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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. I dont see it as a problem because this game doesnt really have tight dps checks like wow for example. Maybe HT Hc, dont know how tight that is but I think I saw clearing it with less than 10 players. So not really tight.

    If we get tight checks (which we wont) coupled with mechanics that reduce melee uptime (which are common) this would be an issue. Now the difference is mostly irrelevant.

    • Confused 1
  2. I tend to play till the end. Otherwise I am playing to win but also to get better. Even losing games like 500 :200 can be good games. The overall match might be a disaster for your team score wise but specific encounters in game can still be fun and close. Tight and losing matches are the ones where you learn to play better. Wins with a stomp don't do much learning. So yeah I get frustrated from any form of afk. At least try to play with your team, the enemy is better than us so it's a good chance to study your weaknesses and their strengths.

  3. Well rifts are designed for such a rushed train content. Hero points wait for you so do bounties for example, rifts don't. I don't like the design as well.

    As for the story partially taking place in open world. I like the potential spontaneous encounters in the open world, it's why I play mmorpgs. I didn't like completing rifts as part of the story though. One rift, maybe. More, no ty. But you could also not join commander trains. You could do it solo, tier 1 should be no problem. Tier 2 part is kinda strange though. You don't even need to fill the bar. I did one and after some time, the bar just filled by itself. Don't know if its a bug or intended, it's definitely not polished properly if intended.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    As long as it's not Chalice of Tears or Searing Ascent it's pefectly fine. We only need to do 6 weeklies out of 8.

    Well Chalice of Tears is really fun if done in groups. It's really a nice team endeavour and it would be a good chance for the players that are not able or want to do it by themselves and missed the legendary amulet release when everyone was doing it. 

  5. 1 hour ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

    then make one  special weekly, that is unlimited, but give like 5 astral claim. so the people that like to "grind" can do that 😄

    The thing is what will you do with so much AA anyway? We're not even 1 month into a season and I got pretty much all the expensive stuff (I dont need ascended and dont care for all the skins though), cheap gold, clovers, coins even quite some laurels. And I don't do dailies every day, I have at least 3 or 4 specials left and while I did all the weekly chests, I didnt complete all the weeklies. Very soon Ill be down to expensive gold or the silly stuff. I already don't bother to care about completing all these quests.

    You're better off doing the other daily and weekly if you are driven by this kind of activities. You have weekly WvW, weekly strikes. You have dailies for each LS (actually not 100% those are still in, havent done them in ages), daily fractals, daily strike...

  6. 46 minutes ago, Tazzy.1658 said:

    It's unfortunate that most people's responses are essentially 'git gud'

    No, most responses are if you dont like them dont do it. You have 2 extra weekly tasks to complete the chest. And even without that the wv showers you with rewards. I dont do dailies every day, dont complete all weeklies and have most of the new specials left to do and still got pretty much everything I wanted and more already. Season is still long.

    I really like the weeklies. Dailies are meh but weeklies are great. And no they shouldnt be another meanial task. Jps are definitely appropriate.

    • Like 6
  7. First of all what kind of content are you asking for? Probably instanced pve, raids? Kinda important because each game mode has different builds.

    There are not many true ranged dps builds. Virt, maybe scourge (not sure dont play it myself) beyond those nothing comes to my mind. The game just doesnt function like that and youre not going to play at range unless fight mechanics require it anyway. This is for instanced pve. Outside of those it doesnt really matter.

  8. I suspect they know that newer maps (and this is going on since LS4 or even Pof) are badly optimised and their fix is lowering the amount of player per instance to avoid scenarios with detail overload. Which hurts the game a lot. For example Triple Trouble in Bloodtide coast. You have like 150 players in one spot before the start and I never had any issues. Now compare it to Dragon's End. 50 players on the platform and my PC is about to blow up. I don't care about the graphics if it means I have deserted maps, constantly closing instances on you and half the or even third the player count in these massive events.

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    • Confused 1
  9. Which game mode. Pvp is reactionary by its nature. Ow play how you want, quite reactionary and rotations dont really apply.

    If you want reactionary in instanced pve, play healing support. Allthough to be really good at it you will want to know the fight mechanics so you can also be preemptive.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    This costs more money than they are likely willing to spend on this.

    And then we also don't know how it'll interact with the Personal Story. Every current race has a "mentor" in Edge of Destiny, new races (unless we get literal wolves as a race) don't have that. We don't even know, if Arenanet still has developers that know how to deal with the spaghetti code of the original story parts.

    We also don't know, if Arenanet even wants more playable races.

