a very solo friendly game/MMO, and because of this, the game has a lot of players that do no want to group with other players in instances.

    And if the company wants to change this "basic product feature" now, and wants to ignore those players/customers, it could result in the leaving of more and more unhappy players/customers.

  21. @"Bowdon.1948" said:Do anyone know how to get the vehicle to harpoon the gate? It just comes up as zero damage on the gate, so does using the weapons. I only damage the gate sometimes when using a bow and arrow.

    It seems you have to harpoon the gate and after a while (maybe it is at a timer, maybe several players have to do it) the gate bursts open.

    I do have a strange bug with the skills of the tank. When I press "1" I can activate tank skill 1. But for the other tank skills (2,3...) I have to klick with the mouse on the skill to activate it.

    EDIT: First you have to target the two Warding Seals on the gate and destroy them and then you have to target the Weak spot on the gate and break the break bar with spamming tank skill 3 (harpoon) and then the gate rips open.

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