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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. Dragonfall keyfarm + meta + champ train commanders can be touchy. They want to maximise the event tagging for the whole squad to get the maximum number of keys from pre-events and that actually requires cooperation of all the people in the squad. Which means following the events in specific order (not doing events without full squad), low dmg 1 tap tagging of the events so everyone can tag before mobs die.

    Now how I see it. If you are part of the squad and not following the rules of the squad the comm has all the rights to tell you how to play or otherwise kick you out.  But if you are outside of the squad you can do anything you want. Now out of the courtesy to 50 people in the squad I dont solo events on such maps unless its really something specific I want to do there (which I never need anyway).

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  2. 6 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

    Oh, and finally, I have a suspicion that WoW is a much easier game to run, servers wise, as compared to GW2. So if someone wanted to start up a private server, they may need a very beefy server just to have it running in a minimal state. Not even talking about any maintenance the server might require in the background that maybe only ANet will ever be equipped to handle.

    I'm certain all the wow private servers are reverse engineered. And unless Anet decided to sell or make the source public the private version would need to be reverse engineered also. So it would really depend on the developers. It could be that the private version would run much smoother 🙂

    But I doubt there is any interested community out there for running private gw2 servers. 

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  3. Balancing in any online game is never ending task. Its not just the need for re balancing after additions, changes to the game is that balancing changes the game and makes it fresh. It forces players to think about build and change them. The goal is not only to have balance between classes (people anyway have subjective opinions on balance so its to some extent futile anyway) but to not become stale. 

    Game has different aggro mechanics on different monsters. I think that is good. Mobs will behave differently. Got a problem with a monster? Learn its patterns. Don't have a problem? Well you probably wont care.

    There is no tank role in this game outside of specific raid encounters. Forget that term and mechanic. The game  has very mobile action combat system. It heavily favours not getting hit at all. Dodging, flanking, avoiding dmg by moving and positioning is far superior if not a must. On top of that every profession has additional skills for avoiding dmg, very useful for open world. Tank and spank wont get you far in this game, it might work in base game but once you get to harder expansion areas you will get completely demolished by even normal monster if you dont utilise avoidance. 


  4. I think Anet doesnt want MCs and MCs to be farmable. They are like a baseline time gate for legendary acquisition. Craft legendaries at a certain pace, you wont even notice them. Want to get them faster? Cough up some serious gold.

    Anyway I am crafting my legendaries at the MC pace so I never really care about them. I'm still behind the curve with other materials which I need to buy.

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  5. The recipes are the balancing tool but work only in one direction, up tier.  They are fine for this. 

    IF they want to balance the mat prices both ways they would need to add a down grade recipe. But im not sure they want that. Because the cheapest tier would dictate the price. 

    I think the point is to keep lower tier mats valuable to some extent without constantly adjusting sinks. And this is what these recipes achieve. If a mat price gets low enough its profitable to upgrade it. This way tier6 dictate the price and its much easier to balance. 

    These recipes are not intended to be profitable all the time. Only when there is imbalance on the market between tiers. 


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  6. 1 hour ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

    agreed, just selling it outright, no, but this idea that somehow it's a "premium" mount, and therefore must take a lot of hardwork and commitment (that just means gold, time, and grindy collections) is silly to me. Making it FUN should be part of the process, and I honestly don't get how making it easier to get would somehow destroy the balance of the game.

    So what kind of FUN activities would you play for Skyscale? These achievements are more or less comprised of tasks you do anyway in open world. Sure they could lock it behind fractals, raids, spvp and I would agree with it. But that would just trigger a huge upset in general player base. 

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  7. Other options. Join legendary bounty trains. Go through all pof lfgs to check for it. Youre bound to stumble on facet at some point. 

    Check bounty board right after Crystal Oasis casino meta and ask in map chat for help. There will be loads of players on the map. You only need like 2 or 3 capable players for it. 

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  8. Aegis should be self only boon.

