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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 59 minutes ago, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

    Not even those player that call themselves to be HardCore player are that loyal if you look to PvP, WvW or any instanced content like RAIDs or any PvE content that demands some kind of regular and organised group to complete.

    I would say they are very loyal, because they are still playing it after years of 0 new content (and no, a little extra rewards in wvw is not content).  You can get rated spvp game in under 3 mins at any time of the day, tournaments are actually still played and wvw is actually very much alive. But keep in mind this is for mmorpg standards, not dedicated competitive games. 


    The game is lacking good systems for a real raiding mmorpg anyway. The encounter design can actually be really good (varies from meh to great), combat is more than fine but it just shows that class designs were not meant for squad raiding (which can be remedied by encounter design to some extent but not fully). The UI is also very basic and while this is a personal preference, the reward structure sucks (if you kill a big hard boss you expect it to drop a big shiny unique sword, not some materials and some strange currency).

    What I regret a bit that the pvp scene never took off as much as it could. The game has great combat and class design for pvp. UI is really bad but ok. It actually feels like the game mechanics have been primarily designed for pvp and wvw. Net code is amazing, I havent played a mmorpg yet that could support so many players fighting each other so smoothly. Literary 150 players on one screen with barely any impact. Smooth movement and fluid skills with lots and lots of depth.

    But there haven't been really many if any mmorpgs where pvp was super popular. Maybe large scale Lineage 2 wars but arena type pvp, not so much (no, wow arena was not a success, maybe first few seasons). Regardless what veteran players say, the pvp and wvw scenes are surprisingly alive even after years of total neglect. 

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  2. 21 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

    Firebrand is boring as hell, if you are searching something other than necro, is because is already bored.

    try DragonHunter with Marauder or Dragon stats, otherwise will fall asleep on keyboard.

    Yeah but hes looking for an ow build where he can button mash and click.

    DH is a combo based build. Condi hybrid FB he can prolly random button mash through raids. Go into f1, mash everything but 3, when out of tome button mash everything and everything will burn. He can just camp axe torch, mantra of flame, that consecration i dont remember the name and mash away.

  3. 5 minutes ago, fourhim.3584 said:

    Thanks.  What would the casual "button mashing" firebrand build look like?

    Huh kinda hard with hybrid builds from the top of my head. This is really just a quick guess, a condition setup. I dont play one myself.

    Axe/torch, because axe is good condi weapon and has also decent power values very good hybrid weapon. And torch is just condi weapon.

    If you have soto and weapon mastery I would try longbow for secondary. Its fun, its a bit of a hybrid and feels good.

    You could even try staff for secondary. not for dmg but for constant swiftness, healing and uber might for both you and your wife.

    For traits I would just take a standard condi dps firebrand setup. Firebrand, radiance and virtues. Focus on burning stuff, that will be your main dmg. Its a squishy setup but youre in celestial youll be fine. Get familiar with your tomes and different utility skills, guardian is super versatile with them.

  4. It's my favourite one. But the downside is thats its too long so I don't do it as often.

    Find a meta train that has it in its rotation and has good enough core that they just skip all the buff stacking and map prep and join the map just before the escorts. It only takes about 40 mins than. Very fun like that. But yeah the meta trains like that are limited.

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  5. Pretty much all of them.

    Some that might have not been mentioned or are just very good.

    Scrapper has Impact Savant that converts some of your strike dmg to barrier which is just baked in, no sacrifice. And Rapid Regeneration that regenerates health while affected by swiftness or superspeed. Although you probably don't need to take the second one as you can just take more dmg and thus get more barrier anyway.

    Mechanist with mace just doesn't die. You can take the healing signet which is just passive healing and you get barrier while attacking. And engie in general can also get a trait in explosion traitline that heals when you hit with explosion.

    Revenant has battle scars in Devastation line which are passive life steal. In general rev is just tanky af and full of passive, semi-passive and active defences.

    Warrior has some passive healing option in half of it's traitlines including the dmg ones. They also made Defence Spellbreaker a dps spec now. So you take the Defence trait line (speaks for itself includes passive healing) and Spellbreaker elite spec which is the "tank" elite spec and have top dps while keeping half of the defensive perks that come with those traitlines. Also healing signet is good option on warrior (straight up passive healing).


