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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 51 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    If you haven't noticed, those are separate meanings.

    So, something regular or permanent, but also relaxed and unconcerned completely fits that definition.

    That's one of the problems with the word - it can mean several different, separate things.

    For some, casual player will be one that plays occasionally. For others it will be not (ir)regularity that will count, but the amount of time played. Some will define it by how dedicated you are to the game. And some will look at your gameplay style (whether it is more serious or more laid back).

    I personally go with the player gameplay style and generally disagree with the classification by time played (seeing as i know several players whose attitude and playstyle i cannot describe in any other way as hardcore, that play only a very limited amount of hours per week)


    I kinda agree with you. Someone that plays only occasionally ATs with his/hers team and is very passionate about it, yeah its hard to classify.

    But on the other hand the game is labelled as "casual" friendly mostly because you don't need to constantly invest time in it. Can return anytime and still be competitive. And this is actually really great for casual raiders. I dont think any other game (really any other, single or multiplayer) rpg can offer that, raiding specifically.

    For example I used to play FPS hardcore. Like clan tournaments (on clanbase if anyone knows). I barely play it anymore. Maybe a few times per year. When I do play it I play pickup groups on TS, not public servers. I play it when we do it with friends (just some old quakers) and we do it properly. I do see it as casual. Its mostly occasional fun with friends but game play wise we play it hardcore. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    I was merely disputing the point that the definition provided was the only definition of casual.

    Yeah but to say you're invested and you spend a relatively large amount of time (again based on your own perception, for someone this might be 5 h per week, for someone 25) goes against one of the simplest definitions.

    Again its a relative term and I am aware different communities might use it differently. But you have players here that say that are casual while in the other sentence saying they spent 40 hours failing the meta in the first week it was released (just an example). That is not casual by any definition.

    For example, for me someone that logs in every Sunday evening for 2 h for a guild raid but otherwise is not really invested is casual.

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Given that Dragon's End has next to no rewards in the first place, Arenanet might not too add much more to the hypothetical instanced version (if anything at all).

    Oh this nonsense again. The second most gph farmtrain in the game has "next to no rewards". I mean I agree with many points haters have but this one is just plain lies.

    I have a feeling some of you complainers never even play the event.

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  4. I buy trophies for legendary crafting. 

    Ascended trinket salvaging seems barely profitable. I think it only makes sense if you get ascended salvaging tools as drops in fractals. But then you also get trinket drops. I wouldnt do it via buying tools. But maybe Im wrong. 

    As for t5 to t6 conversion. Most of the time trophies are profitable. Not always though. Im sure there are some online tools. I do convert them to t6 but Im not selling, hoard for crafting. 

  5. 29 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    That's debatable because most people seem to avoid it.

    And group forming is pretty much a requirement for this meta.

    A bit? This one is a lot more difficult objectively with all the mechanics going on that you cannot ignore. You say "find a group and join map". That is completely in contradiction with your previous point about people not wanting to engage in group forming.

    Off course you can just find a group and join the map. I mean there are some commanders that form group in Arborstone but the majority of groups are formed exactly like all others meta groups. I think I've only done the Arborstone grouping twice and that was more prominent when you still needed to get all 10 stacks before hand.

    Join squad, join map instance. You can leave the group and do the event outside of the squad if you don't want to be part of it.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    They could simply put the current version of Soo-Won into an instanced fight, similar to Dragonstorm, so that the people who enjoy organizing for it can keep their fun.

    The actual open world version could then be adjusted to fit with the vast majority of players, rather than a smaller subset (like it currently is).

    That way, Open World players can enjoy it more and organized people don't have to complain about non-participants taking up character space on the map.

    This would put Dragon's End in a better position for almost everyone who cares for it.

    I think its better that it is in OW. More people get to experience it.

    Many players complain instances are inaccessible to them for various reasons including anxiety, need to talk to other players. I think many players just dont do strikes and fractals even if they are more than capable of doing them. Just because they dont want to engage in group forming and interactions that come with it. 

    In this case you have the middle ground. Yeah the event is a bit harder than most metas. People on this forums grossly exaggerate though. I mean its forums, everything is the end of the world, sky falling, dead game, conspiracy aimed against them. But realistically anyone can join the same way as other metas. Find a group and join map. 

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Funny how that is, because i have seen a lot of toxicity, and a lot of fails. And i am EU as well.

    Interesting. I mean it did take me like 2 weeks to get to meta. So maybe I missed the initial fiasco before the first nerfs. But after that I maybe had 2 groups where a few people went toxic and blaming. I had more groups that gg-ed at the end even after a fail. 

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  8. It would be interesting to see the split in posters from EU and NA. Because all this QQ doesnt resemble my experience from the game at all. I have been involved in only 1 fail run in a long time and it was the kind of group that would fail some other metas also. And from the start I havent seen that much toxicity. Yeah a complainer here or there but nothing drastic. Drakkar for example was similar at start.

    EU here.

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  9. 44 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

    The open world is there to teach the mechanics, not force them to do dps s, so they don't afk. 

    Teach mechanics without doing dmg? What does that even mean? These are not 2 separate things if your goal is to kill the boss.

    Also why would whole open world be limited to only teaching mechanics? We have 10 years of open world content. How much do not stand in red circle tutorials do you need?

    I guess the players afk at octovine mastered their mechanics. They found a spot where they are safe and others kill the boss for them. Now they are ready for the next step. Do dmg.

