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Everything posted by KelyNeli.4516

  1. He cant kick hard, but could break someone in half in thickest part with just bare hands. :p It’s burst in PvE is not that strong. In PvP it has burst but if you miss 2 arc divider you have nothing else to offer. And you will be tunneled heavily as berserker, against competent opponents, with limited tools to fend off. Berserker is good for wvw. In sPvP, core warrior is far more versatile. SB is on a whole other level. It is bad design all across. Are you assuming that core warrior is useless? Because he doesnt have arc divider at all.If you miss arc divider, change to riffle and shoot the guy down, berserker hits like a truck even without using burst skills.
  2. Our deeps are too big for you to heal us out from aggro magnet dude.Its always the healers fault, git gut.
  3. good one LOL I guess elementalist water form and staff healing rain should counter the berserker then in GW2 lore HUE If the berserker is not hot enough, yes. My warrior is so hot, water just vaporizes on contact.What do you mean by hot? Mine is the hottest!
  4. Power build is useful for all the three, so you just farm points, ignore entirely anything that gives you condition and you could play all three if you feel like it, i mean you change from one to another. I did not said berserker is the best dps out there, however he is indeed in top 3-4 idk for sure, but it is quite a accomplishment if you realise there are 9 classes, with 2 espec + core each. Chronomancer will get balanced soon, along with deadeye, ArenaNet have just started changing the elite specs in the game, dont worry they will finally tone these few specs down to the level of berserker. Daredevil got nerfed, so there is something going on.
  5. PoF are empty due to the last changes to the unid gear.
  6. But you said berserker damage is not too good, which is untrue and false. "I'm also thinking that if it is a burst spec ... it's got some pathetic damage to burst with. It's between ... something, resulting in ... nothing. (...)It also fails as a long duration DPS spec because it's DPS is countered by it's sustain-biased design outside of berserker mode. To be frank, I don't see what this spec really does in the context of the game modes we have in this game" Berserker is not underperforming because he has a windows of burst damage and is relatively weak outside of it comparing to core warrior. Because of berserker mode being so loaded with free damage, you are doing more than core warrior to the point where you could be a top spec for damage in PVE.Let me explain it why it is that way.If you have character that has majority of its potential in 1/2 of the time, then if the mechanics happens or there is a downtime in which you cannot do damage, then this character will always be dealing more damage in comparison to a character that could do 100% of himself 100% of time, because whenever you will have a window to deal damage you are ready to enter it with your stronger side, and if the window closes then you are in your weaker mode, if damage window opens again you go in with your stronger mode and so on as so forth. Berserker gains 40% more damage for 15 secs and then he loses it for another 15 secs.If it happens that there is a windows of 20 seconds to do damage then he will be at the top of damage charts.And dont say that damage is not important, because it is the most important stat in the game, it determines everything in PVE.
  7. Berserker is doing more than fine in PVE, due to the so called power swings, you are dealing massive amount of damage whenever you have an occasion to do so.PVE, raids, fractals, world content and even dungeons are not a stationary dps check, you move a lot, you dodge or execute mechanics and do not do dmg all the time. When it comes to bosses and bigger targets my berserker is being focus by it 80% of time, it does giant amount of damage and this is a fact. Berserker is the only warrior spec that could run raids without any banners and i dont remember this happen ever before, his damage is not bad.
  8. I did this sooo many times. :o i am very respectfully curious. why are you nervous or hesitant to use lfg? did other mmos influence it? It takes too long to find people and then go through it.Dungeons are being run in majority by low lvls, but these are so difficult i dont feel like to wait an hour to create a group and try doing it. So i just from time to time watch at LFG list and join one if there is while doing some other stuff on the alt tab.
  9. You cant compare a dedicated range class to a dedicated melee class.Deadeye will be stronger than warrior with rifle, but let the soil be good for him if he will let warrior to get into melee distance hehehe.Arc divide him into pieces lawl.
