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Everything posted by Vova.2640

  1. Hi. The new changes to EotM arena is great. thank you for adding the team flags. gvgs right now got way more popular with the tournament plus the changes. The issue now is.. there is only one single arena per instance. Please consider adding a few more arenas in EotM like the one right now. It would help a lot expand the gvg scene further. Thanks.
  2. while u r at it, can u delete purity of purpose. thx
  3. ? no? the single most squishiest dps clkitten in the game with pretty much 0 self boon generation ability.. and they dont even do good dmg... ?????? Are we still talking about gw2 here?
  4. This is the single most overpowered trait in the entire game. You nerf support Tempest when it was already just barely viable but leave support scrapper untouched?!?!?!?!!?!!?!
  5. ?????? We have GOM at the moment and its BEYOND HORRIBLE we have no off hours and every evening everything is queued because both servers are nothing but NA. What is the point of relinks IF YOU DONT CHANGE ALL THE LINKS ?!!??!?!?!!?!?!
  6. Probably an unpopular opinion here..... but... no downstate sucks.Its not fun when everything dies so fast. It makes the game way too snowbally and one sided.Anet next please consider giving everyone 500-1000 vitality(5-10k hp) with no downstate so at least things dont insta-die.Thnx.
  7. id recommend running 1 staff force + bloodlust and 1 staff force + strength since you have no personal might generation for Power Overwhelming trait otherwise. But then again, Id also recommend not play weaver because it is no longer worth it after all the nerfs.Rev, reaper and heck even DH/base guard are safer choices that can provide almost as much dmg on top other useful utilities. Quick edit: On that last comment you made, I'd say DH is the highest DPS spec for wvw in the game right now, but it is entirely melee and wont do jack if your group pirateships. But that also means DH is more risky than weaver since you have to be in melee with 12k hp...
  8. This was probably the only "on elite skill use" rune that did not have an ICD. It was clearly an oversight. The ICD was needed as it made scrapper too effective at cleansing condis and converting them to boons by literally spamming one single button.Speaking of which, WHERE THE NERF TO PURITY OF PURPOSE!?
  9. If anything Im not sure what kind of dimension you lot live in lol. You go on the assumption that everyone and their dog will suddenly start abusing this? And you base this on the fact that a some people coordinated some kill trade in the past? seriously what....Yes Im sure ppl still do this on small scale. It cannot be avoided. So listening to you two I get the impression anet shoud just remove drops/exp from kills altogether.Oh ppl trade objectives and ktrains maps? better remove all rewards and wxp from flipping objectives. No serious what...!?! Besides, this will hardly even be profitable.... a small chance to get some valuable junk item - maybe one truly valuable item in every 100-500 kills... you'll need so much to get much from it. Sure you may have 10 ppl from each server trading kills but that will hardly yield anything assuming you'd need like 10-20 kills for one rng 10 silver item drop / 100-200 kills for one rng 1 gold item drop etc....You can literally make more gold killing mobs in wvw that drop T6 mats that sell for 15-25silver a piece....... Cool you'll get 1-2 extra gold every 10min... or 6-12 gold every 1 hour.... by trading kills.....Yet it will literally be more profitable to run circles in silverwastes than doing this... The point of this is it will just add on top of the scraps we already get in wvw. Geez how can people even have such a negative mindset towards everything lol...
  10. Really. Not going to list the original posters name (since they aren't part of this thread) but I'll just copy/paste what they said, as think it is a rather succinct description of the issue. And ... Please go on. I feel you can teach me so much.... EotM is not even considered wvw for many of the rewards. Same can be applied for this. Only EBG + 3BLs.I dont think you get anything from kills in OS. If you do still get bags/drops anet can just disable that as well. You must be new as this has occurred multiple times in the past and most likely still happens. I played wvw for over 6 years so no, Im not new.Plus EotM and OS can be excluded from those kind of drops, as they are already excluded from any other reward related things.
  11. realistically, the 2 best solutions are add gold to reward tracks like pvp.add 'valuable junk' that only drops from killing players. This 'valuable junk' can sell for 5 silver, 10 silver, 25 silver, 50 silver 1 gold or some super rare valuable junk that can be sold for like 10 gold to an NPC merchant. This would encourage more fighting in wvw as the net rewards of actually engaging in fights and killing enemies would be so much worth it.And people who say "oh people will just coordinate and trade kills" you have no idea how wvw works.If any guild group hears about this being done they will just go there and kill the kill-trades just for the fun of it.Most people in wvw enjoy playing and winning. And those who will go to wvw to farm kills by trading will just get farmed by those who don't care and are just looking to kill stuff. Simple as that.
  12. I cannot understand why they dont add gold to pip chests like in pvp.You can even repeat the chest in pvp for 20 gold per repeat...You cant even make 20g from wvw if you the whole day, unless you get a 1-in-1,000,000 prec drop lmfao. And in wvw when we repeat the diamond chest..... we get 4 memories of battle, worth less than 40silver (-15% TP tax)2 loot bags that usually give <2 silver worth of materials...and skirmish chests which worth probably less than 50 silver.So all in all less than 1gold worth of mats for repeating diamond.. which takes... 330 pips.Assume you are a veteran and get like 10 pips per 5min, thats 33x5min = 165 minutes = almost 3 hours for less than 1 gold. And this is not even taking into account the rewards in between completing the mini tiers in the pip track, which give flat 1.5 gold in pvp, and less than 50 silver worth of random junk in wvw. How is this okay....
