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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. I'm not 100% sure if this actually has an impact here but maybe it does. Are you using your "swoop" ability (default 1) to dive or "dive" ability. I think swoop actually has more animation frames. You should be using dive. 

    During dive, when you flap to superspeed.  Are you holding flap or just tapping it? Just a tap is enough to go to super speed. 

    Otherwise its probably just timing of you abilities. As you can see in the first video she is very precise. Her stamina never reaches 100%, you dont need 100% for a flap. You dont need EOD jade bot for this.

  2. On 5/22/2022 at 1:31 AM, Remount.7832 said:

    I may be mistaken but I've been told WvW is dependent on gear. After looking at the gear it seems it will take about 3-6 months of hardcore grinding or about $200-500 to buy most items needed.



    More like hitting lvl 80 and selling some of the stuff in you material storage and buying gear on the TP in 1 minute. There are some stat combos for specific specs that are more expensive but in general exotics from TP will get you good enough starting point to be just fine.

    From here on your biggest hurdle will be skill. By far. By the time those ~10% increase in stats from ascended/legendary will matter youll have them.

  3. Just now, Luci.7018 said:

    Do we need dps check thought ?

    We can force the boss to deal more damage and kill the zerg instead .

    From dps checks we can move to survival checks

    Ha, that would be fun. Right now people complain in general direction. Havent seen name calling for low dps. In that case players would be called out personally for getting killed or failing mechanic. Soon we would have topics we need a longer black list from coms. 

    I mean if they would implement real mechanics checks. Not I can fail 10 times and still succeed. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, Aridon.8362 said:


    I'm not saying the players paying for gems is bad.


    I'm saying the people on the trading post are bad, instead of waiting for someone else's item to sell for a price they want, no they go in and undercut, then they get undercut, then they take out the item and undercut again, despite having already lost roughly 10% in listing fees, and single-handedly ruining a market.

    Nobody wins in that scenario repeating itself over and over again. But we just have to work with it. Thankfully the supply and demand concept works out, that is literally the only thing keeping the TP alive.

    I always liked the ESO model, where you put up stores and that's how you make gold, it prevents this undercutting stuff from happening by having the items cycle based on the player's location. Instead of relying on a queuing process. But that's just me.

    That could be the case only with some completely new items. Otherwise the market is stable and fluent enough that you shouldnt worry about that at all. 

    If you are worried about that you can always take a look at historic trends and assess if you might be selling to high. I never experienced it and I always list sales and often not even at the lowest listing because I know its on the lower end of the range at the time of listing.

    The good thing about the TP is that you can very well assess the market price of the item. With shop system you dont have a complete picture and its hard to reference the price for scarcer commodities. You might be underselling or paying too much without knowing it.

    And yeah most mmos have huge inflation issues. Which sucks because your accumulated currency is constantly losing value.

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  5. I think its good for the game that the meta is not in a private instance. Is it more frustrating at times? Yes. Even more so for players that are capable of organising themselves.

    But having it in the private instance would just further divide the player base. The open world nature now gives all the players an opportunity to play the meta and to play together. In private instance it would be like private marionette. Great for me for example because with an organised group I had pretty much 100% success rate while most people complained how they cant get a working group together.

    This meta is exactly what many players say they want. A learning event for harder content. It has basic mechanics and it requires at least some lvl of execution and dps to complete it. Because lets face it if you want a player to actually learn something about mechanics and roles and dps you have to put him in situation where those matter, together with other players from whom he can learn. I'm sure more players are familiar with the group compositions, support roles, builds, different abbreviations and requirements that someone is expected to meet to win such fights. Is it frustrating sometimes? Sure. But that is also part of the learning, with tougher fights you will lose. Loosing is not a failure, loosing is part of the learning. The only complaint I have is that it could be substantially shorter.

    In the end regardless if its private or OW, you can just ignore it the same. And not experiencing the story is not an argument. You experience full story in story missions.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:


    Hold up a minute, lets get some facts here. 
    You have Spirit shards and Clovers turned off, which of course does devalue Drizzlewood coast as it drops more Spirit shards then the top 2, AND drops clovers., which the top 2 don't. 

    Also, DE there is assuming that in one hour exactly, you also get stuff like the hero choice chest. Which means that it assumes you got the stacks you needed, and then had a successful run in the zone including a final boss successful kill all in one hour. This also means it is not repeatable, which means its not a farm as you can only get the chest once a day, and tell me, if you spend 2 hours do you actually end up with the same amount? that means what you see on Fast, is actually half what you get. It also seems to be massively overvaluing imperial favours, which is essentially the only source of income entirely. - Especially in Echovald. 

    And that's it, that is all it gives. Drizzlewood? Clovers, shards, loads of materials and things that is not just gold. Plus the loot comes in continually and doesn't require you swapping favours for gloves from the first successful meta of the day which if more people did, would crash the market entirely. 

    So no, saying they are better farmtrains then Drizzlewood is very inaccurate. 

    Its tru with the mc and spirits drizzle comes closer. Cant really comment on the currency conversion. 

    But you dont need 2h for DE meta. 70 mins is just fine. The escorts and soo won fight run well below full 60 mins and you can get 10 stacks in like 25 mins quite easily. 

    In the long run the price of some rewards will probably drop and wont keep up with drizzle or DF. But players that are today complaining about rewards are silly. And comparing it to AB is just nonsense.

    EOD, like any new expansion has been a huge source of gold for players that follow the markets just a little bit and are willing to be patient with the new shinies. 

