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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 28 minutes ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    It is not cultural difference. Imagine that you have limited time to play game now you want to farm some nodes, chest and do other stuff in open with daily instanced content like strikes and fractals. I kind of can do with current system, but I need to set up my group in LFG write down stuff and so on. When group is full I need to teleport to specific location to enter strike/fractals, I need to remember exactly I was before and after I finish instanced content travel back.

    Now if I queue for sPvP in GW2, then it works as most ppl want. You choose maps you want to queue and press button to queue. Another interesting thing is that sPvP has more roles/builds than PvE and it works.

    Exactly. Thats what I do with spvp. In between maps I play the game. I won't go raiding or play wvw in between because queue times are short (2-3 mins) but just some small tasks in ow. And when the match is done I am exactly where I was and just seamlessly continue. Hey, half of my ow tasks for legendary trinkets were done in between spvp matches.

    With daily fractals and strikes I wait in hub until the group is full. There is usually not much more interaction between players as it is before spvp match starts. Usually even much less because for spvp you might want to discuss your and enemy team comp and tactics, for pve its usually all clear. It's just that I am wasting time in hubs waiting. Yeah it's just a few minutes and 2 extra loading screens. But its a complete waste of time. It's not even related to player communication, they could just add an ability to chat with players that also wait in queue with you. I've played games that do that and even enable chatting during loading screens (probably not possible here).

    • Confused 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

    I'm not sure I understand the distinction you're making between queueing and lfging . . .

    It was not between queue and lfg. It was between queue and public instance for strikes they implemented in IBS and that died in one day because it was just bad. I think it was even removed.

    In no way I would ever remove lfg. Any new system should be paralel or complementary to lfg.

  3. 3 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

    Anet paid partner streamers were the ones who went on full attack against THELAZYPEON revew. Comt to find out that, supposedly, it was Anet who iniated the whole thing in the first thing to quielty discounted THELAZYPEON from spreading any Truth to the state of matter of Guild Wars 2.

    THELAZYPEON is a popular streamer, so in other words; any streamer who is popular with a large platform who says anything negative about Guild Wars 2, gets Anet attention first.

    I like Lazy Peon, he has such calm videos on youtube and not overly negative in general. He actually regarded gw2 as the best mmo in the past (maybe still). But the funny thing is he highly regards spvp and fun combat. The parts that Anet completely ignores for years now. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, Marikus.1875 said:

    The LFG tool was arguably the start of WoWs social downfall. If you want a lobby Q simulator, that's the way to go.

    There is absolutely no reason we need that in GW2. 

    If you want to do instanced content, be social, like an MMO requires, and find one.

    I would agree for raids. Raids are this big pieces of content into which you delve with a big group of players and work together until you get to the end. Social aspect if important as you will progress and work together for hours and hours.

    But for all these small 10 mins pieces of content like dungeons, fractals also strikes its completely fine and convenient. There is really not that much socialising going on in these groups beyond, "hi qdps" and "gg thanks". Even when you progress through new pieces of content its usually fast and quite straightforward with a few exceptions (HT, CMs). And these should not be on LFD/R anyway.

    I was never supporter of LFR in wow. I basically quit not long after it was introduced but that was not the reason, I just got bored of wow. But LFD for heroics was nice and I used it alot. Instead of standing in a hub spamming LF2M for heroic you just queued and played the game. And when it popped you did the dungeon just as you would do it with the player made pug group. Basically rushed through. Because beyond the first few days of expansions there was no progression in dungeons, it was just chain pulling run through. Just as it is in gw2 with pretty much anything beyond raids and cms.

  5. 1 hour ago, Minna.7895 said:

    It's again that time of year...

    For strikes they kinda actually did this, it's called public instance - you can just enter and wait till enough other ppl are in and go ...doesn't work very well for most stuff hence nearly noone uses that feature (cause harder content works better with an organized team and in gw2 it's not quite as easy as heal/tank/dps so they could make an automated feature out of this that works for each fight)

    For the easy ones it's kinda fine so feel free to check it out, just don't expect it to be faster than joining an organized group.

    No they didnt. Public instance is not a queue. Its a waiting room with nothing to do. Queue is what we have in spvp.

    They could easily implement queue for t1 and t2 fractals and dungeons. Probably also easy strikes allthough some heal support is nice there so it would need a step further. But nothing unseen in countless other games

    • Like 1
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  6. If there is one thing that made or broke this expansion are the rifts. Maps, as always are great, story is fine, strikes are lackluster but generaly niche anyway, new systems are ok a bit lackluster but not really impactful (wv is good though). 

