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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 3 hours ago, DD39C89C-1C46-4F28-BDB7-49 said:

    If nobody disrupt a bot, then obviously it can buy cheap or sell expensive. That's why they have buy limits, so you can't easily make them lose. And are set on less popular items. If a bot keeps a price high, then it has limit to instantly buy only ex. 5 pieces, if you list more then of course it stops, not to lose. To make it lose you need to keep listing many times by few pieces each time slightly lowering a price.

    So with normal usage, when you list few pieces and go away, then probably it may be profitable to instantly eliminate cheaper listings. Similar with keeping a price low, that's why it lists only ex. 5 pieces or 1 piece, so you can't buy its whole stack at once, you need to buy few times, and it also has a limit there, it stops listing if you buy too many.

    Those bots are present for a long time, so probably it's profitable, but of course I don't have data - maybe they lose this way, but in case they don't, when I spot one I try to disrupt it.

    I just dont get how could anyone profit from this. 

    If the bot tries to keep the price high by buying items at a certain threshold. How does this help the botter? And you say this is done for not popular items where the market flow is low. So its not like the guy behind the bot will suddenly dump a few stacks of those items and expect to sell them at high price (items he was just buying, thats just straight loss right there). So he turns off the bot, dumps a stack of not popular items and what? Three people buy and he gets undercut because the equilibrium is high and demand is low. So he ends up with a loss from the bot and a stack of items on TP that wont sell because the listing price is high and demand low.

    The same thing with keeping the price low by buying. 

    This just seems like a lot of hassle and betting on luck.

    If anything its probably much more effective to do a bot that buys low and sells high by setting certain thresholds for buying and selling within the normal expected market fluctuations. As long as you overcome the TP tax. And it makes more sense that you do it for the most fluent materials on the market and do it in high quantities with low profit.

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  2. 1 hour ago, DD39C89C-1C46-4F28-BDB7-49 said:

    Yes, there are bots on TP.

    There are two ways how they work: keep a price low or high. I earlier posted example.

    Some will try to ridicule that, but you're right. Bots are set on less popular items - many users interacting with TP has nothing to it. There are clear limits which those bots have set, there is no mistake, usually it's 5 or 10 pieces at a given price, bought instantly, after that nobody will buy it at that price.

    If you see a bot which keep a price high - check on gw2efficiency how much crafting an item takes, craft to that price and feed a bot with it, so he loses gold. You need to list it many times by 5 pieces or so at each price within set limit, you need to guess, but when you get that limit is ex. 5, then at every price it will be the same.

    When bot keep a price low, buy it few times at that price, to clear his stack.

    Why would anyone do that though? What is there to gain? It sounds like bots for purposely loosing gold.

  3. I liked it. Its just a mini dungeon, its not the best but also not the worst. I dont really expect rewards from them, just something you stumble over in ow thats a bit more than it seems. 

    The bosses are hp sponges but I think these are balanced arouns 2-3 players while still reasonable to solo. 

    I actually did it several times just for fun or just helping some random player. Theres actually more chest around than in an average minidungeon. 

    I like minidungeons because they actually add some depth while exploring. Its good they added a few in Eod. Its not like you miss much if you skip them, just ignore if you dont like. 

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  4. I doubt they would tackle something like low lvl event scaling. I doubt a general approach would work, could just break some of the events, so a lot of individual tweaks would be required. Also they should scale it not only by player count but also by lvl. Its a big difference if you have many new low lvls or many (or even 1 or 2) geared scaled down max lvls.

    I think a better approach would be to just scale down players more aggressively. Scale down equipment stats more heavily. They could just down right remove mount dmg in the pre 80 zones. They could also heavily nerf runes and sigils when scaled down. This way you dont nerf the base character power but only the gear power.

    Some meta events could be individually buffed though. E.g., Fire Elemental.

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  5. On 6/13/2022 at 9:23 PM, Minjin.8259 said:

    I always find this a fascinating argument.  I get it to a degree, but then again I don't.  Before GW2 I played games that had gear/weapon upgrades locked behind paywalls, costumes were RNG based and character based instead of account wide.  Yes GW2 does charge for expansions.  Of course they do, but since I have been here (just under 2 years) all those earlier LW episodes have been made available for free a couple different times.  I would assume they might be again in the future.  Their cash shop is the absolutely least intrusive cash shop I have ever seen in a F2P game.  And they have the option to turn gold into gems...something in all the endless games I have played in the past I have never seen before.  Yes they could make it clearer that the LW seasons are a separate purchase.  But if you are patient and play the expansions you already bought they might come up again for free, who knows.

    The vast majority of the complaints in these threads are not about the price of LS episodes. Most of us all agree GW2 has one the fairest and generous business models out there. 

    It's just the upfront transparency of information.

