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Everything posted by Bandini.6185

  1. The problem is not only the price but the quantity. Right now, there are only 16 chests for sale. Enough for one player. 5000 tokens is just too much.
  2. I have 3 accounts : 2 were created at launch (in fact a few days earlier, during Headstart Access period), and a third one created a few years after. Only the last one can log in.
  3. I am in the exact same situation with 2 accounts. The third one had done his dailies before the update of yesterday, and didn't have any problem with the daily chest today.
  4. Thank you for this very detailled answer. It makes me want to give the griffon another try.
  5. I'm experiencing the same problem since today after patch. I hope it will come back as usual after reset but I'm not very confident about it after reading your post.
  6. I hate fractals because there is very often some jumping or complicated run associated with it. I by far prefer dungeons, but the problem is it can take time to find pple. Buffing the loot may help. Besides, there are some achievements tied to dungeons, and you need dungeon currency for Gen I legendaries.
  7. Except that we don't have the same one anymore. Depending on the extensions you own and the choice of modes (PvE, PvP, WvW), you have a completely different set of daily/weekly tasks. And thus different jumping puzzles or mini-dungeons. I was relying on the dailies for finishing Mawdrey (Forsaken Fortune), I think I can just forget it...
  8. Mean is exactly the word that came to my mind when I saw that my core (paid) account was stuck at 7/8.
  9. I don't understand your "joy" because previously, you were also able to do your entire dailies just in PvP, as you had to chose only 3 tasks out of 4 pvp tasks. So no improvement at all. Instead you now have a set list of 3 tasks and you could find yourself not liking/being able to do one of them. For me, that's a big downgrade.
  10. I hope the public instances will stay after the event, because they are much easier to organise than private ones, and give also more fun.
  11. This legendary armory is a real pain for weapons. More than that, it makes using legendary weapons LESS convienent than ascended ones. Please revert this asap, or let us put our legendary weapons in our inventory with all its sigils, infusions and stats.
  12. Too much blank space on the right, too much scrolling, too much lost space everywhere.
  13. The problem with these collections is that you don't get lodestones very often. Supply of destroyer lodestones on TP wouldn't be enough for 10 players. It goes up to 32 players if you consider the cores in addition...
  14. I saw the recipes for the new weapons and I just... laughed.You may have solved the problem of the prismatium Ingots, but these collections still need a huge amount of lodestones. For being able to craft the ascended version, you need the exotic first which means : 160 destroyer lodestones for exotic fire collection320 destroyer lodestones for ascended fire collection160 destroyer and corrupted lodestones for ascended fire collection (amalgamated draconic lodestones)giving a total of 640 destroyer and 160 corrupted lodestones for fire ascended collection (the other way round for ice ascended collection). I'm not sure I've looted so many lodestones in my entire life on gw2. Presently, I'm still struggling with Charged Stormcaller weapons (6/16) which need 320 destroyer and corrupted lodestones (plus a nice 320 charged lodestones). Though being a completionist and an AP hunter, I don't think I will be doing any of these ascended collections soon (or ever).
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