    But rifts are repeatable content that we should grind for at least a year. And they are utter boring and actually stresfull - rush, rush, rush. Couple that with kriptis which are all rehashed mobs with very bland textures and 4-5 champ bosses you fight in all content. Story, ow events, meta events, rifts. All have the same 5 rehashed bland, undistinguishable champs. If they want to make this work, they need to step up with rifts big time. Big ow legendary events with big nasty demons.

    There is only a sample of instanced content being developed, not enough to keep anyone interested. Pvp, wvw are basically forgotten by anet and only barely live because of great base systems. So all bets for repeatable content are now on ow. They either deliver on that big time or the game becomes 5 hours of content once per year. 

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  7. 36 minutes ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

    Triple Trouble is far from dead. There are organized runs every single day, at least on EU servers.

    TTT is also fun while Gyala is as brain dead as possible. Most bosses are literary unmovable blobs that do nothing while you whack them for a few minutes. And theres the tunel.

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, zonias.1083 said:

    know what you mean, but in all defense, if you are a dps, you job should to do max dmg, is it not?

    This is not pve, players dont just die after x amount of dmg dealt.

    Actually top dmg stat is imo the most useless. You know what is the biggest problem with bad low rated players? Pumping useless dmg at random targets withou any team cohesion. It doesnt matter how much dmg you did 400k or 20k, all that matters your enemy died and you didnt.

    My proposal. Remove all pips for losing. Loser rewards never bring anything good for the mode. Give more pips only for wins. Sure give extra pips for good plays but not the useless spam. Deduct pips for each death.

    • Like 1
  9. Yeah just experiment. A few tips. You will need lots of basic ingredients that come from a cooking vendor. Other disciplines usually only require 1 per tier while here theres a bunch from which you need to make the basic ingridients.

    Also quite some mats come from random karma vendors. Stock up on those if you meet them.

    Much of crafted food is used further for more advanced recepies. So dont throw them away.


  10. 1 hour ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

    True if I could just queue for it like for PvP, then it would be better. ANET actually tried to add "auto queue" to the game and you can test it for daily strikes. It is that public option for strikes and it is terrible like you use it and it teleport you to instance and now you wait inside instance for other ppl to join. It kind of work for DS, because DS has timer for that public option.

    I wish they just took queue system from PvP modify it little and add it to PvE. So you can queue up for preselected content like you can in PvP and when you have enough ppl, then you get confirmation popup and when everyone accept it, then you get teleported inside instance. Also lets be real for DRMs, strikes, fractals, dungeons you just need 1 or 2 boonhealers and rest dps.

    Also I will tell you secret you can do any instanced content without quick or alac and it does not take that much longer.

    Oh I didn't even mean the public option. Although the pvp system would be way better for public instances. It's exactly how most games do it and works great. 

    I meant the premade party option. Where you make a party and everyone needs to be in the same instance ip in Eotn. And then everyone needs to get ready and get inside in a limited amount of time. And if someone misses the entrance window he can't join the party instance and you're left with less players. And if you want to get the late 5th guy again you need to get out and remake everything. And for some reason half of the time someone falls asleep just before a group activity will begin because no attention span I guess.

    It's not like we have a perfectly fine system for Fractals. And a different but also fine system for Strikes. And a little different but again perfectly fine systems for dungeons and raids. Nah let's reinvent it again but lets make it as limited and annoying as possible.

  11. 6 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

    the only thing that would ever make players do drms on a regular basis is:

    1. change the currency over to blue prophet shards, the same s the icebrood strikes.

    2. make the challenge modes automatically skip the escort and give you a portal directly to the boss, like some fractals.

    3. rebalance the bosses to be more like other instanced content bosses.


    they're not a lost cause, but outside of story mode they're so far from every other type of instanced content in the game that it feels almost alien. if you treat them more as five-player strike missions that can also be soloed in story mode, they'll be received alot better.


    the best example is the snowden challenge mote, which is reasonably difficult and makes even experienced group sweat. i've met quite a few players who love the fight, however because its locked behind an extremely long and tedious escort, no one does it unless they have to. imagine if every single fractal was sunqua peak normal mode, and you start to understand the problem (and even that is more interesting probably).

