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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. No offense but, considering you're technically a 'new player' and all, might want to get some experience under your belt before you go judging classes like this under every profession sub-forum. Thief does have fair amounts of AoE damage in staff. Thief is far from unplayable in solo content due to evades, sustain options and solid damage.
  2. Oh boo hoo, meanwhile yu can still use :Heals, Utilities and Elites.Some of these being extremely strong in their own right, such as : Binding Shadow (Single most overloaded skill in DE's kit)Smoke Screen (Area denial which also projectile hates, why not)Roll for Initiative (restores Ini as well as a mobility tool, woohoo)Shadow's Refuge (Area sustained Stealth and heal, but sir what if we get revealed! Yea, how many Professions have on demand reveals I wonder)Thieves' Guild (Does too much damage even on a Condi build)Bladestorm (It's Bladestorm) And they can use multiple of them at once as long as they are off cooldown! How neat is that! This is the point Shao was probably trying to make :Thieves aren't absolutely vulnerable upon using all their ini, not like the way Revenant is.(Rev can't cast any utility at all, INCLUDING THEIR HEAL if they somehow fall to 0 Energy) And besides, if yu are currently in the process of escaping/travelling, all that ini spent on SB5 isn't gonna be missed anyway, and if yu do have someone yu have to fight, Thieves just do what Thieves do best : sit around and wait for ini. That sort of non-interacting is the single reason why people just hate playing against Thieves.They only pick the fights they want, and people can't pick a fight with them unless they are sure the Thief has to commit. And as Thieves become increasingly weaker over the years, they went from choosing their fights to choosing not to fight entirely, performing their side noding job with full dedication because that's the best value they can bring by just being an extremely slippery character.(Which again, Shao was expressing discontent about) Thief utilities have massive cooldowns (in particular when you consider some of the effects), though. You can't say thief doesn't have a trade-off in this aspect of their initiative system. Thieves only pick fights they can pick. Saying they pick fights they want is a gross overstatement. Saying they can afford to sit around while simultaneously claiming they're dedicated to side-noding? Which one is it? Do I like how reliant thief has become on stealth over the past year or so? No. But people would complain about thief regardless of their meta build. It's how things go with these kinda characters across all PvP genres.
  3. Mirror Stance would give thief a building thematic not unlike soulbeast. If used on a warrior, you gain access to skills like Siphon Strength; thief: Siphon Speed; etc. Do all monsters in PvE have an equivalent profession to "mirror"?If we go by their stolen skills, Yes.
  4. I like to believe, and I believe, that the next specialization for thief will be duelist -focused. Steal will be replaced by something akin to Mirror Stance from Guild Wars 1; a melee-centric Death Mark -esque class mechanic that copies flavours and traits from other professions it's used on. Mirror Stance would give thief a building thematic not unlike soulbeast. If used on a warrior, you gain access to skills like Siphon Strength; thief: Siphon Speed; etc.
  5. Where every beginner can stand still while doing damage and the enemy players can't possibly punish them fast enough because they're a bunker (or support, same thing nowadays really), bunker condi or revenant. But let's keep our torches lit for thieves, aye.
  6. It's amusingly hypocritical to see AoE-heavy spam classes complain about thief gameplay being boring. Boon removal is keeping thief alive right now, even with stealth being what it has always been. Outside those, and SB5's OOC mobility, revenant is just strictly better.
  7. Every game, there's this one guy. The people who know, know.
  8. Jacaranda is the best pet atm, agreed there. To make matters worse, you can't even kite it the same way you can Smokescale and birds.
  9. That's assuming that thief being a "weak fast guy" is a necessity. Even the necromancer, which is notoriously "slow", can build to be relatively "fast". So maybe the issue of the "weak fast guy" isn't necessarily a loss of speed but a lack of (popular) options to be "strong". or refusal of thief mains to try anything other then un-killable builds, I honestly dont remember the last time there was any thief build that could die by anything other then massive missplays Here he comes, with his massive superiority complex and bottle of thief salt. here he comes, with 3 defensive traitlines backstabing for 4,5k and whining he has no damage.buff sb5 cuz it bugged one me REEEEYou don't understand the class. At all. You can't (NA = not advancing kekw), and you refuse to.
  10. That's assuming that thief being a "weak fast guy" is a necessity. Even the necromancer, which is notoriously "slow", can build to be relatively "fast". So maybe the issue of the "weak fast guy" isn't necessarily a loss of speed but a lack of (popular) options to be "strong". or refusal of thief mains to try anything other then un-killable builds, I honestly dont remember the last time there was any thief build that could die by anything other then massive missplaysHere he comes, with his massive superiority complex and bottle of thief salt.