  10. When choosing riffle you are making a trade offs.I would not consider playing riffle on a core or spellbreaker warrior, because core warrior burst is just pretty garbage. With berserker on the other hand, weapon shows off some fang, and damage of flaming gun primal burst is still pretty good and funny, especially on the wvw, but also in open world this weapon is useful since its your only valid option for dealing damage in range to be honest if you play power build.Riffle power berserker may not be the strongest build in the world, but it is still useful if you choose riffle just to give yourself some range. In pvp if people run away from my Giant sword berseker i just swap to the rifle and burst them down, its funny to see someone getting 1 shoot for over 10k. I may remind you, power berk with rifle will never be a deadeye or something else, its own mediocore thing for a warrior, not something that break worlds in half.On my power berserker i run thishttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJARkCldAnIWICs3i7yN6e8AyABNjAQEYAA-jxBBQBA4JAoPdB1Y/BNq87kKBVo6PV4SAEA4A48zz8zDs+6rv+6r31nv+6nv+6nf+5nXKgRlaB-eSimply because i dont bother getting seperate eq for pve and WvW. I got 75% crit chance, so i wont overlap it when getting fury buff, and that 5% gap is for flag of your own or someone else boons.
  11. I came back to berserker warrior from revenant because i found it pretty difficult to manage my resources with him and i was not performing well in PVE in comparison to berserker due to the gameplay differences and whatnot different goals. Does it make revenant class irrelevant ?
  12. Even if they nerf it by 50%, it still will be amazing spell due to inflicting vulnerability three times (30%) from Arms tree.You will kill a guy regardless of arc divider damage, you will just need to whirlwind him for extra dmg, this skill is also strong.
  13. In PVE in general.What gives discipline over Arms? Lets talk here about berserker.5 adrenaline on weapon swap, where you could double the adrenaline gain with Furious trait. For a second trait warriors sprint is pretty much the only choice, which gives 25% movement speed and 3% dmg with swiftness buff.Fast hands reducing weapon swap to 5 seconds, would you ever use that trait to be honest? From time to time sure, but are you staying at one weapon for 5 second only? Rotation with for example GS and axes takes longer than that, its a wasteThen you have banner buff, 200 more stats, lets say precision and ferocity, this translates into 5% crit chance and crit damage, the gimmick here is that you have to slot a flag in order to make any use of it. Placing a flag and taking, managing it takes time, time is dps, not really worth it, flags are useful enough even without this trait if you play group content. Other two traits are there for pvp not giving too much.Then you have trait that gives you 2 might on weapon swap and bursts skills recharged faster which does not even matter for your berserker since you dont utilize it too much due to the berserker mode downtime, lets be real.After that you have 2 pretty nice and useful traits, depending on which weapon you use, you could get faster recharge on axe and 2 adrenaline on crit with axe skills, but are you an axe user? Maybe on core warrior, but on berk?Second one gives you quickness when hitting a target below 50%, but it has 15 sec cooldown its crappy.Third one is probably the one you choose on berserker, but then this trait benefits are limited to the berserker mode and you are reducing your effectiveness outside of it even more when you go for that trait. That 7% burst damage is meaningful if you are going to make an use from it two-three times every 30 seconds.At this point you are lacking furry uptime, and you are missing about 20-25% on the DPS while being at 80% crit chance or lower, its not optimal at all.Arms will give you an easy access to fury during berserker mode and outside of it, you get easy 30% incoming damage debuff on your arc divider, you get twice the better adrenaline regenaration, your throw bola skill gives you 7 adrenaline, furry for 10 sec and peaks performance, with super fast casting and it is on low cooldown with 2 charges to use, and a little condition damage on top of it. See what i meant when saying, discipline is not for berserker?
