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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. I lost my elegy + requiem armor collection + timegated mistonium + 5 map completions, not everyone follows the most recent content. I haven't even started the Saga.
  2. It feels like THE conquest map. That's why.
  3. Phantasm does multiple attacks, meaning it will proc Sharper Images a lot of times.
  4. Pherald, renegade, pthief, pranger, prot holo, pDH, LR weaver are power builds in this meta, viable in high tier. Cnecro, vherald, cDH, cmirage are viable condi builds in this meta, in both low and high tier. D:
  5. I guess you can't just adjust it to be weaker.Then no idea.
  6. As far as I remember, there is a starcraft bot that ques ranked(?) in high divisions.It's not the same thing but anet could ask some other company to do it idk, would be interesting.
  7. Did you come here just to say this? lol Edit: Thanks for enlightening us with your random "im leaving again! pls care about me!".
  8. This wasn't a problem until 2 days ago D:
  9. I wouldnt say that CRev and Firebrand are among the easiest classes. They were just by far better. Yes in theory you could build to counter them. But they could then swap off of the counter and counter you. And they did. Thats why you just saw those 3, playing variations. No build diversity.They are, actually. I saw more necros than those two though. For the record, I was usually getting matched against between top 250 and top 100ish since my duo was waaay higher rated than I was.
  10. For all other classes, every class had at least 2 builds which could trade evenly with crev, bunker necro and firebrand. However the easiest builds to play were obviously the most used.
  11. Already explained: You are stressing a point that's easily fixable by literally making the doors longer.
  12. This never happens btw. Source? I played 2v2. Changed build only once and still lost that one anyway. How do you know what your opponent's build is if you can't select them? How do you know if they changed their build?
  13. I think this can easily be fixed with locking players in spawn, as it should be.
  14. I never had any problem vs Condi DH but there is a guy with 5 alts, all are in legendary. He plays burn DH. EU btw He even posted here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104445/mission-accomplished
  15. For me I can 1v1 most people but I am pretty average or maybe even below average in conquest rotations, I did way better in 2v2 season.
  16. Thanks for the feedback. It's easier to counter meta builds in 1v1, so even if it gets metagamed you could just take a hard counter.
  17. Mini seasons are one of the best ideas Anet had for PvP. If they focus on improving the variety of game modes, PvP will definitely have more players.So, following on that, I propose: 1v1 mini season. Since, according to my personal observations, nearly every PvP player has a "dueling" addiction, why not build on that more? Features I have in mind (might add/delete according to feedback I recieve): Played in 2v2 maps, just with 1 person on each team. Time limit before mechanics start kicking in is shorter.Any amulet/rune with healing power is disabled. Toughness is still countered with condition damage, so that's allowed.
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