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  7. It probably seems overwhelming when you meet them as a newbie. But the bandit champs are actually quite easy champs (some more, some less). Definitely soloable. Its mostly just getting the hang of combat mechanics. 

    The legendary executioner is harder yes. But I dont think he is required for anything. Just a surprise boss spawn you can just walk away if you dont like the fight. I find him fun and his execute mechanic. Need to be carefull not to get downed. 

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  8. 5 hours ago, Mickey.4207 said:

    You could have done your own search. Here is one link for example. Only thing mentioned from EOD is leviathan but that is also at the bottom of the list. We are discussing the reason why so many players prefer older maps compared to EOD for rewards by the way. Not just one individuals personal experience and feelings. You enjoying EOD has nothing to do with the trend of old maps being still best for loot and rewards and that's something ANET needs to fix. Make EOD maps more viable in terms of loot. 


    Currently the top 2 farmtrains on [fast] farming community are Echovald and Dragon's End. Low data set though.

    They beat Drizzlewood in gph by a huge margin.


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  9. 2 hours ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

    I am genuinely curious on the opinions of those opposed to this change. Perhaps there is a downside to this that I am overlooking? 

    You started on the premise ranked is flawed. I dont think it is, I enjoy it, I like to see where I stand even if its skewed to some extent (I dont know neither care much if it is). I dont care about other players gaming the system because I dont think it matters in the grand scheme at all. I have only met 1 or 2 bots and that was very long ago. And anyway if you move participation rewards to unranked the afks and bots would just move there.

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  10. Its been a long time since I played wow which was the last mmorpg before gw2. That was still in the talent tree times of wow. 

    Gw2 has way better balance compared to that. Both pve and spvp.

    pve checks are much tighter in wow so it would probably be similar in gw2 if they made checks super tight.

    Pvp Arena really only had a few specific comps with very specific builds. Gw2 you actually have options, even at higher skill tiers. And if you add 3v3 and 2v2 the variety is quite good. 

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  11. They did kinda acknowledge the potential issue with IBS with Bjora and Drizzle when those maps were released in 2 parts so half a map per LS chapter. 

    I would agree that some of the new LS chapters are set in the core maps with added stuff. its probably a bit tricky to do it without breaking the map for core players. The additions would be limited. I doubt also that players would take it well since we are used to new LS chapter = new map.

    But new events will always be a thing. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Silent.6137 said:

    How can it be a better flyer if there's so many conditions/restrictions? It does excel in certain area but overall, it's definitely not a better flyer.

    I mean I agree. Depends a bit on what you define as a better flyer. Just wanted to point out Griffon has a trick with which you can climb higher than you initial diving point which leads you can climb indefinitely. Players will often say GW2 has no flying mount because all start to lose altitude at some point and need to land at some point. Technically you can overcome that with Griffon with a nifty trick (shortest dive to superspeed, hold dive while initiate climb, 3 flaps - you end up higher as you started if you are precise). Is it practical to use? Not really.

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  13. 19 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

    Maybe as a solution to prevent unintentional losing of fishing stacks:

    1. You do not lose fishing stacks when changing instances - same as Jade Power Charges, which used to be an annoyance.
    2. Fishing stacks will only be reset if logged out longer than 10 minutes ( for DCs, slow loading, etc.)

    Limit amount of ambergris available from leviathan farming per account.


    I dont really fish. Like ever. But I'm guessing that the buff has a timer. If it has, I dont see any reason why the buff shouldn't stay with you while changing instances, maps. 

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  14. 10 hours ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

    But generally speaking mmos are not made for pvp anyway

    I would say "generally speaking mmos are not made for competitive pvp". If you want to make a competitive pvp game you need to go all in and also be prepared to change basic systems to sustain the game. You just can't have any reliance to some other game modes. The separation we have here is not enough. But then you have a separate game.

    What mmorpgs can full fill is lets call it the role playing casual pvp. Ill make a pirate thief put on a pirate hat and this sword that looks like Captain Hook's and yaaarrr Ill go stick some land dwellers with my sword because I'm a pirate. Balance is desired but not a must. All these traits and options that are mostly just bloat, traps and limitations just further serve the rpg player so he can have more choice and feels that this is his character. The rpg player in me likes this type of pvp, because I like to dabble with stats, traits, talents, whatever and like to stick swords in other players with whatever I put together (or find in the world). But I don't expect some serious competitive scene. For that I play dedicated games.

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  15. Rev hammer is meta for wvw zergs. 

    Warrior hammer is used with support warrior in wvw zergs. Youre not there for dmg anyway so the gutted dmg is not an issue. But I dont know how the Woj nerf impacted the support spellbreaker in zergs, havent played much lately. 

    Both are not good outside of that niche with hammers. 

    Guardian hammer has some niche in spvp. For example it can work on the currently very oppressive willbender instead of GS. Most still use GS though. 

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  16. Guardian is probably the most versatile profession in the game and no you wont be forced to play healer. Allthough having a dps/quickness boon support will get you much more spots than just pure dps.

    Dont get me wrong healing and healing/quickness firebrand is also build in high demand. 

    Warrior is in a good spot right now because banners. Especially in 10 man groups. But thats pretty much all it has. Well great cc but thats not so uncommon. And banners are due for rework. So who knows what will come out of that.

    The thing I like about warrior (power berserker) is that its easy to play. You plant those banners and hack with axes. Not much to it, easy rotation if you can call it like that. Switch to maces for great cc without much worry about messing up. High hp pool so can take an extra hit or 2.

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