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Everything posted by Dayra.7405

  1. Sum up the total attr points and the answer is obvious.
  2. The wiki is an community effort (not ANets), probably not many WvW-playet in it. Just update it, if you see a mistake.
  3. A game like GW2 directly lives and develops further proportinal to the income from player. NCSoft always took it's fee for financing Arenanet, but in general I think much more of spending for the game goes into the further development of the game, than it does in other games. Given that using a shop with quite high margin like steam instead of buying directly at ANet directly means less future content.
  4. I wonder that no one so far opened a thread about this. How will SotO's OW-leggy armor affect future WvW-population? I think it's quite natural to assume, that most that will do OW-leggy armor will do so instead of WvW-leggy armor, as in my impression a lot people choose wvw only because they like Raids & PvP even less. Clearly this has a positive effect like less semi-afk participation farmer on your server. But it also means. less enemies to kill, roamers loose their farming target, leading to much less participation in off-time in general. WvW will also loose a source of new players, that started as WvW as leggy farmer, but learned and liked WvW as a result. What do you think? Will Wvw-Population (play hours) drop? And by how much? I expect an overal loss of 30-40% mainly in off-time.
  5. You cannot fall behind in gw2 (as a result of the horizontal progression), you can only progress in the direction you choose to as far as you choose to.
  6. Maybe a general remark at the beginning: If you just want to repeat "End-Game" forever, go back to WoW, if you like to explore a massive new world free your mind of "end-game" and continue exploring this new world step by step. You just skiped the tutorial (lvling to 80), step out and look what happens 🙂 Unlock the Mastery System, there are 455 (mastery-) lvl to go. 😀 The first one to go is Pact Commander: Autoloot (Adv. Logistics), next ones could be better Mounts (->PoF) or Gliding (-> HoT) or the skyscale (new expansion to be released mid aug.) But getting the masteries is a side-job to have a look at from time to time, not a good goal in itself. So choose a goal, possible goals could be (but are not limited to): Choose a build you like (dps, quick-dps, alacrity-dps, quick-heal, alacrity-heal) for your class, look it up in google (e.g. dps guardian) look which elite it requires, get hero points for that elite, also look the equipment to play the class (make it a bit more defensive or you die a lot solo in open world), get gold to buy it in the AH (or look up one of the millions other ways to get it). Learn to play your build by doing something with it 🙂 (core-Tyria is much easier then the rest of the game, don't be shocked to die a lot when you leave it.) Play Story, there is a lot (Your current pers. Story, Living Story (LS) 1, LS 2, HoT, LS3, PoF, LS4, Icebrood Saga (IBS aka LS5), EoD, new Expansion is the chronological order). Explore the maps (and I don't mean rush over it to get map-exporation, but also play events, they tell a story per map) Play timed events (/wiki et), e.g. to earn a bit money Play dungeons or Tier 1 fractals Learn Jumping in Jumping Puzzles Repeat stuff you just did to get achievements for it. ... Switch goals when you think you want something else. There are good explanations to everything in the gw2 wiki, e.g. try /wiki Ascended in the chat. If you prefer goggle try "gw2 Ascended", i.e. prefix everything you search with gw2. The first Ascended to get is probably the Amulett. Simply play Gw2 for 28 days to get 28 login rewards, this includes: 35 Laurels (or 55 if the Laurel reward is selected from the Chest of Loyalty) for 30 laurels (or 20 laurels + some WvW Badges of Honor) you can buy an Ascended Amulett at a Laurel merchant (marked as Laurel on the Map in cities).
  7. Hm I am not sure that I want ley-line riding on mounts. It depends how much control I keep over the fly direction while in the ley-line. On the glider you have no control you can only turn gliding off to leave the ley-line and the big advantage of the mount is to ignore the ley-line, i.e. you can simply pass through them. If you currently want the line-line (or the updraft) you can switch to gliding mid-air using Bond of Faith already. In summary, I don't see a big advantage, I just fear a loss of control. Would be really useful to be able to beta-test it before.
