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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. you mean being meta for 8 years? Okay but there was nothing given in compensation. Shortbow is now by far the most expensive weapon and it's a utility weapon. You can't make the most important tool on the class so expensive and just leave them with nothing in return. What? You want compensation? lol SB already offers a buttload of utility in every skill to the point of being a pretty much mandatory weapon to have and you want compensation? Be glad that was all they did to it lol It was mandatory because of IA, and Anet refused to stop bloating Choking Gas and jacking up the initiative cost when nobody asked for it. You can remove every skill on the weapon except IA and it will still be mandatory, so cut the bloating and costs of the other skills if it's gonna take over half the ini bar to use one skill. This is just Anet being lazy with balance just like they do with rev. Instead of cutting down the utility they just bloat them and jack up the costs and call it a day. another clueless post, if there's only IA remain, rifle would be meta.literally IA is not the only thing that is strong, i can duel mesmers with shortbow only, first stealthed attack give 2 second immob, which is super strong, which you can follow up with CB which hit a lot and is also aoe that clears clones and there's also evade that you can occasionally use when being immobedand choking gas is op in team fight. SB is literally enabling thief to teamfight and lock enemy down with stealth SB attack, of course noob like you wouldn't know You're the clueless one if you think Rifle is going to be meta anytime soon, or DE in general lol Enough said. you are clueless if you think SB is only used for IA, and i never said rifle is going to be meta, because i know SB exist.i said rifle is going to be meta, if SB only has IA left, which is impossible.you are some how mentally challenged because you can't read. I didn't say it was used ONLY for IA, dummy. Take your own advice and read. You said it is mandatory for IA, some how you don't understand what you said yourself. Mandatory for IA doesn't mean you only use IA, dummy. I just got done saying they bloated the fool out of skills like Choking Gas and jacked up the cost instead of toning down the functions and now the whole weapon is too bloated and expensive, but you could still take that away and leave nothing but IA and it would still be used. That's obviously not how it is now, and you use other skills because they're strong too, but IA is still the identity of the weapon. it literally is not mandatory for IA. the whole SB kit is good. what can't you understand. and how they toning down the functions, choking gas function literally got buffed by miles.Wouldn't call it a straight-out buff. Choking Gas got fundamentally changed - one way, it was a nerf, other a buff. I wouldn't call SB kit 'good', but it's the best ranged option thief has.
  2. Considering how slow the projectile speed and cast time for Sap are, the nerf seems slightly overreactive. Consume Plasma I can understand, but Signet of Agility AND IA together seem too much w/o compensation. You're looking at it the wrong way. You see it all together when ANet probably looked at all 4 skill alone.Sap, even after the nerf might deal more damage than the revenant's version.Signet of agility will still have one of the most powerful signet active in game (The cleansing of 3 conditions on 5 target is already quite good as a signet active, the endurance might have felt to big of an advantage. Without forgeting that the passive is also attractive by itself.)IA is the main if not only reason thief take shortbow as a mandatory weapon (I don't think increasing the cost was the best idea, but it might force thiefs to look into other weaponset, which isn't a "bad" thing.) As for plasma, it was overdue (well again i'm not sure that was the way they should have adressed it, as a bundle, even after the nerf it's still imbalanced compared to most other bundles)Looking at each of these skills in a vacuum is not the way to go. How often do you realistically cleanse conditions from all 5, let alone 3-4, allies? How often does Sap actually reach its target with all the blocks, reflects and evade frames revenant alone has access to? Mind that people get reminded thief only has Steal and its associated skill(s) as a class mechanic. To compensate, it obviously has to be more powerful than i.e. Guardian F1-F3 as standalones. There might've been a time and place for these changes, but not all at once.
  3. Considering how slow the projectile speed and cast time for Sap are, the nerf seems slightly overreactive. Consume Plasma I can understand, but Signet of Agility AND IA together seem too much w/o compensation.
  4. Anet: "Okay, here's a nerf across the ENTIRE CLASS. Not once, not twice, BUT THRICE. You might want to specify what is it, exactly, that thief is allowed to do even moderately well? Because currently, it won't be damage. It won't be dueling. It won't be +1'ing. And it most definitely won't be roaming.
  5. It was almost mandatory before. Although I'm fairly certain thief as a class in general will be struggling after these changes. That is some harsh, harsh nerfing. Wouldn't surprise me if Shadow Arts became mandatory on top of Trickery. Patch TL;DR: Thief is not allowed to 1) be able to duel any classes; 2) thief is not allowed to be able to avoid other classes' damage or retain mobility despite their harshly nerfed damage.