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  10. Dps while avoiding dmg and doing other required stuff is a mechanic. Just avoiding dmg and doing nothing else is not proper execution of mechanics. 

    You want mechanic heavy fight without emphasis on dmg? Add jumping puzzle, add a simple rule - you die, its over, no loot. 

    Just adding mechanics without any fail scenario is a loot pinata. Mechanics become irrelevant. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    But you can already do that, and it's one of the main reasons to join a group for open-world events. At the moment it's done by joining a group, right clicking someone and picking 'join in...' and if I've understood correctly this would just add another way to do that, rather than any new function.

    Yes you can. But its limited to joining a squad member. If you would have insight and access to all instances players or full squads could freely hop instances looking for a specific spawn or maximise the farming or avoid certain players or groups and so on. You can do that to some extent with parking alt accounts in different instances but its still limited and kinda random. 

    I think they want instances to populate as organic as possible. Sometimes you get to a fuller map, sometimes you dont and they can keep population spread out (outside of specific events). Otherwise players might just gravitate to fuller maps and others would be stuck on empty maps. 

  12. I like it.

    I dont think we will ever get the option to join specific map instance like this. I think they want to populate them evenly and dont want excessive instance hoping.

    Also I would like to open several tabs at once. Like select click them on the left and they just stack on the right. And then save layout preset. And that preset just appears in the bottom of leftmost list. And it doesn't cost 400 gems. Whoa magic.

    And yes yes, a direct icon to lfg. Not hidden like they are ashamed of it (they could be though). And a direct key bind shortcut. 

    Also. Join your group instance from anywhere in the OW. Works for fractals, raids, strikes, dungeons. Can cost 3 silver if they want to keep the gold sink.

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  13. 19 hours ago, Mickey.4207 said:

     I already provided you the link. I don't know how else to tell you this but EOD rewards are pretty terrible in comparison when you take into account gold made per hour.  *Shrugs*. Also lol @ DE the dead map which only handful of guilds run nowdays with requirements that most causal players can't even fulfill. 

    The site lists farms by gold per hour. 

    Also the numbers by [fast] for other trains also take into account highly efficient trains; proper builds, high dps, fast movement, maximum tagging. I did a Dragonfall run with them last week and the champ train was so fast many players couldn't tag the champs. Now its different for most other trains where low performance just prolongs the train while DE you miss out on most of the loot.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    At this point, I'm fairly certain that Arenanet simply doesn't want Dragon's End to be cleared more often.

    I can only advice everyone to stay away from it and go play Drizzlewood Coast instead, if they want to play a long long meta event. Both are equally tiring and infested with particle effects, but at least Drizzlewood Coast has a significantly higher success rate and more loot.

    Well I find drizzle the ultimate 1111 boredom. Cant get myself to do it. 

    DE is quite fun. At least the soo won fight. The prep is what bothers me. Waste of time. Escorts are ok I guess. Like I suggested before, give full stacks during escorts and just remove map readyness. This would turn it into 40-45 min event. 

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  15. 11 hours ago, Dave.6819 said:

    Well tehcnically yeah, it's a pvp area. But in reality it's sucha pathetic way of "pvping". What are you achieving by camping there? You're improving your pvp skills? Are you even challenged? You find it fun to just sit in 1 spot and wait for pve'ers to troll? You're gaining pips/chests or in general good loot/hour? Idk, to me it seems like a huge waste of time. I never "pvped" there. It's an obvious griefing/trolling environment, i wouldn't call it pvp even. And i'm not really mad, i just found it perplexing that some people even do that. Just genuinely surprised that there are that kind of low level players in this game and interested what is it they're after. 

    The JP was designed for that. 

    Bring your friends, stab up and kill them. 

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    9 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    What if points had more of a curve the closer you got to 500? If I lose a game 501/499, my team has done just as well as the winning team, and a tiny moment somewhere caused them to cross the line sooner.

    200 - 1 pip

    250 - 2 pip

    300 - 3 pip

    350 - 5 pip

    400 - 7 pip

    450 - 10 pip

    Win - 12 pip

    Now if you can just get 50 more points before the other team wins, you get more for that 50 than you did for the previous, incentivizing your team to hang in there even when losing and push for the next break point.

    Imo win is still a win and the rewards should heavily skew to winners.

  17. Easy.

    Reduce pips or just remove them when you lose. I would suggest like this.

    Baseline 0 pips for a loss.

    1 pip if your team reaches > 250 points.

    2 pips > 300 points.

    3 pips > 400 points

    +1 pip for top stats stays.


    12 pips base for a win.

  18. 7 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

    Welcome to Heart of Thorns... You kinda know now why the GW2 populations died over night when it first released, Don't let these forum goers lie to you it was hated by a huge number of people and still is.. To the point its had funnily enough two or three major overhauls since release.. Cough nerfs Cough.

    That said i agree its a nightmare.. And what you say i completely agree. Its crazy stupid some of these in game things.. But please stop bagging out us Asura we are tiny people too, but i agree we do glide well.

    That's the problem with Guildwars 2.. New customers buy these expansions and avoid the "living stories" because its an optional extra that costs a fortune and people miss out on half the story and gear..

    Guildwars 2 suffers from massive design flaws where these Living stories are concerned.


    The sound of char gliding over the top of your head. 

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