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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. I'd MUCH rather Medic's Feedback to not be as strong and passive as it is right now, I agree you on that. They should replace that trait with a proper glamour trait. I think both WoR and Feedback are bad, WoR being the better one. They are too limited and boring. Small note: I was trying to compare glamours with consecrations, not weapon symbols lol. Big brain from me.
  2. I could just be saying "nobody decent has problems vs condi, get good noob" but that doesn't explain anything.
  3. I think they should add glamour trait back.
  4. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zealot%27s_FireThis has higher power coefficient than ranger gs2 btw Same goes for P/D 3 on thief, it has likr 1.6-1.7 coefficient and repeater has 1.5 coefficient. Hybrid OP.
  5. It's funny when people can't understand death log.
  6. Let's compare wall of reflection with feedback. Wall of reflection is better in any way shape or form. Feedback lacks cd reduction trait. WoR basically has higher uptime. WoR is a light field (aoe cleanses btw) while feedback is an ethereal field (1 confusion per projectile finisher :)).
  7. That's like... no damage at all.572 burn ticks, 366 moving torment ticks, 94 poison ticks, 1025 skill use confusion ticks.In total, 2k condi ticks considering you are using skills without any cast time and moving nonstop. I'll make you a favor and make it 10 poison. That's.. get ready... 3k condi ticks. Congratulations. 10 poison does 1k ticks lol.
  8. I don't know, 1 stack of burning with 1000 condition damage hits for 286. If you somehow get hit by 20 burning only then you will be hit by 5.7k ticks.
  9. What are you even talking about? I was just asking to compare https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Feedback with guard symbols lol.
  10. You don't need to cleanse conditions if you just prevent the application. Dodge, block, evade, kite away etc.
  11. Condi is fine (there are a few exceptions), already explained.
  12. Take a look at Mesmer Feedback.Then look at guard symbols.
  13. Of course not just the burst, a +1 doesn't end with just steal backstab.I am usually between 50%-75% when a thief ganks me. That's like 10k-15k hp. A thief can easily bring me (light armor 225 toughness) to 3-4kish health easily.
  14. Usually I will be left with 2-3k hp after initial burst so I guess ccing is the only way. Plasma still OP.
  15. I didn't understand a thing, but I asked for heartseeker buffs. It's ok if thief has mobility, just not infinite. When they use everything to +1 me and still they have more mobility to follow me when I blink + staff 2.
  16. People should at least be able to kite/run away (depending on the build) when a thief +1s against them. That's currently almost impossible, a thief can easily follow every build rn.
  17. Here's my variation, a lot more tanky: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAYtzlVwuYJMFGKeuT5rWA-z5YfIRKEyUF0xEwtDA Reminder: Sword offhand generates 2 clones unlike others.
  18. @saerni.2584 and @Sigmoid.7082 Thanks for explaining instead of me, I really appreciate it.
  19. This will be the last answer you will get since it is not worth it anymore, you don't even listen. Blocks: Haha yeah oh whoops it doesn't negate any damage when you've been already hit by condition attacks, and oh when you're done blocking there's heaps more! Completely negates power on the other hand.Evades: Funnily enough, when you are on fire, you cannot evade the flames already on you, or evade the blood back into your body when you're bleeding. You can, however, completely evade power attacks that need to hit you several times to do damage.Legit big brain moment here. You also can't negate power damage you've already got hit by. Invulnerability: Oh man it's too bad not everyone is playing a Guardian or a Weaver huh? Oh wait. Since I actually play PvP, I can tell that half the players do now. Other professions, like core thief, quit. Invulnerability that also protects against Power btw. Cleanses: And now for the cheap cheap price of 30s cooldown and one of your utility slots you can remove immediately an entire stack of conditions* until it is reapplied full force one second later by the dragonhunter's fire pulse for 30k damage.I have like 5-6 traits and skills used just for condition cleansing.
  20. Check the reward section: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_League
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