    Yep, some bosses are actually fun. Its all the bloat before that would need some serious triming. Like 90% of it. I dont mind a little bit of trash mobs but here we have stupid preparation events, escorts, more trash events...

    And the grouping system. Omg who designed that. Its not like you already have completely fine working systems. No lets design something for max annoyance.

    The rewards are the least of a problem.

    • Like 1
  12. 52 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


    Any Bad Design Professions Such As; Mesmer, Willbender, Harbinger, Deadeye, Daredevil, Herald and Elementalist Profession, Will Always Wins Hand Down Against Anything You Throw At It

    This Is Why Bad Design Is The Biggest Threat To Guild Wars 2 Reputation, Stability And To Its Imminent Future

    No Amount Of Nerfs, Band-Aid Fix, Will Fix Bad Design Unless It Is Removed/Reworked 


    Bad Design Thief Profession + Bad Design Stealth Mechanic Laughs At Celestial LOL

    He managed to kill backpadeling reaper and afk harb. Congrats. 

    Non afk cele harb doesnt die to thiefs. Or anything else. You might stalemate but not on thief really.

    • Confused 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Mechy.2304 said:

    Thank you all for your detailed responses. I'm slowly looking through everything you've suggested as well as running around in-game trying to get used to everything again. The elite specs certainly look attractive, but I think I'm going to hold off getting the expansions until I get a little more experience.

    I would recommend getting at least Pof+Hot expansions. The vanilla game today is old. With these 2 expansions you will get arguably the best content this game has to offer. Lot's of open world content that was really upscaled especially in Hot and just generally improved, lot's of story, 2 elite specs for each class, raids, many new stat combinations on gear, mounts, access to living story 3 and 4 (which you will still need to buy additionally). 

    You can get them as a bundle (you buy Pof, Hot is bundled).

    Keep in mind the original game doesn't really have much group content which I think you are interested in. You will have access to fractals (5 man content, very good) and I think 1 strike mission. And that's it (ok dungeons but those are also old and not developed anymore). Raids came with Hot and Pof (and living stories). Strikes come with Icebrood saga, End of dragons expansion and the latest expansion. 

    • Like 1
  14. Everything fishing related should be account wise and not character bound. This way I could fish spontaneously with any character, not like now when I need to bring my fishing character. 

    Also when you have max masteries + food + bait & lure all the fish should be green. I'm not even bothering stacking fishing power anymore on yellow fish. Actually I'm not even bothering fishing at all anymore. But I might do it if it would be changed like I proposed.

    • Like 5
  15. Well if you dont have any expansion youll be limited. Each expansion besides the last one introduced elite specs which are just straight upgrades and give you additional options.

    For example guardian.

    Hot expansion gives you dragonhunter which is a big burst dmg dealer and great noob stomper in pvp.

    Pof expansion introduced Firebrand who is arguably king of pve instances and can play as a healer, boondps and dps. Not good in pvp though. Mandatory as healer support in wvw.

    Eod expansion introduced Willbender. Good dps in pve instances and good roamer in pvp, wvw.

    Guardian is one of the few specs that are still decent without elite spec in pvp but mostly only as a healer support.

    Both necro and ele are also very versatile. Ele is a bit specific though (generally more work for same output). With elite specs though.

    • Thanks 1
  16. I had no problem getting gold on my second sucesful try (before I had a few failed runs cuz I didnt know I can glide). Definitely doable. And it looked like theres a ton of time to shave off further.

    I dont really have any tips as I really only did it till I got gold. The hardest room is the first room where I tried to jump over multiple tiles in one turn if possible. Not sure if its required for gold though.

    Beyond that its really straightforward. 

  17. On 10/9/2023 at 6:09 AM, Passerbye.6291 said:

    (Note: In the case of endgame group content, you are more mindful of your position so you limit unnecessary movement to a minimum to make sure you get all the boons and to not confuse people with overlapping aoes in content that they spawn).

    While all you said is true, this is very important. I see this in many games in all modes. When players get attacked they run around like headless chicken - unpredictable, sporadic movement, panic. While often just a simple sidestep is enough. If there is a spread mechanic just calmly pick a direction and keep it and move minimum that you have to. Dont dodge or get yourself animation locked unless have to. If another player is with you just side step a little or if hes acting crazy just stop.

    Its similar in pvp. When players get attacked they panic and start to move and dodge like crazy. This will not help you. Calm play even if at 1% hp has a chance to win. Crazy play never.

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