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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. Vanilla is actually way superior in the immersion department to expansions. It just shows they spent much more time developing all the non essential stuff that just add to world immersion. Expansions feel much more in a way that everything and everyone needs to have some gameplay purpose. And LS maps are a further step down also.

    But there are still some gems in expansions.


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  2. Hero of the ages mastery line. Mastery xp gained through pvp activities. Need to perform heroic pvp feats to unlock. 

    Tier 1 Legend. NPCs will trigger special dialogues when youre near talking about your deeds. 

    Tier 2 Hero of the ages. Leaders around the world comissioned statues of you. You get your statue in home instances and guilds can craft your statues as decorations. 

    Tier 3 Bask in my presence. You get a special striking pose. Players can charge quartz on you while youre striking your magnificent pose. 

    Tier 4 I live to tell the tale. Players get a hero point when the kill you in spvp (max 1 per character). 

    Tier 5 Godlike. You can walk on water. 

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  3. Master Commander mastery line. Open world only. Only works when you are commanding a non raid squad.

    Tier 1: Supply line. Summon a merchant and bank access for your squad members. 1 h CD.

    Tier 2: Train driver. Increase running speed of every squad member within 1200 range around you to your equipped mount speed.

    Tier 3: I am better than you. Increase character size by 50 % and additional 1 % for every member of your squad. Emit a blinding aura around you in the colour of your tag. Each option can be toggled on or off.

    Tier 4: You're making us look bad. Can turn off infusions' effects of your squad members.

    Tier 5:  Master commander ban hammer. Can kick one player from your map instance. 5 min CD.

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  4. For PVE I havent yet gotten to the new specs. Been testing alacrity mecha but havent really taken it into any serious content.

    But for spvp I am really enjoying the new specs. Mecha engie and Willy fun because op.  Untamed has plenty of potential, need to play more. And I am surprisingly fond of Bladesworn.  Its been a long time since I played warrior in pvp settings and my first impression was not so good. But now it looks like its very competitive and also much fun. In the end all new elites look really promising for spvp.

  5. Dont fret about profession to much. Its mostly about what you like. 

    For the pve end game, right now, ele is probably the least versatile of those but that doesnt mean its bad. 

    Alts are easy to make in gw2. If you intend to play long term you will soon have many. And all of those are same armor type so if you get ascended gear, its interchangable. 

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  6. There is not really anything beyond Skyscale like achievs in the end game unless you intend to play pvp, wvw or raids. And Skyscale is not a thing in there. So take it as a fun journey otherwise I dont know whats really the point of playing. 

    I do agree that the collections in Dragonfall are tedious though. But otherwise its quite a nice journey. I wouldnt call it a grind, grind is usually repetition of a specific task over and over again. There is not much if any repetition here.

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  7. Token Collector in Ember Bay is completely bonkers yeah. Thats definitely not a good design. Its pretty much impossible for anyone to figure it out all by himself unless he really goes pixel hunting every inch of the map. And even then I dont know how the ones at the top of the chalice were figured out. Feels almost like glitching outside of the map boundaries.

    Well its ok if its meant as a collective search. But then it should be an optional collection without anything tied to it. In this case you need it for gobbler and aurora I think.

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  8. 5 hours ago, Grebcol.5984 said:

    The Problem i see about those Items is, that new players will struggle to get them. Because there are only few players doing the Bounties as example. Anet has to rewatch this because it is stupid when u can't do content because nobody is on the map.

    I am just finishing Vision, just got the precursor and I had no issue with any event.  Vision in general seemed quite easy to me and non grindy (minus the Istan stuff but you can just buy the powdered quartz and ore you can get now with IBS), maybe because I really like LS4 maps and played them a lot. Maybe Thunderhead is a bit less populated but on the other hand I had the least ahievs on that map and had no issue getting all the stuff for Vision. 

    I was in Jahai last daily and the map was full of tags doing various stuff.

    Aurora seems a bit more annoying. Especially with some items that are rng drops from metas. Met some people that hadn't got the drop in several events (like the item from Jade Constructs in Bloodstone Fen, I got it on first try though).

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  9. Well its more in the 75 min range now. You can join about 30 min before and still get the 5 stacks easy and also mine the 20 nodes meanwhile to make it worth the time a bit more. And the escorts + Soo Won never go to full hour. More like 45 mins. 

    The only thing is if you want to be sure to get a good group you want to join 1h in advance. If you go for late groups its not a given you will get one. I just check if there are any decent groups about 30 mins in advance and is there aint I dont do it. The last minute groups I would still avoid if you dont mind risking a fail.

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  10. I think they missed the mark somehow on EOD maps with size vs population cap ratio. 

    It seems the cap numbers are barely above 50. Its a challenge getting a full squad on the map. Im guessing it has something to do with meta events balance and scaling. But the maps are huge, on par with maps that have like 150+ caps. 

