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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. On 11/1/2023 at 2:29 AM, Vepa.6073 said:

    Coming from BDO (Black Desert Online) here,  and while can say that GW2 is miles better in many aspects, I'd love to find something resembling Node Wars and Siege.

    Node Wars=daily mass pvp fight over territory (like say Queensdale) by multiple guilds in at a set time, with some politics involved between guilds with 1 winner guild which gets rewards and holdings allowing it to participate in siege.

    Siege=once a week mass pvp fight over region event (like Ascalon) by guilds that have secured territory, ofc politics and 1 winner per region with pve buffs/other rewards.

    Is WvW pretty much it, or is there more depending which guild you join (GvG drama is always good for the story 😄) , or would this be even feasible to pull off in gw2? 

    ...sorry still reading up on what gw2 is planning (was planning?) for WvW restructuring. 


    I love these Korean type mmo territory wars. Many of those games have some kind of iteration of it.

    WvW in Gw2 is much better in terms of balance, accessibility to all players, having a constant battleground, not just a narrow window of time per week.

    But it completely lacks the politics and drama that comes with these territory wars. There is no incentive to actually win anything in wvw. That is why most guilds just do open field skirmishes between them and that is content. Flipping a keep or a tower for the 10 000 times against dubious opposition is not really fun. 

    And alliances or world restructuring won't solve that. It might solve the balancing of population but thats about it. Learn from Korean mmos, if you want community to care about these type of wins, they should reflect in the world. Even more drops won't help. It's not about gold or drops, its about bragging rights of being the best guild/alliance on the server and controlling a high value territory and having an army of jealous haters against you.

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  2. 16 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    So you think starter zones should have more high-end content in them?

    I love high end content in lvling zones. It's definitely something that attracts me. I remember very well my first few lvls in Queensdale when I encountered my first bandit Executioner. It was definitely a cool experience when in the first hour of gameplay you actually participate in a big boss battle with a bunch of shiny high level players. I died probably like 15 times but it was fun. Definitely more exciting than escorting a Dolyak, killing 7 lvl 6 bandits on the way.

    • Confused 2
  3. I think this could be "fixed", its a valid complaint. On the other hand it took me probably half a year or more before I even started looking at dailies, achievements, min maxing (I started with pof). A new player has so much new interesting content to go through, the wv meanial tasks are kinda waste of quality game time.

    The rewards are good but most are just more of the same.  And you should scrap together the aa for the ones really useful to new players like easy ascended.

    Also wvw and spvp are an easy solution and often the fastest one if you dont mind some pvp. Both game modes offer some nice gearing options. Easy stat selectable exotics and a decent path for ascended and legendary gear towards which you work on all the time youre in those modes.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    Lol I never tell anyone when I dip into plat, famous life isn't for me, paparazzi and all, no thank u sir.

    One day...

    Anyway true story. I hired a CS pro. Pretty smart guy, does the job well. He's seriously creepy with women though, borderline problematic. Needed to have a serious talk about it.

  5. 3 hours ago, Damocles.4908 said:

    Ah yes, I have a good story for you, nice and short so...

    I was at gold and had a good win streak and as I was literally 2 pts away from Plat (each win gave about 14 pt and I needed 16) then suddenly I lost 1 and won 1 lost 1 won for about 8 games always missing the, VIP airline platinum lounge and then, as if guild wars magic stopped working, I lost about 10 games in a row.


    So in all seriousness, I dunno if it's just luck or if there are sinister forces at play. It was frustrating... but there is a moral to the story. I was able to let go of my desires and become a celestial being of pure zen in pvp...still in gold rank though


    Thats exactly my story from last season. I was like 1 or 2 wins from plat. So happy, finaly will be able to feel superior to all the nabs with my fancy badge. Ill flame all the golds in forum. Then I had like a 10+ lose streak basically ranking me even below the plebs I was about to ridicule. Sad life.

