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  1. While I think that super rare RNG drops are fine, I also think that they probably should've made it sellable on the trading post for this case. Spear skins are already lacking in quantity and this one probably doesn't suit the tastes of most people. Gold is a good way to encourage players to keep fighting the boss even if they don't like the skin. The event itself will probably die out in LFG after a few content updates.
  2. I somewhat agree. We've gotten by with a 2000 decoration cap on guild halls, but even that is a struggle when players add things like jumping puzzles into the instance. The homesteads should probably add to the decoration count with the new content in increments as mastery upgrades. Reason? We got people already hitting the 1000 decoration cap and they don't even have a Joko statue yet. Once we get hundreds of new decorations people won't be able to use them because they overfilled their instances. They will need to wipe their instances clean to cap out their instances with all of the variants of Joko statues! That's not fun.
  3. I do think that there are things that would work just fine inside of a subscription setup. A lot of people dislike the idea of subscriptions at all, even though some of the current gem store items are just badly structured subscriptions at this point in time. Think about it. What is an EXP booster in the gem store if not a 2 hour subscription for experience gain? But having to pay for an EXP boost every 2 hours is kind of... annoying. That said, this suggestion surprisingly didn't go for a subscription involving booster buffs or other things that are otherwise annoying to refresh. The suggestion went for the idea of giving us temporary access to things that we could otherwise have permanent access to. Lockouts for things like character slots upon the subscription expiring would not work well with the Western audience. I have seen it in Korean MMORPGs, using things like bank slots. People always complain about things like having their loot left inside of inaccessible slots on English forums for those games. It would be better to stick with more of a Western approach to subscriptions while suggesting a subscription for the Western version of this game. Edit 1: Actually, I think I remember Western MMORPGs adopting the lockout system for banks after switching to F2P, but then people complaining about it on forums. I might've missed Western games that used lockouts due to their late entry into the F2P market and their eventual restructuring. It looks like character slot lockouts are the only rare lockout from what I've seen. Edit 2: Yep! Looks like I was wrong on banking. Went to research other games. I thought they switched to a inventory purchase option for those other games. It appears to be a pain point for players.
  4. My guess is that they are locked behind Handiworker 400. Right now we are Handiworker 300. My plush sofa! My Jokos! My Djinn teleporters! Why do you hide? Nearly every fancy looking fountain and wall is missing. Every fancy long table. Lots of stuff that basically feels like advanced decorations.
  5. Yeah, I think it isn't a valid complaint at this time to say that hardcore PvE has all the cool stuff for homesteads, since it's just the launchers at this moment. The discussion of raids and other harder PvE content getting all the cool things within homesteads might need to be put on hold. It's only a valid argument for guild hall decorators. People might be under the impression that all the guild hall decorations got ported over at this time. Not yet. Lots of missing stuff right now. On another note, I'm fine with cool and useful things being raid decorations! I just hope that those raiders can sell us them, like those Djinn coins. We also have the concept of that open world version of that new raid.
  6. There are some cases where they put things like Djinn teleporters crafted with materials found exclusively via raiding into guild hall decorations. Those aren't in homesteads at this time, from what I've seen. I've only seen Djinn launchers thus far in homesteads. Edit: One that isn't raiding, but rather fractals, is this console. I didn't see that has a homestead decoration yet either. It's just one of those more less casual PvE leaning recipes. What I'm getting at is that the developers seem to like programming decorations with interesting functionality for harder PvE content historically. There is a chance that in the future they will continue this trend with homesteads once they develop new content for raids/strikes/etc.
  7. An issue that guild halls have is that the developers tend to test decorations within their god mode. They don't have to face the player experience when it comes to mass producing decorations. They once introduced bugged decorations into the live game that could not be crafted, because they used the wrong ID for some decorations that were used within the recipe for crafting the new decorations, which highlighted a lack of playtesting. They might not have felt the time span of the first week's material cooldown. They might not predict certain issues that might arise with things like rare material drop rates vs. the trading post economy. It's good to converse about these types of subjects. I don't think the material cooldown will be an issue in the future after people get their favorite decorations and then stock up on spare materials. I do think that it's an issue for people starting out. They should probably consider just lobbing materials at players via one-time achievements to start them off on the right foot. There are some achievements with homestead materials available, but they are bare bones with about enough materials to craft a single decoration or so per achievement. They should probably aim at giving players about 800 of each of the 3 materials to start off with, which would be a good 90 or so decorations worth if the decorations costed around 25 materials per.
  8. I don't feel a great sense of progression from the mastery system, but I think that's okay. The normal crafting system progression abruptly stops for all eternity anyways, so it isn't very interesting for progression. What I was looking for myself was a sense of progression from recipe discovery from doing content or finding them in vendors around the world. It was interesting that they didn't use this opportunity to have players revisit past content! One of the few things I did when the expansion launched was go check out that Joko statue seller in the alley of Amnoon and the decorations vendor in Jahai Bluffs.
  9. I'm actually surprised that they didn't make more WvW decorations for guild halls outside of siege weapons and Eternal Battleground statues. Cooler and newer decorations tend to have a bias towards being PvE rewards, both hardcore and casual, with some having useful functions. I've got a feeling they'll lean towards that again with new raids. It is what it is.
  10. I think it says it inside the events panel, but it is something that a player can easily overlook. I looked up bed in the crafting search, saw two beds, then had to reread the objective to make sure I didn't mess up.
  11. Which bed did you make? I think there are 2 beds. If I recall, the quest asks you to make a "Traditional Kodan Bed." Avoid making the "Kodan Fancy Bed." The difference between the two is subtle in terms of text, but the bed has something that the NPCs are supposed to comment on.
  12. My guess is that they will be sold inside of homestead recipe books during the holidays. Recipe books like the ones at the heart vendors. If not that, they will probably just release them during the holidays into everyone's account.
  13. I was decorating a little today and I started to notice certain subtle things within the homestead instance. I thought I would share them, since I imagine most are working towards progression at the moment. If you have anything else that you see, please mention it! I love this kind of stuff. The sawblade will hurt you with bleed damage if you touch it. The watermill will roll you backwards if you stand upon it. There is a passage into your mines behind the upper part of the waterfall. The barn with the workbench is full of little mementos of the commander's journey. Mini Joko statue Kookoochoo the Incredulous poster Metal Legion poster Lion's Arch election posters Southsun Cove poster Guild banner The wind is stronger than that of guild halls, making things such as flags and trees wave in the wind. Sounds of objects adjust to the size of the objects. Large objects make more noise. Giant torches (the non-kodan ones) sound like raging infernos.
  14. There is one, but not everyone might have him. It's Seimur Oxbone. Once a cook unlocks the bloodstone brick oven, he arrives at the home instance/homestead.
  15. If you gather guild hall gathering nodes and the like, there is a chance of dropping items specifically meant for decoration crafting. Those can sell for multiple gold per if they are the right type. Example: "Jungle Grass Seed." If you happen to have spares inside of your bank just sitting around, selling those will make you a bit of cash. As a guild hall decorator, I've kept a few hundred of those types of items. Completely useless to people who don't like to decorate other than for situations like right now! Edit: If you are a raider, this item can be used in a launcher decoration for homestead. Sells for like 50g or something? Costs 20g + 150 mag shards. I'm not sure about the exchange rate of those shards myself.
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