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  11. There is only one part of the champion train route in Dragonfall where Skyscale is superior to Griffon. And that is where you port from Air elemental to Mist Warden shrine and go for the branded hydra. The hydra is on a cliff which you can traverse directly with Skyscale with all the masteries, otherwise you need to go around the cliff.

    Everywhere else Grifon is far superior. But it does require knowing how to use it and some map knowledge. Without any of these 2 (or 3 because beetle is also useful). Yeah you're slow. I'm sure there are ways but you probably need to port more and use other means wisely and you would still miss a champ or 2.

    I always see that champ train as a bit of a Griffon race. Who gets to the next boss first. I know there are people that do the same. 

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  12. usually I get pips on the second tick and on. But sometimes if I login the second time on the same day I get it on the first tick. I dont mean just relog into different character or smth like that. I return after some time. Maybe if its still the same skirmish. Never checked that.

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  13. 1 hour ago, ProtoGunner.4953 said:

    Lol reading through this comment section feels sooo detached from what I experience in the game: usually it's successful, sometimes with 4-5 minutes left. People really improved. The one issue is that you don't really get cool stuff from it.

    Yeah that is my exp also. First weeks I was picky about the groups I joined. Lately I joined a few random groups and it was always easy clear with plenty of time left.

    Also there are plenty groups out there, the map is far from dead. More than for other metas. But they do fill early and fast. 

    The players got much better. They still get down but they mostly move properly, kill thornhearths. At the start they were all over the place. 

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  14. I dont like when games just put the marker on the map and all youre doing is moving between markers. I like the exploration part. Ive been able to do legendary collections without external info. Its mostly doable with clues. 

    On the other hand some collections are over the top where you need to find 10s of items hidden in the most obscure places (hello Ember Bay) and you need the wiki. I think these are redundant anyway or the game should provide a scanner widget or smth like that. 

    What I miss in gw2 is a journal for collections.  Some of them have really nice stories behind them but there is really nothing in game to recall them. The journal could recap previous steps, conversations and story but also provide additional hints for missing steps. 

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  15. 2 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:


    It's also not the main reason that players do not get credit for events as the real reason for that is the power creep.  

    Its both. You can see it now with S1 re release when people are doing the refuge achievs. A new player has 0 chance of tagging the events in Diessa. You have a bunch of 80s moving down everything on raptors. Even if you restrain yourself you only need 1 kitten with a raptor. 

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  16. 4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    There was, long time ago, a first moment when the game introduced a new and very lucrative way to earn gold (at least compared to how it was before). That event was the first Queen's Pavillon, and the LS1 Scarlet Invasion events that wen alongside it.

    The whole thing took about 2 weeks, and consisted of 3 activities that could bring different levels of income: Queen's Gauntlet (with at that time extremely lucrative way of earning gold through Deadeye farming - you got gold for killing Gauntlet enemies, and additional gold rewards for each gambit selected, and deadeye was the opponent that could be killed the fastest with all gambits on), the Pavillon bosses below (which worked a bit differently than today, you basically had zones filled with bosses, with normal scaling up giving veterans and champs, with appropriate reward drops - and quite high rate of lodestone drops on top of it), and the Scalet invasion events, which also showered you with normal drops and champion bags.

    There were people that could earn hundreds of gold daily with this, but even more casual approach could easily earn you several gold per day (and a ton of valueble drops on top of it).

    And then, after the event ended, we've got told what was the earning for the median player in that two weeks total - out of all players that did participate. Can you guess how much it was?

    Answer: it was

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    2 gold

    Yes. that's how much  a median active player earned total in two weeks.

    So, yeah, the average player apparently really does not understand how wealth (and wealth acquisition) works in this game.Or at least did not understand it then, and i haven't seen yet anything that would make me think the situation has changed since then.

    I think its more likely the average player doesnt care about wealth. Especially because you dont really need gold in this game to play any content. At least doesnt need to go out of his way to earn it. And there is always the credit card path.

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  17. I think its really hard to make statements about average anything. I mean sure Anet has the numbers but these are just numbers. Some boundaries should be set to actually get anything useful out of this. I'm sure if you average all the players that ever logged into the game the numbers get very skewed. Now going for all that actually bought the game might be a bit better but still. To get anything meaningful you at least need population that is somewhat invested in the game.

    In addition I think people too often connect different parameters which I don't think are really related. For example the perception that someone that doesn't play a lot plays easier content. That someone that is older and has family plays certain types of content.

    For example I am a member of 7 discord channels related to gw2 (some pve and some wvw related, not active in all of them at current time). Now the interesting part is that many of the people that are active and vocal on the channels are not young and dont put many hours in the game. Now this is completely from the top of my heart but I would say the average age is around 35-40. At least half have families. About 20% are female, maybe even more. 

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