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Everything posted by Taobella.6597

  1. anet had test server before when added EOTM
  2. Would be an interesting feature, but I could see where it might introduce additional latency depending on how it was created. If that were the case then I would side on what we have. That is probably true i am not a coder but we could always do a weekly WvW test with it on an see if players like it or not. if it causes to much lag we can just scrap the idea.
  3. other idea for thief guild was to make it so if you pick like daredevil you get 2 vaulting thief or deadeye you get 2 rifle thief XD.
  4. i was thinking more like a 30 second CD 900 range skill that be summon on target. start channel cast blinding powder in area well stomping in stealth.
  5. Thief gyro? exactly like a 900 range summon thief that stomp someone :). Impact is better but limited to daredevil alone.
  6. What if thief guild(elite) was change so you could summon a thief that stomp a player. would that be better then current thief guild. leave your thought suggestion idea :).
  7. Smaller AoE or less damage on AoE skills. WvW has snowball out of control in AoE size and damage. one of them has to be fix I would recommend we lower AoE size it much easier change for anet an it will improve FPS. :)
  8. d/p always good just because it has lots of stealth honestly back stab at this point in game should be redesign. it just a too outdated skill for the game.
  9. I mean only classes that really get a bonus from this is Mesmer, Thief, Rangers. for the most part. some classes need to able to target something to deal dmg.
  10. that is whole point of changing tab targeting to snipe classes in a large group where clicking on them just not relyable way to do it.
  11. Question was not for con removal it was for what better then bursting :). But yes any con removal with antitoxin is abit crazy
  12. that not a bad idea either probably much easier for anet go that root then my suggestion.
  13. well some time when you fighting raid comps you have to kill select classes to snipe there comp apart. an relying on tab target to just maybe give you right player to RNG for me.
  14. i hate spam tab targeting to try find 1 class in a zerg. can you add a key to the game open up sub panel on screen let me pick what class i want tab target to select first. the way i would add it to UI is i hold tab for 2 seconds bring up class window in a circle to select from. thought input suggestion on how it would break the game :).
  15. Well it more so your burning the zerg con removal :). longer the fight goes more likely they just auto die at some point
  16. winning would be nice if there was a reward for it but i think promote more toxic game play to players that do not wish to play meta builds. i think game should promote players on your server across all the servers. such as top kill player of that week or something along though lines.
  17. for thief it malice > bursting > anything else. earth sigil is good if you have 100% crit rate but most con builds do not.
  18. Oh i thought it was scaling 3 poison to 20 player after reviewing clip few times i was wrong it applying 3 poison to 5 players my mistake.
  19. it kinda hard to do in pirate ship meta i was doing it last night honestly getting no where i think that more are zerg having no plan of what to do then me trying xD.
  20. just thought i show you something neat with this trait.
  21. this is magic thief :) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAqYVnsMBNGj1FDmOBUGjFZCzrMMG+Qa7ppQAgfY2MnmA-jVyCQBI7RAUP9BVU5xKVCWQ1f2oSslt/AAOBAH7IAEAABYmlZZOzAzcmzcmzcmVmzcmzcmzcmzcmzsUA6uBD-w the way you do combo is you go blinding shadow > deadeye mark > mercy > deadeye mark = that enough to go threw a mount an kill someone if they do not run con clear :).
  22. i do not use dagger storm myself but yes i could see value in it :).
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