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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. The general notion has been "AoE or rev" since last year. If you're a(ny other) single-target DPS main, tough luck, you've been made redundant.The general notion from the start of PoF is that scourge is making anything redundant for one reason or the other. Some consider Mirage the worst kitten that was added to the game but for me personally scourge is the worst design to be added in PVP since it affected not only PVP but also WvW to the extent that it ejected too many builds out of play just by existing. Whenever scourge is a meta contender, the game feels sluggish and horrible. Add in global damage shaves, and you've got a serious problem spec in your hands.
  2. If you think DH is lacking good survivability then you're playing it wrong To be fair, if we start comparing specs DH sorta does lack in survivability - in a way. Most of the defenses are strictly active in nature compared to many classes' trait ones, as DH traits mostly increase their offensive capabilities. This on top of their low mobility w/o trapper rune amplifies the windows of vulnerability they have, leaving them with far more counterplay than many others. Hence, he's not wrong , per say.
  3. The general notion has been "AoE or rev" since last year. If you're a(ny other) single-target DPS main, tough luck, you've been made redundant.
  4. I've been playing shoutguard to a good success. It's not as strong as scourge, obv, and requires far more terrain use, LoS and timing.
  5. Incorrect, thief wasnt meta for almost entire HoT expac. I should know since i rerolled when i was competing. Rev as long as it existed has been meta since start I thought rev has just been played by the best players since the beginning?
  6. This. Druid has 2 dazes, and they're balanced by the fact one has a massive windup, the other places you in the danger zone (adjacent) to your targets. They are balanced by the fact that they have other uses besides daze, namely healing and stunbreakBecause Glyphs are so useful on druid either way .
  7. This. Druid has 2 dazes, and they're balanced by the fact one has a massive windup, the other places you in the danger zone (adjacent) to your targets.
  8. werd thanks for the break down man @Leonidrex.5649 said: how often do you see 2 necros cycling CPC? just wondering. soulbeast with sic em can counter it completely, or use one wolf pack + barrage to bypass it. deadeye can easily just kite behind enemy lines and snipe people off point since its pretty rare for people to 100% be on the point where there is no counter pressure (and now not really any supports to help keep them there). anyway again it is a strong utility and i don't wanna sound like i'm minimizing its impact or anything. I almost never see it, but when I do see it. it works, most people even in p2 just copy build and never change anything Yeah see, this is what happens and why a lot of them stack CPC against me now. This just happened today after we had this conversation. Convenient. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/985328613What else does this prove than that NA is "truly next level" LUL.
  9. Builds don't counter thieves. Proper awareness and mechanical ability do.
  10. Such help are these comment right? It really help drive an actual conversation. -_- If you have 3 necros bombing mid and your team cant win the point you need to start taking sides and spread them out. If even then you lose its because your comp is slow or your team still couldnt win sides. It's OK. One necro can easily tank 3 ppl since Feb. Two others can then maintain easy side.
  11. Which is why it's so funny Anet's been catering to condi thieves since balance rework.
  12. Sigil of transference = lose access to a defensive sigil. Makes a huge difference higher levels of play. Scourge being an issue, as always, doesn't mean supports as a whole are an issue.
  13. There was a time when arguing for guardian's higher health pool would've made for a fair case. Now is not the time.
  14. Every game where the team chat gets unnecessarily crowded = 90% certain a loss. For some reason people think they benefit off of distracting their teammates and themselves.
  15. Give weaver AoEs to cover the entire node + they all hone in on targets. Yess.
  16. Try to capture the enemy thief stealthing .Just for science :PI dont have many friends to do that :((just dailies heroes, that they dont log in) Edit: I should tell my neighor to get a better internet conection :PSome times the siluette dissapers at 45% of the animation or 70%https://imgur.com/Yzwfx8M He might get stealth when he "blast|" the field , but the visual que ... siluete dissaperaring depents on the internet speed or if you have straight channel conection , or something If you ever played thief and fought another thief you would know you can mess them up a lot by interrupting HS. Here i interrupted it at begin and at the end of the animation. Enjoy. good thing BP blinds, to remove that as an option for most situations :) Here is the thing, thief combat follows certain flow. If you are experienced it is usually pretty predictable. Here are few simple ways to deal with it, at least as thief, if you assume to get hit by BP:you avoid it because you know it is comingyou sneak an attack before interruptyou use signet to cleanse blind and then interrupt (a lot do it)you just let them stealth and dodge backstab or just spam aoe to force them out of melee or at least punish them for ityou stealth yourself and let them look for you, given you stealthed later you are going to stay in stealth little bit longer thus making them vulnerable to backstab (or similar) Now the actual fun starts when thief knows that you will interrupt them and waits for the interrupt but that goes in the realm of mind games and applies to any class :>Also, as thief i don't really have access (yeah yeah there is ONE) to blocks which is options for other classes.Edit: you can also use fear (e.g. marks), chain, line of warding or taunt among many other things to prevent them from stealthing. You guys act like bp+hs combo is some kind of iwin button - it is not. I posted the video so there is no misinformation spread about supposedly not interruptable combo - which is bs because i (and many other players, INCLUDING MESMERS) interrupt it every day.Good mesmers will always interrupt a straight-forward BP+HS combo - which opens up more mind games for good players.