    • Haha 3
  6. 1 hour ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    I mean people are quick to ridicule at every chance on this forum.
    In Amnytas the Faction Provisioner takes different currency in exchange for the token everyday, I was thinking why Obsidian Shards (because i have abundance of these, instead of a way to use that, I am forced to use materials that are needed more in crafting to buy the tokens while the Obsidian Shards is taking up my bag/bank spaces) wasn't in the rotation, that is why I posted this tread, but I made a mistake of not mentioning soto.  So now I am asking these people who seem to think if other Provisioner already takes obsidian shards therefore I  can't make a post asking for it to be considered as one of the currency in Soto.


    Because that's the point. We all have abundance of Obsidian shards and if there were more traders or no limit, Provisioner Tokens would be practically free. Now you have a choice, either get them slowly for cheap or get them fast and expensive. 


    On 10/28/2023 at 11:23 AM, Gehenna.3625 said:

    Because nowadays people are trained to have information being pushed to them rather than having to look it up themselves. A disturbing trend.

    Thats just silly. If anything it's the other way around. In the past we either didn't have internet or later much guides on the net. The information was passed between players, exploration, social aspects even your own notes (yeah I had notes for old rpgs) were essential. If anything what we have now is lazy. Don't know the answer? Wiki it. In the past this would be considered cheating. And it also leads to lazy game design.

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  7. 17 hours ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

    Someone in Labyrinth yesterday told me that their DPS meter was showing that I was single-handedly doing 78% of the squad's DPS during boss encounters 

    Its likely he was trying to tell you to lower your dmg. In labyrinth its customary to reduce your dmg to minimum by removing gear for example so as many players as possible get to tag mobs and get loot.

    Which can make bosses painfully slow if players dont change gear and build for them.

  8. Well Break Enchantments and Wod were slowly nerfed from staple front line Spb WvW skills to being borderline useless. And Spb kind of with it. That's pretty much the only place they saw play. Yeah maybe OP at some point, especially Wod. But I can't see how anyone can say the current iterations are fine, especially when Necro can do it way better at 900 range. And I am not saying Necro should be nerfed because you can't really nerf boon removal anymore that they did.

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 10/25/2023 at 1:09 AM, LadyKitty.6120 said:

    As WotLK era player, Kitty can confirm that trinity was there already at that point (Kitty mained Shadow Priest but also had alts of other classes) and specs defined the roles if a class could play multiple. Also, in WoW, aggro was already a thing. Meanwhile GW2 probably doesn't even have the traditional aggro system that most MMORPGs have (hence toughness/random/mechanic/proximity tanks).

    Trinity in wow is base design together with threat mechanic. It only got more loose over time - tanks got more tools to get and hold aggro and defense stat removed. Dps and heals hardly need to care about threat beyond pull and maybe special mechanics. Days of the strongest dps abilities being threat clears are long gone.

    What I meant was that the initial LFD iterations had less checks for roles than later iterations. I think the first version only had class check for a role (its been 15 years I could be wrong) and additional build and gear checks came later after the talent reworks and later removal. It was possible to cheat role checks but from my experience it was not really a noticable problem in LFD.

    • Confused 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Zohane.7208 said:

    The community seems to want to have thisheal/boon combo in most instanced content, so I disagree with your statement here. If it should be a pre-req for auto-lfg to disregard the community's wishes for teambuilds then it's highly likely that the auto-lfg wouldn't be much used.

    (I'm not arguing whether or not the team building block of heal/boon/3xdps is needed or not, I'm simply noting that this is what the community as a whole seems to want.)


    Also, the narrowing I referred to was TheNurgle's - previously they have discussed team building as a whole, and that was met with a number of specialty roles in raids and CM strikes. Not they try by narrowing the proposition down to instanced group content except those.

    It's hard to say what the community really wants and how representative the LFG pug community really is of the overall interested crowd. I went through this in wow which in my opinion has a much more toxic and demanding community. And you have all the tools you want to really nit pick other players. I'm talking about the introduction of LFD for dungeons and heroic dungeons which is imo equivalent to what most games implement queue systems for and what would be comparable to gw2 non raid/cm content.