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  6. On 6/14/2022 at 6:45 AM, SponTen.1267 said:

    Alternatively, could the third specialisation slot just always be the "Elite" slot? As in, what if it provided a "boosted" spec if you slot a Core specialisation in there? Thematically, it kind of makes sense, seeing as you don't get it til level 71. And it's already taken up by an Elite spec 99% of the time anyway. It would be interesting to be able to spec Fire + Earth + Arcane for a hybrid damage Elementalist, for example, so you might miss out on the Overloads you'd get from Tempest, but you'd gain the ability to switch Attunements much quicker (20-30%?) and much more self-Might uptime (2 from switching Attunements, up from 1), thanks to Arcane being "boosted"

    Thats a good idea. They could do as you suggested, every core line gets an elite boost in the 3rd slot. More work. 

    Or the easy way, a general core elite boost regardless which core line is in the third slot. 

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  7. The last interview I saw last year, it was around the first beta, I was quite sure we will not see alliances in a long time if ever. It sounded like a very early idea.

    It was actually a shame they announced it, went with betas and now we're back to being a myth. We were already making plans with guilds, recruiting, growing. The hype lasted for a few month. And now its kinda over and done. 

    And I am not even sure alliances are the answer to wvw's problems. In a way they might cause as much issues as they solve.

    I think more than alliances WvW just needs some upgrades to everything. Upgrading and shaking things up. Some changes and polishing of the maps. New WvW masteries. Rewards. Some kind of recognition  for players and guilds that do well in WvW, that might even make ppt more interesting for veterans. 

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  8. So when people say spvp is full of win traders, bots and afkers I am a bit sceptical if they even play this mode.

    Bots are present in lower tiers. I've seen a few when I started this game in low silver but now in higher tiers I dont see any bots. Its similar with afkers. Yes sometimes player will go afk. This is the case in any game. But repeated afkers will not climb the ranks. 

    So if you intend to play spvp and actually improve yourself you will probably out rank bots and to some extent afkers very quickly.

    Win trading is on the other end. Players in gold dont win trade. This is supposedly an issue at the top of the ranks. So unless you intend to push for the top this will not be an issue for you at all.

    Matches can be lopsided. But the truth is, this is not uncommon for any game. People sometimes connect this with class balance or matchmaking too much. Games can snowball. If a team get initial advantage and knows how capitalise on it, the final score can be very lopsided but in truth the tipping point could be very close. 

    As for comparison with Wow arena. Its a much different game. Wow is slower paced but more tactical, gw2 is faster and more action. I just got bored of arena quite fast, death match all the time. And I quit wow just when rated BGs came out. Dont know how that turned out. 

    Also if now using stuff like shackle undead or scare beast on druids (I think I remembered the skill name correctly) is considered high skill...huh

    Also Wow just gives you way more info and tools. And if you use addons you get even more. You have target and focus, can macro skills so you dont need re-targeting, the game gives you info what is the enemy casting... There are addons that can track CDs which I considered downright cheats and much more. You barely have to look at the animations. Gw2 you actually have to read the play. SO naturally in a vacuum the Wow play will sound much more tactical but in truth the game also plays itself much more.

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  9. 50 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

      Trailblazer + Tormenting in the typical Glint + Malllyx build was (is) brutal in terms of damage at PvE, but the nerfs hit the sustain, specially at WvW (the reason scaled so well in 1 vs n was due the most targets, the most torment you proc and the most heals you got). And in PvE was easy to stack 40-50 torment on a target.

       But now I think that celestial works better (specially at WvW) in Glint + Shiro builds (based on procs at legend & weapon swaps), due you have more mobility, more even condition pressure (the stacks of torment aren't as high, but you add poison and you don't need to pay the high upcost of Embrace the Darkness to make your procs, swapping weapons and legends is free!).

       Currently using those two at PvE/WvW roaming and in PvP:




      While in combat you essentially have perma migth, so physical damage is also strong. The basic stats (~25K HP, 3K armor, ~1300 condi damage, ~45% crit chance under fury and ~170 crit damage) are very good. It takes me roughly the same 23 seconds to kill a veteran Bristleback from WvW's  Desert Borderland with this build as with  my Trailblazer + Viper roaming Renegade, but feels tankier. Is not as fast as with my Trailblazer Willbender (~14 seconds) but that one feels more like a glass cannon: despite the high HP and armor if you don't finish fast a foe has troubles when the fight last long and experiences pressure. 

    Speaking strictly PVE here. While I still use it in WvW sometimes, I just do it because I have it and just swiftly switch to it if I see that the situations might be favourable. 

    Where I think trailblazer Herald with Glint/Malyx outshines pretty much anything in owpve is that on top of its top tier soloing power it has insane AOE potential. Everything you do spits out either torment or burning in AOE. And it has an AOE pull in Malyx. Plenty of CC. And while you cant match the mobility of Shiro (not much can) you're still quite mobile with perma swiftness, super speed with Glint ult and axe 4 for that quick reposition.

    Its the build I used for the hardest story or other soloable pve achives. And generally you barely break a sweat. The pull makes a bit difference. Its just so nice to clump everything together, makes up for a lot of time and a few achives rely on mob repositioning.

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  10. 49 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

    But an inexperienced player giving an honest attempt at coming up with a build can realistically end up with a setup where they are literally incapable to perform to the necessary degree. 

