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Garrison Storm.3046

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Everything posted by Garrison Storm.3046

  1. In spite of all of the suggestions, this thread and many others, success with this particular mini-game continues to elude me... and I simply am not interested in investing the time to practice, and I accept that's on me... and is also why I am grateful that I don't have to complete it to get credit for the Annual Traditions... You only need 7/8 for credit, so skip that merry nastiness! As you acknowledge, the others can be completed much quicker... Best of luck and Happy Holidays!
  2. I also have created Gen1 without having completed the dungeons. My interpretation of the wiki is that it requires 5 runs of the dungeons to acquire 500 tokens, as this is listed as a "Note" to the cost...
  3. Completely apart from the LFG issue you're experiencing, but have you considered the Tyrian Exchange Voucher to get your missing tokens? 1 voucher = 300 tokens. While it may not be the most efficient, at least grinding festivals for the currency (or buy them outright, if you have the coin) to buy the voucher(s) is an alternative... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tyrian_Exchange_Voucher
  4. Welcome! I understand where you're coming from... it can seem counter-intuitive to run into the cross-hairs of battle... However a general simplification that should be varied based on the situation, but stacking up with groups allow you to benefit from the boons and abilities provided by the stacked group. If you're less experienced and under-equipped, you may find yourself dying quicker or more frequently than others... but you'll also notice that more often than not, you'll be healed/resurrected much quicker as well. Overall you will succeed more often that not in this fashion by sticking with the group. Of course, if the group is staying outside, then follow their lead as well.. Many encounters involve moving back and forth; you will come to learn the mechanics of various encounters and adopt your playstyle accordingly. As someone who enjoys playing a ranger myself, it can be a lot of fun to adopt a ranged playstyle... If you are agile and reasonably adept at survivability, then you'll be in constant movement, dodging and evading on the perimeter to avoid circles, etc. when necessary... but you are doing this solo, and with less support from the group... Generally people are less inclined to run out to the perimeter to offer assistance in that case... and you may not be benefiting from the various boons that the group is providing... Best of luck!
  5. Not sure... As I recall the circles seems to keep popping even after the chest as spawned... Anyway, suggest to check a guide to ensure that you're looking in the right spot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAgTdCfQbKA (this one is a bit confusing as Ayin starts with the Skyscale and then realizes the Raptor is a better choice.. but still gives you the circles and chest spawn location)
  6. I think it's been pointed out many times that you can exclude the tasks that you're not interested in, and still find plenty to do to get your wizard's bucks... No wizard points are "wasted"; if you didn't succeed, then you didn't get them... Not sure what a "reroll system" is exactly, but... seems like that would be nice for anything you mess up in life, wouldn't it? "Son, you were driving over the speed limit..." "Maybe you're right, Officer... but... reroll!" "Is that alcohol I smell?" "REROLL, REROLL!!!"
  7. Yesssss.... Queue up Steve and the Maze! Gotta say though, if I never played 'Mad King Says' again, life would go on... 🙂
  8. I tend to agree, but given that's how the mini-game was designed... fishing power relative to fishing hole power to determine difficulty... Not sure they could (or would) add a Super Rare fish working under different mechanics. It's one of the many design topics previously discussed on what could have been... imagine the anticipation of not know what you've hooked, but seeing that the difficulty just ramped up and knowing as a result that you've got a "whopper" to land... which of course then leads to the frustration from not reeling it in, and not knowing what monster you let get away, LOL!!!
  9. The open sandbox nature of the game can be overwhelming at first. As mentioned by others, I also agree with using the Personal Story as your guide... it will walk you through and introduce much of the areas and game in a structured and linear fashion.. You can always break away if something else catches your eye, and resume at any given point in time. Joining a Guild that emphasizes newcomers is also a way to get some friendly advice, if you're open to that kind of interaction. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/30-looking-for-guild/ Welcome and best of luck!
  10. Nice to read a post from someone who actually enjoys the activity; we're part of a pretty exclusive club! Maybe if you lowered and equalized the required fishing power across maps, you might balance out the distribution of fishermen a little more? "Super rare" anything just seems to result in user frustration, or unrealistic expectations, and the multitude of inevitable complaints when enough of them aren't successful. Besides, when was the last time ANet provided a junk drop worth that much? Even a 10g drop would be unprecedented, to my recollection. But adding a fishing task to the Daily/Weekly/Special in some fashion could be interesting... No doubt the non-fishermen would be unhappy with this, but... I'm staring at a couple of Strike Missions that I won't do either, so... to each their own; the more diverse the choices, the more likely everyone will find tasks that they enjoy... Anyway... Ultimately and to come full circle.... I'm not sure there are enough users who enjoy fishing to warrant or expect significant changes... I was surprised to see a new collections with Soto, so just maybe there is a glimmer of hope...
  11. I read that they had extended the duration of the gates... any notion as to how much longer they persist? Previously they seemed what.. 5 seconds ?