    The problem with Aegis being widespread between professions is that its not like other boons. If you now suddenly have 3 players in the party that can chain Aegis they can completely avoid dmg mechanics, trivialise many encounters. Would it require skill and coordination? Yes. But it would be just to strong.

    Remove aegis sharing.  

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  9. You would need to completely change the game.

    Boons are only 1 "problem" here. Healing skills are either aoe centred on caster or ground target aoes. The encounters are also designed in a way that there is alot of aoe dmg. So the natural response is you clump together to maximise healing. Its easier to revive people from down if all are clumped. You have aoe stun breaks, reflects... Again everything favours  clumping together.

    I actually dont mind the the clumping. Yeah its sometimes funny to look at but I dont think it takes away from gameplay. And there are plenty mechanics where you need to split. And the fights are still mobile if designed that way.

    And I actually like playing a healer in this game due to how it works. I hated healing for example in wow. In wow you were looking at the raid name plates 95 % of the fight spam healing. Basically your gameplay was heal, heal, heal,... x 1000, big heal, heal heal heal x 500, aoe heal, aoe heal, heal heal heal x 1000.  Here you can actually focus on other stuff while healing. You still dps, actively provide boons, you have more preventive options, not just reactive. Basically you have your dps/boon rotation, cc rotation on top of the healing.

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  10. 1 minute ago, Zera Allimatti.2541 said:

    I kind of wish  they'd just remove it entirely and just permanently increase everyone's base stats for lvl 80 by a small amount and be done with it.

    I just wish they removed them. Or just kept them for nostalgia's sake and just gave it a funny dialogue without any real purpose. No buffs needed.

    Now they are exchanging one pointless task for another. Youll probably have to even click it more often than now if you want the buff. 

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  11. On 6/13/2022 at 12:18 PM, Bakeneko.5826 said:

    You sure you got that right? In Trinity MMOs tanks have to keep agro with agro generating skills and DPS can do too much damage for boss to switch onto them, same with healing and healers. GW2 has dumbest bosses in MMO.

    My only real reference to this is Wow raiding, maybe there are better games on this territory out there. For wow this was true only up to Woltk. And I was actually a big fan of that mechanic at the time. It basically required everyone to manage their aggro. But it also meant that dps classes without frequent aggro wipes had the disadvantage and an artificial dps ceiling (hello warriors).

    But for woltk they completely nerfed the mechanic and unless the dps purposely bursted at the pull the mechanic was pretty much redundant. And even that was remedied by a simple taunt. I guess they felt that the mechanic  limits other mechanics and sets a redundant dps ceiling, which I guess was true.

    I tanked pretty much all of the woltk encounters and there was never really a point when holding aggro would be an issue. Maybe at some transition where boss wipes aggro table but if you want such oh snap moments you can do it in some other manner and gw2 has those.

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  12. 3 hours ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

    not lizard people but by TP barons. they LITERALLY control the market. they've given enough guides and even interviews stating that ONE of them alone could crash the entire economy if they wanted to in an hour. shows how little you actually know

    Source. The last interview I saw with a guy that claims is one of the top dogs he stated the exact opposite. 

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  13. It wouldnt change anything. More abilities doesn't really offer anything.

    In wow I had like 45 binds. Did the game have more depth? No. First of all many of those binds were macros and same abilities split between target and focus and party members. That just made the game easier, low apm. 

    You also really used like third of the abilities regularly. The rest were very situational. Abilities like scare beast, remove curse. All of these had very limited use, very situational. They didnt add any depth, just clutter but you had to have it for that specific situation. GW2 solves these by giving you a choice. You decide on your weapons, you decide on your utilities. You can change it before the match based on the compositions. Strategic choices, tactical choices. Wow doesnt have that.

    You want cast bars? So you want skill based game but you want helping hand? Read animations. This is how skill based games are played. Not a big bar with possibly even a cast timer. Oh look a big bar is showing my focus is casting a spell 1 sec, I'll press focus counter spell macro when the bar is 3/4 filled. Ill just take a nap first.😴

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