  13. thank you cmc. If these tests prove successful please consider adding a 2nd EBG-like map to the mode to compensate the cap decrease on other maps.or even open a 2nd instance of ebg for prime hours (eg 8pm to midnight EST, 2 skirmishes). ps. boons and condis dont cause skill lag. u can have 3x75+ blobs standing in close proximity doing absolutely nothing and the game will be unplayable.
  14. firebrand is the only reliable class to give party stab and stun break consistently. the last thing they should do is nerf firebrand stab. alternatively their could buff any other class to share party wide stab consistently. this would indirectly "nerf" firebrand. scrapper just need to a nerf to Purity of Purpose. that trait alone pumps too many boons. Maybe making it an ICD of like 2-3 seconds PER TARGET NOT GLOBAL would make it more reason able. even 2 seconds ICD per target would reduce scrapper boon output but nearly 50%... and 3 seconds by nearly 66%. Also mortar kit + alturism rune synergy needs to be looked at. tempest was already hard nerfed when they lower water overload target cap from 10 to 5 effectively taking away 1 extra condi clear per second. and a lot of healing.At the moment tempest is only viable as an auxiliary support and is by no means a good replacement for scrapper. idk about roaming. but for ranger they should really tune down how much immob that class can spam. Tempest immob trait got nerfed from 2sec to 1sec, effectively a 50% nerf. ranger could use a similar treatment. immob is by far the strongest condi right now..
  15. 2 things.first, it is a GREAT change. they could buff warclaw speed a bit, make it more useful for siege, etc. but it should not be affecting combat directly. period.second, its funny how its a few players from a very specific server that was known to HARD abuse the mount stomps that are bringing these changes up as negative. classic. overall it is a good change. that and the ac nerfs. now if only their nerfed drag banner 5 instead of 1 and 2 tho..
  16. aaand they're goneShade Skills: Reduced the target cap of shades from 3 to 2 in WvW only. Reduced the target cap of greater shades from 5 to 2 in WvW only. thank you anet. now get ready for reapers everywhere..
  17. At least reset the scores. Everything got scrambled up. Servers that were winning are now randomly losing because they got swapped positions with a losing server.......
  18. So yeah we randomly went up to T1. All objectives reset like they do on reset. It is as if reset happened just now. The thing is, the score itself did not reset. We inherited the score SBI(the losing server that dropped to T2 now) had in T1 for the current week. So a partial reset happened where matchups got changed, but the scores remained the same. That's a pretty messed up bug right there.................
  19. Im on Anvil Rock. We were T2 this week, leading the matchup bit a tiny bit. Now suddenly we are in T1 facing BG and HoD. We have SBIs current score they had in the matchup.Wvw websites show SBI is in now T2 in our spot with our current score. instead of T1 Seems the game decided to apply reset 1up-1down random in the middle of the week????????????
  20. skill lag in 3-ways has been in the game for years.anet will not acknowledge this.anet will not do anything to fix this. whether it them not caring enough to address this, or technical limitations (in 2020 lulw) the lag is here to stay until this game is no more.
  21. A lil' sad to see SAB delayed I was hoping to see next week :( But Im excited for it nonetheless. Well besides the obvious new worlds.... I want to say more SAB weapon skin variations please.More colours!! Combinations of colours! colours changing every few sec and stuff idk..The SAB skins are hand down my favourite weapon skins in the game, and I would just love to have more of then, more colours, mix of colours, etc.
  22. Did you even read what I wrote?I am perfectly well aware that people will make 2nd and 3rd squads to continue blobbing down. The idea is that it will make stuff like heals and boons share more difficult, and worse coordination between squads... thus making it easier for 25 and less man groups to fight blobs. Everyone read what you wrote, and you made no mention of heals and buffs...Again, clearly not. I mentioned in my original post that I am aware that people will make 2nd/3rd squads that is what I was referring to. Learn to read please. Learn what wvw was primarily made for... And hint, it’s not modeled after WoW battlegrounds... Oh? What was it "primarily made" for then?Because from I have seen, when there "100 of players fighting over an objective" the servers just die and skill lag becomes unbearable.I wonder if that was "primarily made" to be like that......
  23. Again, the idea is that this is make blobs less favourable in fights. To try and discourage blobbing up and running everything over.It would be harder to coordinate a 2nd/3rd squad on one pin. It will be harder to share boons and heals between squads. This is not supposed to be a perfect solution.. there is no perfect solution... probably never will be.But this is just one step forwards empowering smaller groups and discouraging blobbing.
  24. Did you even read what I wrote?I am perfectly well aware that people will make 2nd and 3rd squads to continue blobbing down. The idea is that it will make stuff like heals and boons share more difficult, and worse coordination between squads... thus making it easier for 25 and less man groups to fight blobs.
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