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  6. 9 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

    Crafted one, but too scared to use it. Do i need to be first one to open rift? Do i lose t3 rift "buff" if i do tier 1 rift? Whole thing seems kind of complicated. Weird thing is that nobody ever open tier 3 rift so there is probably some chance to mess things up.

    I did only yet used tier 1 motivations so I hope its the same for higher tiers. I haven't really seen anyone give a good explanation though.

    Motivations have 2 functionalities. 1. Tracking higher tier rifts, 2. Opening/using motivation on the rift for better rewards.

    1. You click motivation in your inventory and it will track the corresponding rifts. For tier 2 and 3 you see an icon in your buff bar. For tier 1 you dont (default state). You can change the tracking mode anytime by just clicking the corresponding motivation. Motivation is not lost in the process.

    2. When you clear the mobs the rift becomes interactable. You "use" on the rift and it will open. Dialogue window pops up and you click the dialogue to open the rift. This you should be familiar if you opened any rift before. On tier 1 there is a second dialogue option where you can open the rift with motivation. This will consume your motivation and give better rewards. I imagine for higher rifts there is only 1 dialogue option and it uses your motivation.

    So you can't really waste your motivation. I dont know what happens if you open the rift with motivation and fail it. I guess in this case you do waste your motivation. 

    Please someone with more experience correct me if I wrote something wrong.

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  7. First they need to make rifts fun.

    They could also give some essences from old metas and other activities. Either as direct drop or as exchange for some older currencies. Doesnt need to be alot, can be also weekly gated but at least some.

    I have 2 leggy sets and will eventually get third in whatever mode ill get the currency first. It will for sure not be open world though because I cant even get myself to do enough rifts to finish the new Skyscale achiev. But I do feel sorry for those that  will grind it out. Potentially a good way to burn out your players. We have this amazing world with many activities and you funnel your players in one of the most boring activities.

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  8. 16 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I agree, but even more annoying than the audio transmissions are the speech bubbles. They totally block your view.

    Example: Shooting grubs in the Maguuma section of the Archipelago
    I have seen many people cursing the event, because they couldn't aim properly due to the speech bubbles being in the way.

    I absolutely hate the comm device and the speech bubbles it generates. I wish we could at least deactivate the latter.

    The first thing I thought when I read the thread. The kitten speech bubbles while shooting grubs. I am not sure if you can deactivate them but I also don't want to just deactivate them, just stop calling me.

    We live in the time of GDPR (EU), my phone number is my private personal info. Since this is the official game forums consider yourself informed to delete my in-game phone number from any public databases otherwise we will see each other in the Asuran court.

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  9. Addons are bad, I hated them in wow. The UI improvement addons are fine but the addons that give you more information than the original game intends are just bad.

    But GW2 UI has a lot to be desired for.

    The player boons, conditions and effects are on the opposite side of the screen to the enemy conditions and boons. Thats just bad design. You want to look at both at the same time. Same with player and target health bars.

    The boons and player effects themselves are atrocious. Small icons in the corner all mushed together regardless of their importance. Short term player effects that you want to combo into are in the same line as long term meaningless effects that you only want to check once per hour or pretty much never. And theres just too many and they even hide behind minimap at some point which I would consider plain bug.

    The raid and party frames could have more customization. If I play a support in a squad I would like to have party frames for my group because thats where all the relevant info for me is (boons for my group). But I would still like to see the rest of the squad's health bars, especially if I am a healer I can maybe help outside my subgroup. 

    There are other gripes but these are the worst because these are vital combat information. It also widens the skill gap between players in a meaningless way. I think a lot of players rarely actively follow target boons and conditions and their own conditions and boons just because it is hard in a fast paced combat and with such UI. And they unload CC into stability or just spam cleanse whenever theres something red on the lower right because it's just really hard to follow all of these because of bad UI.

    Now imagine you have both player and target frame with neatly arranged boons and conditions with decently sized icons in the same region of the screen. Preferably close to your abilities cooldowns. One look at that part of the screen gives you all the required combat info. I think a lot of players would start to play better naturally just because they would notice the effect synergies naturally. Oh I unloaded my rapid fire into a elementalist and nothing happened to him and I took dmg. Maybe that icon under his hp bar means I shouldnt do it next time. Oh I have 1 stack of vulne, no need to cleanse, oh I have 10 stacks of burning if I dont cleanse right now I'm dead. 

