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Everything posted by Zuko.7132

  1. Zerk mode could just grant 300 precision along with power and condi, but that might be too much.
  2. Ya, I agree. Vuln and a coefficient buff would be better than cripple for Arc Divider. I like your outrage suggestion better than mine. I don’t like the crit period idea for Bloody Roar because that steps on Arms’s toes. I’d rather have the arms grandmaster transition to x seconds of 100% crit chance per bar of adrenaline spent, but I’ll take my buffs where I can get them. I don’t think unblockable would be too strong, because it would be on a squishy zerker build without double savage instinct.
  3. 1. Remove Resistance from Bloody Roar and put it on Burst of Aggression. 2. Bloody Roar now doubles the duration of Burst of Aggression buffs and gives you 3 stacks of unblockable for 5 seconds. 3. Last Blaze now also increases burn damage by 10%. 3. Berserker stance now has a 25 sec cd. 4. Outrage now removes blind, weakness, and soft ccs. 5. Shattering blow is now aoe instead of a frontal cone. Block increased to 1 sec. 6. Wild Blow resets your burst skill cooldown, and has a 300 range dash. 7. Blood reckoning now has a 20 sec cd. Damage to healing increased to 50%. 4. Give gunflame a 1.75 coefficient. 5. Give Rupturing Smash a 1.3 coefficient. 6. Give Skull Grinder a 1.3 coefficient. 7. Have Decapitate (and Eviscerate) give 5 stacks of might instead of 1. 8. Give Arc Divider vuln and a 2.35 power coefficient. It has a 1.75 sec cast time. 9. Replace cripple on sundering leap with immob.
  4. I don’t think spellbreaker needs vertical mobility, but I do think Berserker needs some. Make sundering leap go vertical, and maybe the hammer primal. Bladesworn should have flicker step increased to 450 range at least.
  5. Defense spellbreaker is still solid, even if it’s not meta. What needs to be done is buffs to Strength to compete with Defense, Arms because it sucks, give tactics some better support, and buffs to Berserker and Bladesworn. I don’t care if we’re meta, so long as all the options are solid.
  6. Could I get an invite? Long time pvper looking to explore more parts of the game.
  7. If it makes you happy, replace berserker with spellbreaker. You're clearly missing the point.
  8. Sure, but that's not viable in all situations, and don't pretend otherwise. For example, say there's a teamfight mid at Legacy, and I'm on zerker. My team is targeting a reaper, and they're targeting me. A soulbeast is up top shooting down at me. The reaper ports up to the top to join the soulbeast and joins the soulbeast in hitting me from range. The enemy tempest moves toward them and supports them with ranged support from below. The rest of my team uses vertical mobility to stay on the reaper or attacks from range. Should I abandon the target of the teamfight, stop contributing to the fight making it effectively outnumbered, and spend 5 seconds running to cover, or should I suck it up and take the stairs?
  9. I roam in full zerk with eagle runes on my war.
  10. Most classes would happily trade downstates with ranger.
  11. Umm no. Then they do ranged damage while you’re forced to take the stairs.
  12. It could even keep immunity to critical hits, but only last for x seconds after attuning to earth. It’s the camping that bugs me.
  13. Correct. I could have been clearer. Once they’re on, they’re on unless you clear them or invuln them.
  14. Yes. Just as you need to dodge power damage, you also need to dodge condi damage. Learn the big condi skills and dodge them. Condi is annoying in that some of the skills that apply them aren’t as telegraphed, but the big ones typically are.
  15. Because it’s a shorter season, they don’t want more casual pvpers to feel frustrated that they can’t finish the tracks. That’s my guess. The games also take less time, so they might not want 3v3 or 2v2 to be the optimal way to farm shards for legendary.
  16. I’ve been playing since launch. I did dungeons while leveling, got my first exotic set and stopped. I did like three fractals. Never done a raid. Never done a strike. Still haven’t finished EOD story. I dabble in wvw roaming. However, 95% of my gameplay time is pvp. There just is genuinely nothing else like it on the market. Even when I hate it, I love it.
  17. I think it’s still a very solid spec, but the nerfs were felt. Honestly, we probably need some time to see how much it’s affected.
  18. Core celestial warrior. Gs, Lb. Defense, Strength, Discipline.
  19. I honestly think his pvp build is terrible. People can just ignore you. Not enough damage, not enough mobility, no guaranteed access to zerk mode to let you use core bursts. I would just kite it and kill everything else then come back to it.
  20. The pvp build I posted? Or the wvw build Lan and I were talking about? Because the pvp build runs a totally different traitline and weapon as well as two to three different utilities.
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