    The wow community had a ton of player constructed hurdles for this mostly trivial content. From ilvl/gear score to preconception about classes... Yeah not everyone was like that and not everyone is like that in gw2. It was especially hard for pug dps players because like in most games there's a ton of "hi dps" players. I was like that, mostly playing tank and was quite trigger happy about dps players, because I could be. We had much the same discussion like these before the LFD introduction. And then LFD came and no one cared about those constructs because in the end its trivial content. And I think most were just happy that they didn't need to go through the whole manual process for trivial content. And if they really wanted to min/max that content, they constructed their own group like before and all was fine. I think most agree LFD is a good addition (LFR is a different story).

    Now start a new game that already have such system. You go into a game, you queue, you finish content, you happy, everyone GG. You will start min maxing at some point but at the point that matters because content requires it. You start with that nonsense at entry lvl dungeons, everyone will probably tell you to stop being a kitten and go play some real content that actually requires it.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Said who? If anet wanted these ports to be world-wide, they'd already do it that way instead of limiting them to the hubs. Why do you think they'd change that just because you join a squad in a slightly different manner? You might as well demand that anet introduces the same pop-up we currently have to appear in any map you're in, the very moment someone opens the instance. And yet, we still need to be in specific player hubs (which for me isn't a problem at all, even moreso when we have direct portal scrolls to them)

    The only reason you're doing this is because you chose to. If I want to do something else, I don't wait in hubs and nobody ever cared or mentioned anything about it. If I sit in the hubs, it means I don't want to do anything else anyways. So... I'm not sure that's any point at all, let alone remotely solid one. You simply choose to sit in a hub so... sitting in a hub is bad? I don't think so. 

    You literally just said you're sitting in a hub anyways. What if you're in the middle of [whatever activity] when the queue pops up and you need/want to finish it anyways? Now you're making the players wait or break your own progress all the same.

    If you actually read that thread, you'll notice how nothing in this situation would be changed with the lfg revamp, because he simply entered the fractal instance (hub?) alone before joining a group.

    I agree most systems could be implemented in LFG. I wrote that in the post but you didnt quote it.

    Yes like I wrote, because I choose not to waste other's time because I don't like other's to waste mine. You choose to waste it, that's OK, its how it's designed. This could be almost completely avoided with good system (yes it could be LFG).

    Well with spvp I dont need to be in a hub. I do activities in between. I can just click and forget completely about it while I play something else. Yes I could waste others time but thats limited by the timer. And most of the time I dont waste any time at all because I can join game even in combat and I will be at the exact spot where I left the second I'm done.

    Well my opinion is that all the grouping tools and lobbies and systems in gw2 are over designed, needlessly complicated. Something that most games are going away from to a single point of interaction UI that completely streamlines it. And for some reason they really like to waste design time on new systems that are usually just worse to what we had in the past (e.g., DRM private party which is atrocity, designed by their janitor I'm guessing). 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Zohane.7208 said:

    Even when you narrow it down to the non-raid/non-CMstrike content, you're still faced with the fact that healers come in 2 main flavors, quick/heal or alac/heal and booners also come in 2 flavors, quick/dps or alac/dps. You have to match those such that a quick/heal gets together with an alac/dps and vice versa. Might not be "special role" but it's still a combo the players have defined, which automatically puts it out of the scope of any automated system Anet might be able to build.
    There are also some special roles used mainly in fractal farming, but let's leave those aside for now 🙂


    No you don't need to match it. You for sure don't need to match player made constructs and limitation for content without enrage timers. Actually it would be better for the game if they completely disregarded those limitations.

    If there is one funny thing in this community is how players min/max content without requirements or requirements that are like 20% of the ceiling. If all the dps checks from different games went to school together, gw2 dps checks would be the weak short guy every other dps check would laugh at and picked on.

    Also talking about non raid non CM content. But thats not narrowing down. Thats the majority of instanced content in this game.

    • Confused 2
  13. 12 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

    Because WoW and ffxiv both auto groyp will litterally not allow 5 dps to be matched, a tank and healer role is absolutely enforced. 

    This was not the case when these systems were first introduced in wow and it worked fine. Picking role was on players.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    You still need to choose content you want to play with the system you're proposing, the same way you have to choose that content in current system. You still have to press a button to join a queue, the same way you currently need to either join or create an "all welcome" group if you don't care about any role like you've said in your posts. So what great value or expectation is supposed to be fulfilled here exactly?