  12. Yes, it does kind of throw the 'updated quarterly' concept into question, but... does it matter? I guess if there is a compulsion for some users to HAVE to complete them, then it may cause some frustration, but ultimately it's just additional optional opportunity to generate more AA... So long of course as you're able to track the accumulation and spend on the fly... completing a special and then discovering that you only banked half the AA would also be frustrating...
  13. Thank you... I found that but didn't realize that the rewards reset was aligned with the same timing as the Special Objectives... Good to know.
  14. Identifying transmutations charges as "Amazing" on the splash page kind of kills any interest in that particular video for me, lol. But to each their own; there is a variety of rewards that should appease most users, I would guess. I also have already selected the majority of rewards that appeal to me... I haven't done the math to know how empty the reward vault will be if I'm reasonably efficient before reset... It will be a little disappointing if I am left deciding between transmutation charges and tomes of knowledge with two weeks to go... Would it make sense to have a timer/countdown somewhere within the Wizard's Vault tab to indicate when rewards would reset? Might help with some planning, particularly as the reset gets closer...
  15. Conceptually it does sound "pretty effing cool", but can you imagine the added visuals if every mount persisted throughout combat, either as a secondary ranger pet-like option or if players themselves stayed mounted? More critically, what would that do to every combat encounter, in which many are already suffering from power-creep? How would you balance the added power and/or new abilities of the mount? Something else would have to be adjusted (nerfed) to balance... Similar to the threads requesting new races or henchmen, this feels like something that would have needed to be planned from the beginning, and not integrated years later, as simply too complicated to add at this point. As others have suggested in those other threads, maybe GW3...
  16. If the thing you are looking for is 'killable', then it's very possible that there is an associated "Slayer" achievement... in which case, there are guides online to help for finding these efficiently. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guide_to_Slayer_achievements https://dulfyreborn.net/achievements/general/slayer/gw2-slayer-achievements-guide.html
  17. There are a few threads on fishing that offer detail and some great advice from some experienced fishermen. I would add to this thread, that for new fishermen, important to note that fishing power for fishing holes are graded by Region, and not Map Level... so for example, the recommended fishing power for Frostgorge Sound, a level 70-80 map, is lower than Metrica Province, a level 1-15 map, because the Maguuma region is graded higher than the Shiverpeaks region. If you're not aware and choose a map in which you're under-resourced, this could lead to initial frustration... Also my general recommendation would be to max out your fishing/skiff masteries (and gear up) before spending significant time fishing... This will result in most of the maps being viable from a fishing power perspective. If you do find yourself below the recommended fishing power, evaluate how close you are to see if you can reach that threshold by adding any combination of the Fishing Tips (+50 buff that persists across maps for an hour), switching to Mackerel for bait (+50) or considering whether you are using the maximum food buff... Some will argue that you should always have this maximized, however these all come at a higher cost, and I personally don't always bother if I don't feel I need it for the situation... Note as well that recommended fishing power also varies slightly with hole type on any give map... So if you're really close to the threshold, see if you can reach it just by switching hole types (i.e. Coastal to Offshore, etc.) Lastly I will point out that as fishing is considered a 'gathering/harvesting' activity, it is affected by other non-fishing boosts that can increase the number of casts per hole as well as the quality of catch... Hope some of this helps!
  18. In other words, you succeeded at least 2 dozen times! 🙂 It got me a few times as well... mildly frustrating not to locate the chest at the end of the series like the others, but... whatever!
  19. Networks of leylines all over the place would be great... but, can we not be allowed to fly through them passively, and "F" Activate when you actually want to catch them? I seem to spend more time flying around them than I spend riding them....
  20. Remembered this comment from earlier this week and had to circle back, as it made me laugh today... Used a similar guide for Flying Foxes location... Ayin lands on the tiny floating island, the Elite Skyscale ignores her while she patiently shoots her stationary targets.... Me? That Elite is all over my butt instantly... AND one of my targets is moving!!! So yeah.. maybe there's some RNG involved, or maybe those dedicated guiders are on a pre-patched version that hasn't been quite polished yet... regardless, our experiences were NOT the same!!! PS. Thank you Anet, for not penalizing misses on those galleries by resetting! 🙂
  21. Well now. Why don't you tell us what you really think? 😉 I have to agree that the "yoga thing" feels a bit out of place and is a bit of a pace-killer at the point in the meta...
  22. Agreed, it's a pain... but there are nice suggestions in the other thread: ...they probably should be merged.
  23. Already had the SS. Used a guide to systematically visit the nests... cleared Archipelago and finally found about halfway through Amnytas... so 15-18 visits for me.
  24. Sorry this is not relevant to the question, but reading and agreeing with this, and it just occurred to me... how great would it be if you could set a limit on each mat storage bin, so that once the max is reached, those mats don't get auto-deposited? Defaulted to no limit, as is... So I want every mystic coin accumulated, no limit. I never want to save apples or ambergris, max of zero, and you sell out of your inventory...
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