  11. my blink bugged, fix it or revert cd to 30s :) Yeah, truly a shame other classes do not rely on that mobility as much as thief to care about theirs. ah yes, yes. everyone has the same bug but it hurts the thief more :) Nerf teef. my skill bugged once, buff it by 25%, PepeLaugh Once? PepeLaugh I wish. current "meta" mesmer has over 50% of its skills bugged, most of which WILL kill you, and its something you have to accept and live with.You dont see me going making PLS BUFF posts, I reported the bug and moved on.Ask any mesmer if they are going to bet their life to sword ambush daze or sword 3 to swap with a clone.Your point? Two wrongs doesn't a right. You're being malicious under the guise of trash humor for the sake of it.
  12. 3 viable builds yet nothing gets touched in patches.
  13. my blink bugged, fix it or revert cd to 30s :) Yeah, truly a shame other classes do not rely on that mobility as much as thief to care about theirs. ah yes, yes. everyone has the same bug but it hurts the thief more :) Nerf teef. my skill bugged once, buff it by 25%, PepeLaughOnce? PepeLaugh I wish.
  14. my blink bugged, fix it or revert cd to 30s :) Yeah, truly a shame other classes do not rely on that mobility as much as thief to care about theirs. ah yes, yes. everyone has the same bug but it hurts the thief more :)Nerf teef.
  15. my blink bugged, fix it or revert cd to 30s :) Yeah, truly a shame other classes do not rely on that mobility as much as thief to care about theirs.
  16. (Still) being bugged just cost me a game. Fix this kitten, or revert to 6 ini.
  17. You answered your own question. Passage of time happened.
  18. Burn guard is a newbie stomper of the highest caliber. Combine that with your MMR, and you get just-as-expected results. Would you suggest melting people to gold or even platinum tier? And then focusing on other class? I mean hell, nothing comes close to dh burn... DH will melt people up to p1/p2, then it will still melt people but you will have to be more care-full about itEDITI have 2 friends that started the game recently, one 5 days ago ( challenger in league, veteran in other games ) and they have problems with DH.And logically they are correct, he plays melee build and DH says if you come close you insta die :) Since he's new, by "burn guard", I expected core guardian. Either way, both builds quality for 'newbie stomper'. The issue stems from the fact that regardless of the matchup, it'll be a fairly risk-free cake walk for the DH yet anything but for the opponent. Do you "insta-die"? No. Do they, however, completely zone you out of a medium-sized area for a long while? Yes.Are you likely to be forced to reset if you make a single mistake? Yes.Does the DH have a very small window of vulnerability to capitalize on? Yes, until you've exhausted all their traps at least twice. Builds like this should not exist in PvP (or in general, imo); they promote unhealthy gameplay patterns that disclose too much skill gap between players for too little. but they DO insta gib people, not in 1v1, but if you have 4v4 fights against warrior supp that gives might.vuln and dh lands aoe hits you can eat 15 burns and die within 2 ticks of damage, and god forbid they have 2 of them and you legit can die to 1 tick of the burnAnd my friends answear to the "dh" issue wasnt getting better at the game, but saying kitten it to his melee build since existance of DH makes it unviable, and taking nades and spamming them from range/ through walls.And we are led to the answear to something stupid being something else that is stupid, and the carousel of retardery is spinning on and on.Im not upset that hes gonna get wrecked by DH, im upset that he wont get to play what he wants cuz 0IQ dh placed a 20k dmg trap and you are not allowed to exist there.A setting where you can complete close someone out of the match via the simple act of picking a specific build or character should not exist in any competitive game.
  19. If we get guild battles, or anything remotely resembling some, in EoD it'd be wicked awesome. Just no glitched gates, please.
  20. Burn guard is a newbie stomper of the highest caliber. Combine that with your MMR, and you get just-as-expected results. Would you suggest melting people to gold or even platinum tier? And then focusing on other class? I mean hell, nothing comes close to dh burn... DH will melt people up to p1/p2, then it will still melt people but you will have to be more care-full about itEDITI have 2 friends that started the game recently, one 5 days ago ( challenger in league, veteran in other games ) and they have problems with DH.And logically they are correct, he plays melee build and DH says if you come close you insta die :)Since he's new, by "burn guard", I expected core guardian. Either way, both builds quality for 'newbie stomper'. The issue stems from the fact that regardless of the matchup, it'll be a fairly risk-free cake walk for the DH yet anything but for the opponent. Do you "insta-die"? No. Do they, however, completely zone you out of a medium-sized area for a long while? Yes.Are you likely to be forced to reset if you make a single mistake? Yes.Does the DH have a very small window of vulnerability to capitalize on? Yes, until you've exhausted all their traps at least twice. Builds like this should not exist in PvP (or in general, imo); they promote unhealthy gameplay patterns that disclose too much skill gap between players for too little.
  21. Burn guard is a newbie stomper of the highest caliber. Combine that with your MMR, and you get just-as-expected results.
  22. Wait until you see raid boss WvW core necro.
  23. DE isn't under-represented at all. Revenants obliterate them. DH can hold vs them indefinitely.
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