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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. DH was in an alright spot pre-patch. Small quality of life changes would've made them "seriously" viable. Bow is just legit trash now, which saddens me to no end.
  2. Has anyone considered that the part about Spirits of the Wild guiding norn south might've been a lie, too? We don't exactly have details on the how -part. For all it's worth, Asgeir might've chosen the location himself, claiming the spirits "told him in a vision". I agree on Braham. Jormag is definitely going to be pulling the strings on him, even if we only go by the words uttered by Wolf: the chosen one will kill Jormag, or fall under his/her influence. I believe Bangar is merely a chess piece to get the commander in the perfect position to coerce them over. The point where Bangar crosses that one line and the commander's composure breaks is when Jormag will bite into their psyche like a leech.
  3. The only actually hard strike missions are Boneskinner and Whisper of Jormag, the others have a very low challenge level and that's by design to ramp up the difficulty in some form of progression. The latest Strike Mission (from the Visions of the Past story) can be challenging enough if you use the challenge mote, without it it's a solo experience. Only reason to get a 2nd person is to make it go faster because it's really slow when done solo (but really easy). They're "hard" because pugs ignore the clear instructions they're given at the start, or just don't even bother telling they're doing it for the first time. I've repeatedly told people not to go for a rez if they're tethered into the chains, and what do they do? Run around and try to rez people. To OP: just tell people it's your first time doing it, and ask if something's unclear - even after failing the first time, or the second time. Just ask 'what did I do wrong', for example. People will gladly tell you.
  4. A good example of taking a comment, and turning it from apple into an orange to fit your agenda and narrative. But hey, it's cool to feel almighty in this small hub of ours.
  5. "I have to navigate and think outside the box" vs "mount up and hur dur". What encounters in PoF were challenging?
  6. Bold assumption. A small group here thinking they're the majority.
  7. Reading these comments make me feel like this community considers itself extremely entitled. It's always either Not my type of content!Tricking us!Un-fun, because I'm expected to press more than one button!Something went wrong when I was playing, therefore the instance is bad! Do you even realize how petty and ungrateful you sound like?
  8. I don't think Bangar will die. I don't think Rytlock will die. I don't think Ryland will die.
  9. The only way to achieve reasonable damage on ranger right now is going with berserker's and marksmanship. So many classes have access to protection that you'll be hitting like a wet noodle even with Sic' Em.
  10. Instinctive Engage should have evade frames. Before anyone spills their coffee, I'd like to remind you that it has a very clear pre-cast and after-cast. Would probably still get complained about.
  11. Don't work with condi. You mean you unloaded all your condi package in one go, and got punished? Oh sweet damn, how to work that out....
  12. Through the powers of imagination and exaggeration anything is possible on the forums Edit: I'm bad at spelling Consider people probably rarely realize when they have 10+ stacks of vuln and the opponent has 20+ stacks of might.
  13. Honestly, not needed. Won't happen, would also affect the economy in a negative manner. Already possible. About spirit shards, what do you mean? You can convert them into materials which you can convert into currency.
  14. Honestly, not needed. Won't happen, would also affect the economy in a negative manner. Already possible.
  15. Ranger longbow is actually quite well designed. It's got a clear advantage at far, which has the LoS counterplay and reactive dodge/block space attached to it. Once the opponent gets on your skin, the weapon is useless. So you get Hunter's Shot for potential repositioning. But that's it. It's a very timing-reliant weapon, and contains far more gameplay options than your average forum-goer here would like to admit (or even knows). And ranger needs it, for 1) satisfying gameplay experience and 2) to hang with other classes. As i.e. Trevor Boyer has pointed out many times, ranger cannot hang with many of the other classes in melee, for prolonged periods of time. That's why the class relies on timed windows of burst and repositioning / timeout tools.
  16. Its the old confirmation bias, if a whole power team has you targeted you would instapop And if a whole condi team decides to do the same, I'm sure you'll survive, right?
  17. It has counterplay, just don't attack. If that's something you're unable to do, well …I agree, though, rev's currently too tanky for the amount of damage they're able to dish out. B-BUT RANGER!!!
  18. Elementalist has quite a bit more going for them than damage. Ranger does not.
  19. Nah man, that last round of damage nerfing very seriously cut out about 25% of Soulbeast damage output. And that's no estimation there, that number is pretty exact. While running burst tests on an indestructible golem after this damage nerf, it was definitely about a -25% during full 10s Sic Em burst tests vs. pre-patch. The stat nerfs + coefficient nerfs were too much. Now it can't do the one thing it was meant to do, deal damage. It's not sustainable enough to stay in combat and brawl like other classes. You guys thought it was, but it never was at all. All of its defense was always in its offense. The GS 3 evade and GS 4 block is just not nearly as much defense as other bruisers have. Now it doesn't hit hard enough to force players into immediate threat zone, and it gets out brawled too easily. The meta for Ranger will now shift to Core Pet 2HKO using Marks and possibly Marks+Sic Em, and you'll all still be complaining, because the problem was always Marks modifiers & Sic Em. ~ Put your seat belts on, it's about to get twice as bursty as it was before. This is the truth, right here. 100%.
  20. Interestingly enough, Bangar does mention about extending his charr empire 'all the way to Cantha'. Maybe all the players in this mess aren't getting killed at the end of the day, and the story doesn't quite the spin the way we expect it to.
  21. I legitimately don't understand this negativity today. Anet could do anything to please them, yet I feel like 90% of the players here would still only complain. Give them credit when it's earned, for saint's sake. To be honest, this is recycled content played by other characters then people created.I can see why this Saga isn't well recieved. People created RPG characters to experience epic adventures. They didn't sign up to play military missions with other charactersI didn't sign up for comedy content when I logged into this forum, but it's what I got it seems.
  22. I assume you have no idea why they aren't "adding more GW1 soundtracks" as you so aptly put it. The rest is just as clumsy, and doesn't reflect the majority's opinion, thankfully.
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