    For me personally.

    I wouldn't need to port to hub.

    I usually wait in hub until group is full so I don't make others wait. Thats time wasted. If its 1 minute for one daily strike, its like 15-20% of overall time. Sometimes its more than 1 min. But ok I could not do that and play somewhere else until group is full but than I would waste others time.

    After the instance I need to move back to where I was playing. More time wasted. I hate wasting time, especially now when I'm older and I have very limited game time. If I do 3 daily strikes that like 15 mins of content and lets say 3 mins of useless prep/waiting/loading screens (can be longer, even much longer, can be shorter but not that much shorter). Thats a huge chunk of the overall meaningful playtime.  

    There is a thread in "helping players" forums. A new guy asking how to enter fractals. Look it up if you're interested. A nice insight in how this game needlessly complicates grouping. There are full several step guides for something that should take 2 clicks and should be intuitive to a 4 year old.

    I also think LFG is utter kitten, below any standards for a game that has online multiplayer and came out after cable internet was widely available. Just getting LFG to a respectable level would be a huge step forward. Actually I would prefer that to a queue system and most of the QOL systems could be solved only through that. 

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  15. 3 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

    I'm saying they couldn't do the encounter without healing at a minimum the average player cannot dodge damage. They will swallow every hit almost lol

    And with aggro flying around madly due to no one having stacked toughness, they will flop fast and hard. 

    That's discluding the fact 50% of em will queue and afk upon entering. 

    That is not my experience from other games. Also this game doesn't have aggro mechanics (or relevant aggro mechanics) outside raids and CMs.

    • Confused 2
  16. 5 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

    I'm sorry, but i have a dps meter installed, I see what the average players are running dps wise etc etc, and I dont beleive the average player can do, 

    Can do what? Content without dps requirements. Again no enrage content.

    • Confused 1
  17. 9 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    If that's really what you think then, again...

    ...you don't need some queue/auto lfg to easly fill squads with random players.

    Queue system is not only about filling squads. Its quality of life, time saving for mostly fast and trivial content. And it streamlines the grouping procedures and brings them in line with todays player expectations. 

    At least for me filling the group is the least of added value. But Im used to forming groups manually for over 20 years, some players are not.

    • Confused 1
  18. 22 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

    Ffxiv and WoW both have trinity systems which allow a auto finder to happen. 

    New world and destiny have 0 healer or tank functionality and simply are balanced off the back of these things not existing. 

    Gw2 is balanced off a tank healer and support builds existing in a non-offical manner. 

    Roles aren't much softer?! Lol. 

    Honestly. Try do a strike with the average playerbase without healer / tank / boons present, you will wipe lol. 

    I'd argue their more demanded here then those games in alot of ways. 

    Your entire class is balanced off the back of boons doubling both ur sustain and dps lol. The game has completely integrated the demand for these roles to be present, they just haven't make the trinity system offical.

    No people were skeptical of the players they'd end up with, the roles were well established in WoW and by this the auto queue finders are able to be coded to demand specific roles to fill every slot.  

    If people could make a sane argument for auto queue finder without lying about something, honestly it may carry more weight lol 

    Again outside of raids and CMs and lets say HT and Boneskinner.

    There is no tank requirement. OLC tank is nice but not required for normal. I've 2 manned OLC normal btw and I'm far from good player.

    Alac/quick are player constructs and not required for anything normal. We are talking about content without enrages. Only HT has soft enrage on normal and I would not put HT in queue system, although it's not that hard as some want to portrait. Players learn if you give them a chance but for some reason some here just don't want to give them a chance.

    So you need 2 heals 8 something (ill not even call it DPS because we have no enrages). So you ask for 2 heals and 8 something. Or 1 heals and 4 something for 5 man stuff. Now you will say players will join as heals and they won't heal to cheat the system. So what? We had the exact same situation in wow when LFD and LFR were introduced, before streamlined roles. Did some players cheat queues? Yes. Did it matter in the big picture? No. Because a group without proper roles will die and it is a futile cheat. Besides we have no inspect, players could do it through LFG also but they dont.