    Usually new races and classes are introduced in the current game time. Your new tengu hatchling doesnt need to have anything with Destiny's Edge or even know dragons existed. DKs from wow are a good example on how to introduce something new into game that fits good both lore wise and system wise and completely bypass old systems.

    If they dont have devs that are able to tackle it, they should get them. They are not an indie company with 5 employees. 

    There is 0 reasons to make excuses for them in advance.

    • Like 1
  11. On 9/2/2023 at 4:18 PM, Dethbott.4731 said:

    Ritualist, Dervish etc....We know that arena.net will never ever make these professions and races accessible because it would be just nightmare to the arena.net staff and the players/guildies (I know its not word just having fun) will either like it or hate it. 

    I really dont understand why this would be such a nightmare. I've played many mmorpgs from the biggest ones and almost indie ones and they managed to introduce new classes and races into the game in many different original ways that didnt disturb the game (both lore wise and system wise). 

    Anet is running one of the most successful mmorpgs on the market.  It is completely fine to hold them by the standards that other game developers are running their games. I havent really seen a decent argument against introducing a new race in the game. Yeah they would probably need to do a fresh new player starting exeprience for the race. So what? I would say its even a good opportunity to come up with something new and better.

    • Like 1
  12. I only have gripes with tower defence events. Sometimes keeps. Getting a general defence event is not an issue in my opinion since you can quite easily get them in small skirmishes over camps and such and those are pretty reliable and easy to come by. Tower and keeps are a bit harder to come by because first someone needs to attack it and its often a larger group or a blob so you need to have a blob on your side and its really inconsistent on what actually counts for it. One day you will be getting them back to back for an hour and sometimes you just dont get any (even if you manage to solo kill several enemy players attacking Klovan). But this is not really a big WV issue but specific WvW weekly issue.

  13. 6 hours ago, Portia.2975 said:

    When I logged this afternoon and this evening the map was mostly empty.   I've been trying to complete the tier 3 rifts.   Most events require a group---at least it seems that way.   So far I've been able to complete 7 tier 3 rifts.   But there have been at least 7 times I've logged in  and there is like no one on the map or the souls that are there---which seem to be about 50 are engaged in the meta or some other event.   I wish we had a "/who"  which would tell us how many people are on our map.    I am glad I started the Horn of Maguum day one when the maps are filled.    I don't know how wise it was to make so much of the content GROUP.    Hard to find stuff to do solo.

    Just checked found one group of 3 people doing something else----Woop 3 whole people

    8:15 pm on Amnytas map found one group doing an event.   Not enough people on map to do much and practically no solo content so any suggestions on how to do this without a group??????????????????????????

    Are you using LFG?

    • Like 2
  14. Do you mean Cerus (the demon) or Isgarren (the seer that looks like Djinn)?

    You dont need to hold special action key down. Whenever it pops you target Isgarren and click it. It does the animation, breakbar goes down until it breaks. You don't need to interact with those corrupted essences. They literary do nothing unless I guess you walk into them I guess (havent tried). The thing that pops out is a Kryptis that moves slowly towards Isgarren. Need to kill it before it reaches him I guess. I dont really know what happens if it reaches him because it died so easily that it never happened to me. 

    Maybe I messed something up between the Cerus and Isgarren fights but the mechanics above still stand. All pretty much what was already seen in events throughout the maps.

    If you mean Cerus fight, the first phase you can't kill him. I think you either need to survive for enough time or go down (I went down after some time) and Peitha appears and helps you. Then you can kill him. 

  15. I wanted to write I've TPed all my strike toons to there but it was Wizard Tower in reality. Amnytas I haven't tried. So maybe try to TP to Wizard Tower.

    Also maybe its the nature of the map. The instance closes after the meta similarly to Dragon Stand and Dragonfall. Maybe there is a period during or after the meta where players just can't enter the map instance anymore. I think some maps work that way.

  16. 19 hours ago, Galtrix.7369 said:

    As a PvP addict, this was just super disheartening to experience and really threw off the fun of PvP for me. Back before the expansions, PvP was pretty fun and engaging. It felt balanced and fair, like you could pick any class and succeed if you had the right build and the right reaction time. That's definitely not the case anymore.

    Basically for pvp I would recommend you play a few classes. Some might not agree because you might become master of none but this way you avoid the balance issues.

    Before expansion class balance was relatively good. Mesmer was good with chronomancer (and prolly still is). But right now with all the new weapons there are definitely some issues. I dont even bother worrying for now, it will settle to an extent. 

    Is there really mmorpg out there with good class balance for pvp? Gw2 at least remedies it with easy alt creation and no need for gearing for pvp. And high skill cap, fast semi action combat leaves lots of space for skill.

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