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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. Is it difficult for people like you to understand that in some cases its not down to a players own actions as to why they would afk in spawn ? The match was over regardless of tryharding for no gain. If there's no chance fine, but if you're down 100 points or less with 8-10 mins left to go and you afk/idle, you deserve to be clapped with a 1 day ban that only drops while in the pvp lobby, and increases the more you do... It's toxic and it wastes 4 other people's time.If you afk when the score's relatively even, you deserve to get clapped with a 1-week ban.
  2. Interesting setup. I was theorycrafting about Fireworks runes a month or so ago.
  3. He wasn't getting enough opportunities to sexually harass employees in Divinity's Reach.
  4. What can warriors do? They can't kill a condi rev; power rev does their job, but better, and they bring no utility to compete with weavers and tempest. Solution: nerf condi, nerf power rev (gently, but nerf regardless) and bring down CC (a notch).
  5. Her father left when she was a kid to become the founder of Riot Games, and is now organizing the biggest Canthan (Tencent) Asura game industry.
  6. Honestly, if I consider the ups and downs and compare dps between them, thief takes the cake for me. So playing ranger as a roamer isn't really something I roll to do.
  7. Take a look of how many seconds of block, evades or i-frames most of classes and builds can have in a minute and then look at how many seconds of stealth some classes and builds can stack in a minute. ArenaNet seems happy at putting a 1.75" cast time and huge call at Revenant's hammer #5 which essentially does 0 damage and meanwhile you can get out of stealth with 0 calls with any burst you want in stealth classes. Again, that's FINE for me and I have no problems with the "burst part" of stealth because you can gear and trait any class to endure the opening strike (and that has trade offs); my problem is with HAVING STEALTH AVAILABLE AGAIN to avoid the reprisal. On top of that, heavy armor classes have garbage ranged weapons, so it's very hard to pressure stealth users whick are constantly striking out of nowhere, blinking away, poking at range and entering stealth... The only reason due Eles, Necros, Warriors or Guardians have a place in Conquest is due the control point mechanics, otherwise the PvP would be a invisible fest with everyone hidding waiting for a foe reveal to land a 5 man burst on him. Yeah, heavy armor classes have lackluster ranged weapons - but two of them have instant gap closers, and power and condi AoE to hit a stealthed enemy. Warrior has magebane tether and other tools. Revealed lasts 4 seconds, btw, and re-stealthing isn't free-of-cost.
  8. I like posts like this, spreading misinformation about 'nother class outside a thread's context. You clearly have no idea about ranger's rotations.
  9. Yeah feels like you got 2 options of you wanna play power now: shiro rev, or mesmer. Everything else is just unsatisfying and you're better off playing condi and easily outsustaining all power damage.
  10. You got any stuff that's been working for you post-patch? Core, SLB, druid - all dandy. Toss 'em ideas.
  11. They should remove players' such as yours ability to queue in PvP.
  12. Any thief using shortbow 5 is a roamer spec. And due to the initiative system, there is no point in using 2 weaponsets anyway, so every thief plays shortbow. So, no, thief cant duel. It also doesnt have high burst, or even medium burst. Skilled thieves can out-duel people who don't meet them in those terms. However, as always, one has to consider if it's worth it time investment -wise. Common answer is: no. Most other classes can duel with a lot less effort involved, and wrap it up faster (aforementioned skill diff inc.), too.
  13. Main problem with stealth is not the potential for unexpected burst, but the amount of damage it prevents. Aside for AoEs (and thieves have no problems avoiding most of them due their extreme mobility) every damage falls to 0 when a foe is in stealth, because most of skills that deal damage and aren't AoE need a target or at least to cleave a very delimited area to produce pressure. Stealth makes most of those skills temporaly useless and therfore is the largest damage preventing ability in the game. 1) You really want to discuss damage negation? I suppose in your little bubble stealth is the only "way to avoid damage". But sure, whatever goes for anti-thief bias. 2) Oh, you mean, like, disengaging? Hmm, thief sure is the only class capable of doing that. 3) Blocking makes the majority of in-game skills useless, too. Should we be looking to nerf warrior and guardian based on that?
