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Everything posted by zallesz.1650

  1. You really should change the post title. I also thought this was a major spoiler and was immediately let down. After seeing that it is not the case, I feel like the title is very misleading and borderline trolling.
  2. Hi Guys, What if Anet introduced a new type of gear, between Ascended and Legendary, that had the ability to swap between 2 stats (e.g. Berserker and Harrier)? I was wondering the other day if I ever had the chance to get legendary ( I do not have an awful lot of time to play), or will I be forced to carry multiple sets of gear for the restof my lilfe, or could there be a middle ground? That is when the idea hit. This could be a set that is also hard to get (collections), but once you do all the collections, you get the recipe, and you can craft as many as you'd like, albeit they would be more costly than Ascended gear, and would have infusion slots as well. This way, if you want to have a main and an alt playstyle for a character (power dps, condi, healer, www, etc), it would make it a bit easier for you. Just an idea, let's see if it gains any popularity :)
  3. I really liked this season, I was invested in the story, I liked the new maps, the new mounts, the content in general. I am sad that due to the layoffs, we have bigger gaps between episodes, but I am confident that Anet can come back better than ever in S5. There is one thing you cannot deny is that the developers absolutely love the game they create. Wishing them all the best of luck!
  4. More customisation options, especially hairstyles. More earnable armor skins, I loved the collection part as well as the recent armors they introduced. More variety would be nice (no more trenchcoats for medium, less skirts for light armor). Maybe a bit more laid-back episode or 2 without world-ending threats.Maybe lifting the lvl restrictions on elite specs? I mean, I understand that you learn the skills of the Elonian people once you go there, and adapt to the jungle when you visit HoT, but ingame it's like, okay you ding lvl 80, rush to 15 PoF Skill Challenges and you unlock a spec that you want. What if you could unlock elite specs at lvl 50, and gain its skills and traits as you level up?Slowly revamping old regions with the updated graphics, and make it more immersive like the expansion maps?
  5. Exactly. Now let's say I have an hour to day I could freely spend on playing GW2, and a longer one maybe on a raid night. I can either do profitable, high end, value-generating content such as raids and T4, where I am forced to stack and play the game in the META mentality, or I could do fun stuff, open world stuff, events, exploration, etc. where I am not required to play "in one single very specific way" and I get to play however I want. One is enjoyable, the other is rewarding. Here lies my problem.Obviously not the end of the world, but damn I wish I could do both at the same time.
  6. Hey there, thanks for the note, but last I noticed in all other MMO-s I am playing or used to play, it was never an issue. Am I missing something?
  7. Hi Guys,I was trying to formulate what exactly bugs me about GW2 (of which I have been a long running fan, since beta), and I concluded that I hate the concept that in many game espects (raid, fractals, dungeons, even some open world PVE content, and sometimes wvw), you need to be stacked on top of each other, for reason. The reasons are obvious, you get the boons, you get the heals, and it has been the overall tactic to tackle any obstacle in PVE settings since headstart. But here is my (own and objective) problem with that: I play videogames to leave behind the real world for a short time, and to immerse myself in a fantasy world, where I can do cool things. I am not necessarily a roleplayer, but I do like immersing myself into the character that I am playing. Which is hard to do in GW2, because you always have to be stacked on top of each other in most instanced content.. which is like... not immersive? I feel weird, when I want to play a Renegade with a shortbow or an Elementalist with a staff and I am standing in mellee range on top of others, the boss hitting my face from less than a meter away. And i know this is more of a complex issue: Ranged specs should not be more powerful than melee specs. You might be saying "Allright, you are allowed to not stack in not high-end pve content", to which I would say "Fine, but if I want to feel like a legendary archer and conquer some difficult foes, I wish to have the ability to do so, or at least feel like it. So, my problem is not inherently with the fact that only melee specs are viable in higher end PVE content, but that this aspect of the game, along with many other similar game mechanis virtually make it impossible for you to play as a ranged character. Raids? Forget it, you need to stand close to get the buffs. And I really dislike it. I guess one way of "solving" this would be to extend the radius of healing and buffing skills, so that ranged players would also get it. Anyway, I really am not sure if I was the only one with ideas, let me know if anyone else feels "wrong" for always (always, always, always...) stacking on top of other players whenever s/he wants to do something other than kill open world pve mobs.
  8. Flying in WoW deleted many of the challenges of open world, pve and pvp. Now there is no danger of "standing at one place" anymore, you just fly up and danger is gone. GW2 also made it easier to bypass content that is happening on the ground, but did not completely eliminate it, and I am grateful for that.The game is meant to be played, not flown over. Games should be more about the journey and not the destination. A lot of people seem to forget that.Edit:grammar.
  9. Exalted shoulders as a standalone item, and not on a BL Chest lottery.
  10. Warrior: Chanter - Wields a staff, monk-like martial art stylish melee combat, with boon support "Chant" skills.Guardian: Avenger - Offhand sword, evade replaced by "Block", more of a tanky spec, blocking turns your #1 skills into Riposte skills. Lots of defensive skills.Necromancer: Bone Warden - Offhand shield, bone themed skills, defensive abilities, death shroud replaced by Bone shield, defensive skills galore.Elementalist: Stormborn - Only Air atunement, but can weapon swap, #1 skills redesigned for all weapons + shortbow. Mid range power dps sniper, with lots of cc.Thief: Darkblade - Sword offhand, shadow magic. Lots of aoe shadow magic, abilities damage everything inside "shadow field" that he can summon.Mesmer: Spellslinger. Pistols. Two of them. With Illusions. I don't think any additional details are needed.Ranger: Horizon Walker ( i know, DND plagiarism): Dual daggers, lots of teleport abilities, can stealth (move into another plane).Revenant: It could be any legend and can be called anything, but it should have a greatsword and should use magic while fighting with said greatsword. How about "Skald" who uses ice magic while swinging and throwing that good old greatsword around and forming the battlefield into a snowy wasteland? Yes. What do you think? It gives some classes some specific niches, while also introducing more "tanky" specs other than chrono, and twists around the original concepts of the professions and turns them into something unexpected, because, after GS necro, anything is possible :)
  11. Hi Guys, I seem to have a problem for a very long time now but I decided to ask here as I could not find related info on the net so far.I have a very good Internet connection, BUT, when I play gw2, (even though the game runs absolutely smoothly and perfectly) all other things that use internet are slowed down. Example: I am playing gw2 and I need to check a video guide: complete stuttering. I am not talking about light fps drops. It is literally frame by frame, and automatically scales down to lowest resolution and still can see the video in like 2 FPS. When I try use the browser for anything else (check guides on the net, or another website, the wiki, anything) it takes minutes for it to load. I do not have this problem with any other games, nor any other MMO-s, I also play Wow and somestimes Eso, but Gw2 is the only game that gives me this problem. I tried running in windowed, in borderless windowed mode (heard somewhere that it might help), but no difference. It is driving me crazy, if anyone has any ideas how to fix this please let me know, thank you!
  12. Builds.Let us create pre-defined templates regarding traits. Item sets would also be amazing, but even a trait template structure would be very welcome, in order to quickly switch between builds.Thank you :)
  13. Confirmed, same thing for me, and appearantly many others who were at the NPC at that time.
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