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Everything posted by NorthernRedStar.3054

  1. I like to start conversations about butter by mentioning my car, too. I also use clever quips when I have nothing valuable to add.Makes me feel smart!This argument would only make sense if I hadn't provided to the conversation(s) already.
  2. The fight at the end isn't long if you have any idea what you're doing.
  3. No. Even if there was one for the tank, someone could just AFK at the start of the zone and take the WP once everyone else reached the boss. Bummer, that's one big oversight then on the devs part then. I hope they can do something to fix this but probably be a low on the ladder.Leechers will always be an issue in MMO's. Imo, we should have the option to report someone for it - although, that does open up the potential for another kind of abuse altogether.
  4. I legitimately don't understand this negativity today. Anet could do anything to please them, yet I feel like 90% of the players here would still only complain. Give them credit when it's earned, for saint's sake.
  5. I like to start conversations about butter by mentioning my car, too.
  6. It has the lengthiest of animations, on top of a massive cost. I can understand complaining about thieves, but this? This I cannot comprehend.
  7. Are you implying you cannot search and pick up a group for the instance at any given time of your own choosing? Sounds like a time management issue.
  8. True, and non-wilderness survival builds haven't been viable since post-patch (one can argue the same for pre-patch), which forces you to ditch marksmanship (which in turn keeps core afloat w/o Sic' Em) as a SLB, unless you're going for those meme-y OS cheese builds. People keep on discussing these big crit Mauls and WI's as if rangers keep on pumping them out at a constant basis. It's a big L2P issue going on that people don't want to address themselves.
  9. You know it's going to happen. More ranger nerfs are confirmed on the factory line, and while core is still performing well I have no doubt that next patch will have them lagging at the back again. Remember, pet nerfs affect both core and slb.
  10. I'd imagine a lot of ranger complaints come from elementalists and necromancers. Maybe a few thieves in the mix.
  11. Didn't Forging Steel happen directly after Bangar broke off from Grothmar Valley?Bangar already has Braham's Bow, and they were making their way into the Shiverpeaks. Also alot of ambient chatter from Ryland's company discussing their views of Bangar, and Nica mentioned him being a "Rouge Imperator" What doesn't make sense is how their base camp wasn't covered in snow but we could just brush that off as being another side of the pass which has lesser snow. The map's pretty ambiguous about the landscape in that area. Could just be another "lowland" spot like southern Wayfarer Foothills.
  12. Actually exceeded my expectations. Well done, Anet, really enjoyed this one!
  13. People really do find ways to complain about anything . It's a fun ride, no complaints. Way easy without challenge motes active, though.
  14. Forging Steel seems to be bugged. The events won't start in public mode.
  15. Good job nerfing one of the few specs that was able to punish misplaying bunker pugs to a reasonable degree. Meanwhile, guardians, revenants, eles and necros can keep on being drooling pepegas while doing business as usual.
  16. You can't lower the ini costs while retaining SA as it is. Thief's be even more broken than pre-patch. I agree something like sword main-hand needs a slight damage raise. D/p should not be buffed at all, since thief maintains an apt pressure even after backstab. Also, thief still has insta-casts like Steal which should factor in for lower damage overall. Lol thief back stab for 5k followed by 300-500 autos isnt high pressure in games current state thsts with maurader and eagle. Hs hits for a lot but again spamming one skill isn't a great playstyle design.Why would lowering ini make thief OP with regards to SA again?As it is all thief but DE need assassin sig to do enough dps to pressure and that shouldn't be the case. Hell even sindrener said he wouldn't be killing anyone without assassin signet as is.I'm sry but u and I have a different opinion on what a burt assassin class looks and plays like lol it shouldn't have to rely on a signet to do respectable bursts lol.My slb burst unsuspecting people in +1's harder and my gs smokescale bursts laughs at thiefs all while enjoying higher hp, armor, protection and 3k barrier with tons of clears lol.It's actually humorous the state this games assassin class is in. But Heartseeker into backstab is ~10k damage from 1.2k range, without any real warning. That's insane +1 pressure. Also, you have to factor in the attack speed of a weapon set, not just the damage per hit ratio. Beefed up (signet + traits) dagger main hits for a lot more than 300 per hit. Using smokescale on SLB is wrong, Bambi is better. Smokie doesn't burst at all. If there was insane pressure after a backstab why do people complain about thieves resetting all the time, you just pressure someone into submission and then....go away real quick? People need to start keeping their thief complaints in an organized folder. Half of peoples complaints about this class will be about a list of things and the other half of their complaints will contradict everything they complained about earlier. Because like there are classes that are too good at offense right now, there are classes that are simply too tanky as well.
  17. You can't lower the ini costs while retaining SA as it is. Thief's be even more broken than pre-patch. I agree something like sword main-hand needs a slight damage raise. D/p should not be buffed at all, since thief maintains an apt pressure even after backstab. Also, thief still has insta-casts like Steal which should factor in for lower damage overall. Lol thief back stab for 5k followed by 300-500 autos isnt high pressure in games current state thsts with maurader and eagle. Hs hits for a lot but again spamming one skill isn't a great playstyle design.Why would lowering ini make thief OP with regards to SA again?As it is all thief but DE need assassin sig to do enough dps to pressure and that shouldn't be the case. Hell even sindrener said he wouldn't be killing anyone without assassin signet as is.I'm sry but u and I have a different opinion on what a burt assassin class looks and plays like lol it shouldn't have to rely on a signet to do respectable bursts lol.My slb burst unsuspecting people in +1's harder and my gs smokescale bursts laughs at thiefs all while enjoying higher hp, armor, protection and 3k barrier with tons of clears lol.It's actually humorous the state this games assassin class is in.But Heartseeker into backstab is ~10k damage from 1.2k range, without any real warning. That's insane +1 pressure. Also, you have to factor in the attack speed of a weapon set, not just the damage per hit ratio. Beefed up (signet + traits) dagger main hits for a lot more than 300 per hit. Using smokescale on SLB is wrong, Bambi is better. Smokie doesn't burst at all.
  18. You can't lower the ini costs while retaining SA as it is. Thief's be even more broken than pre-patch. I agree something like sword main-hand needs a slight damage raise. D/p should not be buffed at all, since thief maintains an apt pressure even after backstab. Also, thief still has insta-casts like Steal which should factor in for lower damage overall.
  19. Nerf pets' damage by ~15%, done. Sic' Em! 's not the problem, core ranger doesn't even need it. Anything else would be overkill and just an L2P issue.
  20. This is a case similar to when people formerly wanted thieves to be still target markers for them to smack down. You misplayed, ranger punished you. That's how it should work for everyone.
  21. A few things that aren't PvP-specific, but would mark a nice QoL-buff for druid there, too: Increase the radius of Rejuvenating Tides, or at least allow a trait to increase its radius (along with other CA skills?)Add more bang to the last tick of Natural Convergence.Like, holy crap compare these two to the AoE's of Firebrand.
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