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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. For spvp, staff is good in core mesmer only. Mirage is better with sword.
  2. Very good idea, will only happen when they bring 5 man ranked queue back.
  3. It needs all 5 players be able to "run counter comp", "focus on target" and "do godlike rotations". Not gonna happen in ranked.
  4. I think I saw one, he spent entire game dead, dying or desperately flailing around for his life, was funny to watch tbh :D That was a meme comp with core guard, just fyi.
  5. not youtube but on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mightyteapot/videos
  6. Has been correct for years, it's that_shaman's website. Definitely not 100% but it's at least 90%.
  7. edit: this is 90% sarcasm Why is it stupid though? It's probably going to define the meta comp and anet will definitely take it into consideration.
  8. cuz I will nearly always queue with 4 people to stomp noobs or get stomped by some mAT winner team, or more like exact opposite.
  9. For real all charr female I saw were just wholesome people. Asura female should be replaced with norn female btw.
  10. Highest stab might be stance warrior or elite mantra firebrand Highest sustain is probably protection soulbeast
  11. Use standard character models Asura is masterrace
  12. Maybe it's about this: "Right-Click to Attack/Interact — Allows you to interact with foes, NPCs, and objects by right-clicking on them."or this: "Double-Click to Attack/Interact — Allows you to interact with foes, NPCs, and objects by double-clicking on them."
  13. I bet nobody will disagree if I said I don't wantScourge/Firebrand or2 SA thieves or2 Power revs or2 Condi mirages or2 fire/water weavers
  14. Nah with best play it's a draw afaik But forums are sometimes like rook complaining about diagonal movement being OP
  15. I don't even play ranked, who cares about my rating? Wintraders push actual good players back with match manipulation.
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