  6. I've been proposing for changes to, or even removal of, trapper rune for a while now. It's a component that breaks some of the fundamentals of the game in a very painstakingly annoying way. Something does not have to be flat-out overpowered in order to get changed. Uninteractivity and superb annoyance are enough. Mind you, this is not a Guardian -related issue. It's a gameplay -related issue. Dragonhunter in a vacuum is largely fine, from a balance perspective; rather, the spec needs a complete overhaul if anything.
  7. It's not just Trapper Rune. The pre-determined nerf pattern to all medium-to-high dps builds means stealth-sustain and condi over time are going to rule eventually. We wouldn't be having these dumb builds be viable if not for the current balance priority: everyone at near equal footing regardless of skill. Why do you think Trapper Rune hasn't been changed yet, for example? Why did thief stealth changes take so long to get implemented? Because they keep newbies afloat and coming back. Extremely low effort / medium-to-high reward has been the new standard for gameplay since February.
  8. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infinite_Horizon This has been the main and only source of problems with Mirage, Anet and the community are well aware of it; condi mirage became impossible to deal with because of this trait and the hidden power variant you meet is based around the same problematic trait. Luckily the build still seems to require a certain degree of skill to succeed with, so no many cannot pull it off...yet. I am expecting Mirage to make a full comeback once prominent specs like renegade and holo get toned down, this coupled with incoming nerf to plasma steal will bring back Mirage in full force but.... You are well experienced to know that this is GW2/Anet modus operandi : "replace one oppressive build with another"....nobody should be surprised at this point Where has it been stated at consume plasma is getting nerfed?
  9. This skill should have a 1/2 second evade frame for how telegraphed it is. You'd have a valid option for sword main with some minor damage buffs.
  10. People complain about ranger pet(s):"Kill the pet. ""No can do. Pet OpieOP. " People complain about renegade:"Kill the summons. ""OkieOK. "
  11. Yeah, so? All of those have obvious tells and cast times. Lunar Impact particularly has a year-long animation lock.
  12. Core feels like trash, druid feels like trash, soulbeast is passable but not worth the effort.
  13. It's a utility -heavy weapon, which made it passable for PvP for the time (pre-nerfs). In PvE that's always made LB a bad choice for DPS, naturally.
  14. Point-Blank Shot has a very clear animation, as long as you're paying attention, and is very much dodge-able even outside anticipation. Agree 1s is too long of a cast time.
  15. Only if you start to chase it, then you get a problem. But why would you do this? It's a thief. You never chase thieves! Baiting that is part of their mechanic. Btw.: nice thread necro'ing! Sword builds can kill people if you severely outplay them, but one unlucky hit from a spamlord holo, necro or even warrior and you're in trouble. If not for the mobility there'd be 0 reasons to pick thief. Zero. Basilisk Venom? Omegalul, how 'bout an aoe shock aura.
  16. Just play any conditard build or holo and you'll do fine. Bonus points for trapper rune abuse.
  17. I don't want thief's survivability buffed. Or even utility. I just want more non-stealth-related damage you have to land. Or, in other words, rewards that are worth the risk.
  18. They should tone down stealth, and no-skill stealth-gib builds shouldn't exist. K thx bye. PS. the damage overall shouldn't be in the gutter.
  19. So coded terrain or/and the skill itself, pick your poison? It's such a fun time when you can't be killed otherwise, so the game itself aids the opponent :)
  20. ... Is this actually coded as a projectile? Hits you behind walls, through dodges occasionally, etc.
  21. Mesmer in general should have its damage output reduced for all the utility and mobility it has. 7/7 traitline, all utilities syndrome ?Mean when 75% class are more mobile, has more sustain and do good damage, and it's a reality, kitten did you even wrote.Can you detail "all" mobility and utility you talk about please. That classic mesmer bias showing. Mobility contains in-combat one as well. You know what utility means, I shouldn't have to explain it to you. Yeah so can you list what you yave in mind.You know real data, not jut another mesmer hater random whine.Because as far as I know the only things better than other is vertical staff 2 and jaunt. Which don't make you win a cap game, don't work on every map and which didn't work against 6/9 classes.And staff already did no damage.So I'm pretty curioys about which mobility justify no damage.Probably the same one mesmer mains use to justify their thief nerf requests. "Jaunt" has 3 charges. and they can used offensively as well. It's like a deadeye saying they only got access to Shadow Meld for stealth. The amount of overall jail-free cards is quite astounding. Same issue as with holo and, to an extent, herald. Swiftness matters little if you're dead from stealth.
  22. Mesmer in general should have its damage output reduced for all the utility and mobility it has. 7/7 traitline, all utilities syndrome ?Mean when 75% class are more mobile, has more sustain and do good damage, and it's a reality, kitten did you even wrote.Can you detail "all" mobility and utility you talk about please.That classic mesmer bias showing. Mobility contains in-combat one as well. You know what utility means, I shouldn't have to explain it to you.
  23. Mesmer in general should have its damage output reduced for all the utility and mobility it has.
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