    It is even arguable if you need healers for most content. Dungeons, low tier fractals are any ran without healers anyway. Half of IBS strikes hardly require healers. Yeah you can argue me on that but it certainly doesn't require good healers. Hey healers are hardly healers in this game, they devolved (or call it evolve) into half heal dps boon supports and tanks where required. Maybe having true healer would be OP in the end if you don't care about speed. I haven't played a true healer since 10 man cap nerfs but I bet a true healing tempest or druid can still sustain a 10 man group solo through the most damaging phases way beyond what I am talking about being suitable for queues.  

    • Haha 1
  19. 26 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Check what's underlined in the quote. And then... source for that.
    I want to see what was -according to his post- judged as "impossbile" by some of the players and how it was addressed that made those players so surprised.

    Well in wow for LFD players were sceptical about roles, how those will be enforced. It was non issue. And keep in mind not having properly geared tank and heals there is pretty much a hard stop, not like here where roles are much softer. And that was in woltk when we still had proper talents and builds. Dont remember if defence tanking was still a thing then. For those that dont know, wow in the past had a tank stat and if you were below treshold you got crushed immediately.

    Raids are different story, those had to be simplified and thats why I dont advocate for raids and cms.

    • Confused 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Requesting source/s for this

    What do you mean by this? There is hardly a mmo out there without one. Wow, ff, added in New world last year and is getting expanded to cross realm I think. Destiny 2 also added one for normal strikes, it was sorely needed there because if there was one game that makes it harder to group than gw2 it was Destiny.

    Why some players want to portrait this game as some super complicated snowflake mmo where nothing can be done. It is not. Its not all or nothing also. Raids and cms can be excluded, everything else is fine.

  21. 5 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

    I think the bigger problem is that it's not just art assets Anet is recycling, it's gameplay design, too. If you look at rifts, Skywatch meta, and Amnytas meta, the overall design is all too similar. All of them have the exact same "adds spawn randomly all over the place until the bar fills up" phase. Aside from Nourys, all of them share the same enemies. You also see the same "interact to close rifts" and "pick up essences" portions. By comparison, HoT and PoF metas were all uniquely designed (I don't have EoD).

    It's like GW2 team is no longer given a good budget so they have to recycle, copy and paste, and try to drag things out as long as possible with as little effort as possible. If this is the future of GW2, I think SotO will be my last. I've been doing HoT metas for years and they're still fun. On the other hand, I'm already burned out on SotO because the SotO metas and rifts all feel the same. It's like DRM's all over again.

    There is just something off with Soto metas. Maybe I'm just bored with meta events and events in general but I'm not really sure. Even though I agree with your repeatable phases assessment I don't think it's just that. All ow events can be grouped in a few categories so I don't think it's that. They just feel a bit uninspired, lacking the connection with the story and map and there is a lot of rushing. The first meta is so busy I don't even know what's going on there. I'm not one for the story but usually I at least know what's going on, here I have no clue what's the point of all those sub events. Yeah we unlock the tower at the end, that's about as far as I know. And while Amnytas has some great event chains, the meta is again just off. Rushing all over the place, doing the same events you did before and the boss doesn't do a thing. Like literary it's just a static model. Such a wasted potential, great big bad boss model (in an expansion full of rehashed models and bland monster textures) and it just stands there.

    There's a lot of criticism for Eod but we got at least 2 great metas. Seitung is a good meta and however you feel about Dragon's End, it's a kitten epic meta. The other 2 are not my fav but I do get them. And yeah Hot and Pof, pinnacle, especially Hot. For example Verdant Brink. It's not even a classic meta, but the whole map and all the quest chains, map phases, it all just falls together into a living map with awesome atmosphere. The events themselves are nothing special (although a few night time bosses are great and unique) but the whole maps just feels alive.

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  22. 2 hours ago, NikeEU.7690 said:

    The reason there is no auto-group finder queue is because most people don't want to play with the sort of players who would use it or who would need it to get a group. 

    The same arguments were told in wow before LFD and everyone uses it for heroics afterwards. LFDungeon, not LFRaids.

    If you pug you already play with such players. If you dont pug, well this discusion is irrelevant.

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