  14. You are expecting the similar game play and outcome of a core warrior which is plainly wrong, because berserker is not supposed to be played the same.As a berserker you should focus your traits on building up as much adrenaline as possible, because in berserker mode you are unmatched power DPS. Its not workaround, its how it supposed to be played.You dont have any other options for fury on berserker, and with arms you do, along with increased adrenaline build up.Sundering burst applies debuff 3 times when used with Arc divider, you get fury for using throw bola, which also grants you peaks performance and 6 adrenaline, thats right and 7 when crit. Furious trait increases adrenaline generation through hit by 2 times, you get 1 adrenaline each hit from whatever you do, and another point if that hit is crit.Discipline now is trash tree to go for on berserker, arms synergizes with berserker and gives everything he needs.Its not walkaround, its BIS.
  15. Its absolutely fined0nt yov gUys h4ve DodG3? There is no spell fast enough that could stun berserker before killing you.
  16. Does not change a fact this spec is in a much better shape than it was before the rework.Idk what you expected? To be similarly strong to core warrior, but still get berserker stance goodies? Thats not how balance works. You are missing one tree as a berserker in comparison to core warrior when you are outside of berserker mode, basically few % damage boost and 25% movement speed or some healing when breaking out of stun or spending adrenaline, big deal.
  17. Then play a core warrior if you dont like it duh.Berzerker has different gameplay and you play it differently, you have an amazing mode and you are mediocore outside of it, thats is the trade off.You got rage skills to extend this mod for a reason.Idk what is here to fix? Berserker now is much better than it was one week ago and this is a fact, just because it does not meet your expectation doesnt mean it should be changed.
  18. That is nice, but in PvE, you are basically forced to give up either Discipline or Strength. Both of those traitlines are esential for DPS builds, unless you intend to camp only one weapon set. I would be better off by just taking for great justice and keep both traitlines. As I mentioned before, there are workarounds, but the issue is that Berseker should have (also thematically) much better access to fury, similarly to core warrior and spellbreaker. Missing Arcing Slice is the main reason of this. I was wrong with the tree, this trait is actually in Arms tree.With this tree you could keep fury buff all the time, since it not only gives you fury on burst skill use, but also on the bola throw. Discipline is not that good.You get bonuses on weapon swap, 7% damage if you have swiftness, which you dont have unless you use balance stance and burst skill with burst mastery trait but it is only for 3 sec, 3% damage boon on the target which barely ever happens in PVE.With tactics you get furry uptime with burst skill use and physical skill, which encourages you to get that sweet peaks performance boon, you get some condi damage as well which actually works even on power berserker since your activation does in fact some condi damage too and you stack condi on critical hits, not to mention you gain 1 adrenaline per hit and you stack your adrenaline bars crazy fast. @editActually after some testing, i am 100% sure Arms tree with opportunists and Furious traits is the BIS right now.1 adrenaline does not sound like a big deal, but it practically almost doubles the amount of adrenaline you gain from hitting stuff. You get 1 adrenaline per hit normally, and with 100% crit (which you should have on power build) you get another 1 from this trait as a result of you applying critical hit.In berserker mode you fill up adrenaline faster than primal burst is able to cooldown, with Giant sword with new primal bursts its super strong you spinning around all the time, its crazy.
  19. Use opportunist trait in arms and throw bolas physical skill.So you not only get peaks performance but also furry for 10 sec as well.You might also consider using wild blow rage skill, which also grants 8 sec fury.
  20. This is why berserker will not be buffed anytime soon.They cant buff a spec that is strong in WvW and PVE just to cater to PVP audience, otherwise they will make it overpowered in the two where it is already strong. A lot of people complaining fail to realise it, asking for a buff because they cant win in pvp. Too bad i guess.
  21. Its on you to use their strength against someone.In case of berserker, you have a berserk mode which you could turn on with one ability and overpower anyone while being in this mode.If you fail to make an use from it, then you deserve to lose.It has everything to do with skill, you get a super sayan transformation for limited amount of time to evaporate someone then you have to wait some time before activating it again. Berserker mode is so strong that the only way to counter it is to run away or land all your CC on him, what else do you want? Teleportation so you could turn berserker on, TP to someone and instaburst him down?
  22. If you learn how to use them, then they are.
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