  14. I can tell; thief's main job is taking and processing complaints in a progressive manner. At least every 3rd game or so, there's someone who obviously knows better than you do, what exactly you're supposed to be doing.
  15. There arent really any power builds that can do that. Not even Power Rev. On the other hand, Condi thief, condi mirage (if protected) and burn guard can do that with ease. power rev, power mirage, power core mesmer, power ranger,holo, core power guard/dh traps can burst people for 75% hp in a blink of an eye, and thats just off the top of my head.condi builds cant do that other then some niche or specific cases like burn buard or mass confusion from condi mesmer into you hurting yourself with confusion. People still die to DH traps? people still dont use cleanse? There’s not enough cleanse in the game for the cancer that everyone plays. I have 1 condi cleanse every 30s and im doing guchi Im gonna doubt that, because that gets messed up real bad by condi theif, or even condi engineer.Double on that, the guy's lying.
  16. Because in their desperation to attract “new players” they want to lower the game’s skill ceiling, delete high skill cap builds, and promote easy to play/face-tanking builds. Anet is doing everything they can to close the gap between skilled players and smooth brains. I have noticed, thank you very much.
  17. Too bad, Anet doesn't support power builds here. Stick to the boring condi, or get out is the new rule.
  18. Most condi builds are actually so brainless that I have difficult managing them because my brain dies of boredom.
  19. Cal Cohen is a caster class main, and it shows.
  20. And how exactly do these achieve ranger do anything better than, say, holosmith, spellbreaker, firebrand, guardian, etc.... Spellbreaker and firebrand arent even strong btw Of course they aren't. Classes I play are never strong! Missing out my point either way. Ranger is still a top Tier duellist that beats most other duellists btw Of course it does. Ranger will keep on beating mediocre players 'till the end of days, regardless of their whining and nerfs induced by it. No, it's mostly because they can switch between range and melee with two very strong kits either way. If they want to kite, then there's stealth. If they want to stall, that's not a problem cause their pets will keep fighting the fine fight on their own. Etc, etc. The only other side noder that did the same above average was Holo, which also got recently nerfed. I'd rather them reduce the block duration of Counterattack instead of slowly but surely withering the cooldown away. The only reliable in-fight way to stealth is Hunter's Shot, and it won't stealth you if dodged or blocked, so complaining about ranger stealth is not warranted. Both kits are burst kits, with very long down times now. It was 15s cd only a few months ago... now its 30! And that speaks volumes considering it's still considered one of the strongest weapon skills out there. Don't you think?It speaks volumes how much the game changed after the balance overhaul.
  21. And how exactly do these achieve ranger do anything better than, say, holosmith, spellbreaker, firebrand, guardian, etc.... Spellbreaker and firebrand arent even strong btw Of course they aren't. Classes I play are never strong! Missing out my point either way. Ranger is still a top Tier duellist that beats most other duellists btw Of course it does. Ranger will keep on beating mediocre players 'till the end of days, regardless of their whining and nerfs induced by it. No, it's mostly because they can switch between range and melee with two very strong kits either way. If they want to kite, then there's stealth. If they want to stall, that's not a problem cause their pets will keep fighting the fine fight on their own. Etc, etc. The only other side noder that did the same above average was Holo, which also got recently nerfed. I'd rather them reduce the block duration of Counterattack instead of slowly but surely withering the cooldown away. The only reliable in-fight way to stealth is Hunter's Shot, and it won't stealth you if dodged or blocked, so complaining about ranger stealth is not warranted. Both kits are burst kits, with very long down times now.
  22. And how exactly do these achieve ranger do anything better than, say, holosmith, spellbreaker, firebrand, guardian, etc.... Spellbreaker and firebrand arent even strong btw Of course they aren't. Classes I play are never strong! Missing out my point either way. Ranger is still a top Tier duellist that beats most other duellists btwOf course it does. Ranger will keep on beating mediocre players 'till the end of days, regardless of their whining and nerfs induced by it.
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