  17. It's rather hilarious how "supports" are hella tanky with tons of utility AND decent-ish damage when compared to actual DPS builds (outside revenant). Once upon a time it worked like this:Team Fighters were slow, dealt lots of AoE damage and CC output, had little to no support at all.Supports were slow, dealt little to no damage or CC at all, mid grade selfish sustain, but had a lot of supportDPS +er Roamer was fast, dealt a lot of single target damage and CC, had bad sustain and no support. Side Node Duelists or Bunkers had a lot of selfish sustain and no real support, dealt small damage and had medium mobility. Players speak of fables & myths from these times, when the game felt balanced. But now we have this:Team Fight Support Side Noder Bunkers that deal a lot of AoE damage and CC, medium mobility at worst, over buffed support boons and healing, strong self sustain.DPS +er Roamer that's not as fast as it used to be, deals less damage to single targets than AoE team fight builds, has no support.And then other builds that no longer have a job role because they aren't a DPS +er Roamer, and they aren't as good at Team Fight Support Side Node Bunkering as the current over buffed Support Gods. I mean essentially what they started doing was they looked at anything that spit support, and just started buffing them way way too much. I don't know who's idea it was to make sure that "All Supports should deal Reaper like AoE damage but maintain maximum levels of support" but it was a stupid idea.Supports have always held some "premium" / very good CC, though. Old-school support druid could frequently apply daze in an area, immob x 2 and cripple + knockback. Support firebrand had plenty of CC in F3 and F1, staff 5 has always been a game-changer in a lot of ways. To name a few examples. Also, bunker does not = side noder duelist. Bunkers back in the day were able to hold a node 1v3 if they were allowed to cap. Side noder has traditionally been able to hold 1v2 max, and goes down to well-timed CC and burst. Bunkers had plenty of qualities overlapping with supports as well, and the two leeched off each other efficiently.
  18. It's rather hilarious how "supports" are hella tanky with tons of utility AND decent-ish damage when compared to actual DPS builds (outside revenant).
  19. Remove Mender's so revenants can cleanly maintain their #1 in class hierarchy.
  20. Honestly the reason were dealing with lich autos being 5k+ is cuz the balance devs or dev -cmc isn't nearly as good at balancing as everyone was raving about. If he was even close to competent trapper rune wouldn't be what it is still allowing trap dh to exist this long, burn tics would be reduced and the passive burn procs on burn guards and their ability to proc and re-proc absurd amounts of burn stacks on u wouldn't have existed as long as it has as well. This games pvp is just going to keep losing players and its not going to improve unless cmc gets his thumb out of his kitten or until a half way competent team manager actually moves some resources into balancing the the rosters, fixing stuff they missed in Feb, broke in Feb and reworking things that need reworked. From a ip prospective I cant believe this gbage that we have now is actually acceptable to them. Oh oh another ban oh no.Their that slow in the ..... to not recognize ize that guards/dh, necro are played twice as often as other classes? I mean, I agree, CMC's balance philosophies seem to, despite every high lvl player's expectations at the time, be against the average "high skill" player. And while 5k lich autos might be something worth looking at (probably are, particularly if they intend to keep things close to what we have now), they're not the "primary issue" we're suffering from.
  21. I think the "issue" with Lich Form is exaggerated thanks to a meta where you'll either be dealing with a necro w/ Lich that's getting sustained by a core guard - or you'll be held in place by a DH - or you'll be pressured by a herald / renegade. In all these scenarios, Lich Form shines and applies massive pressure. Necro in general is very strong right now, and its weaknesses are being negated by other meta builds.
  22. Try to capture the enemy thief stealthing .Just for science :PI dont have many friends to do that :((just dailies heroes, that they dont log in) Edit: I should tell my neighor to get a better internet conection :PSome times the siluette dissapers at 45% of the animation or 70%https://imgur.com/Yzwfx8M He might get stealth when he "blast|" the field , but the visual que ... siluete dissaperaring depents on the internet speed or if you have straight channel conection , or something If you ever played thief and fought another thief you would know you can mess them up a lot by interrupting HS. Here i interrupted it at begin and at the end of the animation. Enjoy. good thing BP blinds, to remove that as an option for most situations :) If it blinds you, they must've targetted you, in which case they either HS towards you, which makes dealing with them easy, or they have to try and untarget, position themselves, and HS all in a split second, which almost certainly slows them down, so you have plenty time to ping off the blind and hit the interrupt. dunoo, I use action camera and I can blind, turn around and cast wherewer I want in 0,01s without " wasting time "it never even crossed my mind that might be an issue, explains some kitten things I have seen people doingWhere do you live? I want that 0 ms.
  23. people who claim raids have failed only play metas and auto attack, go to grind fests, and are having 0 motivation to engage with harder content, good to know who is ruining our chances of getting raids The irony is so thick it touchable.
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