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  10. I havent seen it in a long long time. I have 5 builds on my rev and switch constantly and play all 3 modes (3pve, 1 wvw and 1 pvp/wvw roaming build). And use custom setup on glint, shiro, dwarf and demon. 

    I did see it in the past but not that much.

    Maybe a thought for those still encoutering it. I imagine these settings are local. Maybe try to clear cache.

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  11. This topic was not even about kicked because low dps but being called out because being a douchebag.

    I never kicked anyone because he had low dps if we were able to clear. In gw2 this is not really a problem (I dont really lead hard encounters in gw2 anyway). In wow it could be a problem and I never really kicked without prior chance at meeting dps and explanation.

    I kicked plenty douchebags though. Even ones that perfomed well. Remmember kicking a great healer from ICC because he was calling out others on performance when we were clearing and it was a pug raid, not a fast clear. Healers were hard to come by.

    Dont be a kitten, be polite and you will come far even if youre not the best performer. Most players in gw2 are very willing to help and even carry if youre nice. Ive cleared w4 recently with a pug training group where tank had to get more toughness because a few dps had so much toughness gear. First we needed to explain where thay can see their toughness 😂 We cleared with a few hiccups. Only on Deimos we asked one player to just stay dead because he just couldn stay out of oil.

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  12. For the rifts. Do you have the Griffon? On Amnytas map, waypoint to the middle waypoint and start from there. Most if not all rifts will be on lower ground so you can zip to there with Griffon. Skyscale should be fine but Griffon is faster. You can do similarly on Archipelago map. Go to a high part of the map and start from there. 

    Also use a keybind for the Hearth so you can easily use it any time with a press of a button. The UI shortcut is very small and annoying. Once used to you will have easier time if you have bad hand-eye coordination.

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  13. Griffon and updrafts are fine for me. Depending on how you approach them you only get a little boost without losing momentum or a full lift. Ley lines are wonky. I was in situation where I just couldnt get off it and others where just a little dive unlocked me. I would be fine if Griffon wouldn't interact with leylines at all. Now we can dismount in air anytime so you can always glide or switch to skyscale if you want to ride a leyline.

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  14. 13 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I found Bounties just as tedious as Rifts. The only thing that made them better is that no high-end content was locked behind grinding Bounties.

    I find bounties way more fun. For some reason I still do legendary bounty trains and I'm doing it purely out of fun, really don't need anything specific from there (I have enough elegy mosaics to last me a long time).

    Each bounty is unique. Yeah, many of the champ one play very similarly to each other and we have a bunch of hydras for example. But there are some that are completely unique, especially later in LS4. From the top of my head, Jahaii Bluffs, you have a big funny rock that is very resilient, pulls you in and stomps you. A crazy teleporting ettin (or is it ogre). A sword and a shield that are super annoying for a champ bounty.

    Also its clear they put a lot more thought in bounties, not just the monster design and mechanics but also the environment, where they are placed. Legendary especially have a little arena tailored for them that impact the fight. 

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  15. Mini dungeons were always potential daily. It was never really a problem and also a good opportunity for someone that had problems getting other players or soloing it to complete it. 

    But it was one of the many daily options. So not everyone did it and were not overcrowded. 

    Give back more options and its a win win. 

    Nothing against your suggestion but its a work around for a problem that shouldnt exist. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

    where is he, and the big supporters of Soon Woon meta now? are they in LFG everyday creating squads?


    Hardstuck (dont know if him personally) has definitely been running meta trains including Soo Won. Dont know if everyday and havent joined one recently but I am quite sure they are still running it. 

    Him and HS are doing a lot of good for the game and community. In all game modes, all dificulties and for everyone to join. 

    You know he also hosts fashion events? Which are super cool. You can find them on youtube. They even do all these stuff on both eu and us. 

    It always saddens me when players who potentially never even tagged up for the simplest stuff are criticising someone that is doing so much for community just because he also likes and organise events for group content and pvp.  And they say pvp and raiders are toxic but based on these threads there just as much or even more jealous toxic entitled player outside of those modes. 

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