    True. But what is wrong with some content that is not aimed at an inexperienced players?

    I like we have a few big events that are aimed towards more experienced and organised players. And no 10 man instances are not the same as 60 man big events. Maybe having more such events would revitalise guilds in this game.

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  11. 11 minutes ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

    Maybe not, but "Why didn't you read the information provided when you made your purchase?" will, right?  So, people are asking for information to be provided, that is provided when you make the purchase, according to the post right above yours.  What that tells me is that people are just clicking through their purchases, which is fine, I do the same thing, and don't realize that the information they feel isn't provided actually is provided.

    I'm not against editing the page to indicate the need to purchase the LW seasons.  I'm against the intellectual dishonesty of claiming that someone is somehow being ripped off from the lack of it.  As an example, how many times did I rage quit because I didn't get to play LW S1, and had to buy seasons 2 and 3?  The correct answer is 0.  Guess what; I have a Steam account...

    The post above is my post.

    I just acknowledged that a LS2 can be found on the site now compared to the time I purchased it. So at least LS is mentioned but nothing is explained.

    It is far from transparent. And "Get everything you need to experience Tyria, a vast living world. This collection includes Guild Wars 2 and all its expansions..." under Collection is still very miss leading and just false. Here we can start talking semantics again.

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  12. I did check the purchase site and it does have in game items now. It wasn't like that when I bought the game. But I see only LS2 and its under in game items. I dont consider story and maps as in game items but ok.

    What I would suggest. Add LS chapters under "games" section, not under "in game items". Just bundle all LS in 1 package if its to much. Add ultimate edition for 60 EUR and clearly state it includes all LS. Or make section DLCs and clearly show all LS there.

    Oh and just make LS2 free if you buy any of the expansions. That thing is not worth 16eur and players dont need to buy any DLCs up to the end of Hot.

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  13. 5 hours ago, Shikigami.4013 said:

    Unlock means you make the content available. The episodes are content that is bought. When you dont have the corresponding expansions you CAN NOT play them. When they are unlocked, you can play them (of course after you bought them).

    It is exactly the same as ALL other content in the expansion that will be unlocked by purchasing the expansion and then earned in the game, which is what I described in detail.

    Like you unlock MOUNTS by purchasing the expansion, but then you have to work for them in game and partly even buy them for a lot of gold (Griffon costs 250g). Just because the purchase of Path of Fire unlocked mounts for you does not entitle you to use mounts without earning/paying for them, and likewise the unlocking of the living world episodes does not entitle you to play them without paying for them.

    Why is this such a difficult concept, I really don't get it. Why do so many people feel entitled to play the episodes that have to be purchased for free, but nobody feels entitled to get the griffon for free despite mounts also being "unlocked".

    Sure lets wrap this up in semantics. Great advertising. That explanation will go a long way when players need to open up wallets. 

    The whole thing is not transparent. It wasnt transparent to me when I bought the game. I thought I have everything. When I discovered I need to buy LS2 and 3 I did feel a bit cheated. I didnt do research in advance because there was no inclination at the time and point of purchase. If I need to go through the fine print and external sources to actually find out what is the full package and how much it costs its shady business. 

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  14. I dont care about the cost. If its a weapon that I use a lot on different builds and just want it for the QOL I will get the gen 1. If its a really cool legendary skin I would like to have I dont mind if its absurdly expensive because well there is not much else to sink resources into in this game. I'm not really one to care about having it all just for the sake of completion.

    But the research notes. Whoever thought of such an annoying system. I havent even thought about gen3 yet and I'm already annoyed by the jade bot upgrades. 

    If they wanted a sink for mats why not just take the gen2 route with t5 mats. I mean its not the most engaging system but the research notes are just one additional step in annoyance level.

    What was the thought process here? What is the purpose? Is it a specific sink? If they wanted to add a sink for leftover ascended items we already have dark energy and stabilising matrices, they could just up the cost of those. If they wanted to just add more material sinks, just adapt the cost of those. But having to craft literary thousands of items and "salvage"/research them is so annoying.  

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  15. 1 hour ago, Jokuc.3478 said:

    I hope ANet would do something like fractals where you have 3 different dungeon paths being daily with extra rewards so maybe people could start doing daily dungeons *hopium*. 

    This. Or at least more frequent daily dungeon but with specific path and some decent rewards.

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  16. Sometimes. But I wont play fotm if I dont like the playstyle. I'm not good at classes that I dont like anyway which I think is pretty much universal for all. 

    Right now I do also play harb. But I actually really like it regardless if its good or not. I think its quite interesting and fun for a necro.

    I'm only gold anyway. Its not like I'm playing any build close to max potential and against players that are crisp. So being familiar and comfortable with a build means a lot. I dont play the common harb builds anyway. 

  17. I would like to have it. I only install ArcDps when I'm testing builds, encounters. But I just dont feel like updating it constantly so I delete after the next patch until I want it again.

    I would be fine with just personal dps if I can still install Arc when I want more. Well the best thing for me would the full scope integrated feature but judging by what they did to templates maybe this is not something I should wish for.

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