  8. That already exist: Bond of Faith Edit: You can also use Bond of Faith to switch from sky scale to griffon or gliding (for updrafts and ley-lines) mid air. Once you have all that: take a fly-hour in bloodstone fen that's really fun 😉
  9. I guess you will need one to navigate on the new maps 😀
  10. Reach the next multiple of 10 by leveling. You only had a 10 hour trial mount so far, The check, if you qualify for a permanent raptor, should be done every multiple of 10 level. See https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/New_Player_Experience The 2nd possibility is: "Characters below level 80 can unlock this mount, and gain access to the Crystal Desert, by joining the story mission instance of a level 80 character. " (same wiki page some lines below) I think a third way would be enter cantha, e.g. by a teleport to friend, if you would own EoD.
  11. The skyscale can (already) get up walls, the bunny cannot even dream to get up. The cannonball CC of the bunny is the only thing the skyscale has not. Of course if you like the style (and not the functionality) of the bunny it will still be unique. Read the announcement careful again. It will not be free, but reduced effort AND you will have Boni if you do both masteries, the current and the new. From the announcement: Whether or not you own Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire or completed the original skyscale collection, Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure will grant you a more streamlined collection to unlock a skyscale of your very own. Bonus from Both (old and new) Mastery Tracks: Air Rescue grants Bond of Vigor Upgrades Wall Launch to charge faster and launch farther Flying mounts can use ley lines
  12. Yeah, as said above the more char-slots and equipment-slots you have filled with expensive runes, the harder you are hit. So this leads to another question: Would I have bought that char/equipment-slot for gems, if the relict-system would have been in place? I bought 3 char-slots and a bunch of equipment slots, I likely wouldn't have bought if I would have been aware of the relic-system. (depends how much effort/gold, it will be to get relics.) That question can currently not seriously answered, we simply don't know how many different runes will exist afterwards, and how much will the useful ones cost.
  13. I think they simply aren't knowing how the beta mechanic is working. 😉 The beta-chars are on a copy of your account, made at beta-start (so the beta-chars doesn't see changes you do by playing normal chars, and your normal chars don't see anything (be it positive like earning gold, or negative like consuming food) done with the beta chars.) This beta-copy is deleted when the beta finished. There is no way to keep anything you acquited on beta chars.
  14. For shared inv I can confirm 29 (25 normal buyable + 4 from expansions) slots now. I am not at max char slots nor did I bought the version with a char-slot.
  15. There is a second aspect of devaluing, if you have many char-slots with many equipment-slots bought for many gems and equiped them all with good runes for much gold and then have to read: "To celebrate the new system, we’ll distribute a relic selection box to all players at launch." You have good reason to think What the kitten! They celebrate to take away dozens of effects from my equipment to give me just one back? I've 21 char-slots, with 2-4 equipment-slots, I would need 50+ relics not one to keep what I have.
  16. I invested over 2000gold (7 leg Runes) into the capability to freely choose all runes and special effects. And to have them on all chars. Now this goes away, devaluing my investment? You must be quite rich calling 2000g tiny.
  17. I would prefer, that no one can provide more than 20% uptime (or none at all) for quickness and alacrity to the group 🙂
  18. June 29 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) This is 18:00 CEST
  19. Irrelevant, the number of different runes will shrink and their price will collapse to NPC-value for all, not only for most as today.
  20. 29th Shared inv slot great, already got what I can get from the expansion (kidding, I also want the new skyscale mastery and core-weapons 🙂) . Waiting for the next expansion (next year?) to get my 30th 🙂
  21. The only use of springer is cc, e.g. at wyvern matriarch. Skyscale with mastery go higher already and navigates much easier
  22. Updrifts and ley-lines will definitely be very interesing. And you can cheese most difficult JP's already. Otherwise there isn't that much so high in the sky 🙂 and the long cooldown doesn't really make it a way to travel fast.
  23. If you currently boost your high with Bond of Vigor you will not be able to keep your high, your are sinking back to normal over time. Not sure how they did it however and how the new masteries will affect it.
  24. I can't await the new skyscale mastery and free usage of so far elite weapons (e.g. staff-rifle thief and sword/sword-longbow guard, or herold with shortbow, ...) at once, I already enjoy my 29. shared inv slot, the rest we will see 🙂
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