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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. If it wasn't sarcasm, then you just don't know what you are talking about.
  2. Scenario:Longbow ranger starts casting PBSEle uses Swirling WindsRanger cancels the skill Scenario:Ranger starts casting PBSNecro uses CPCRanger didn't notice CPC in time because it's hard to see, rip PBS for no reason ps: I never had any problem with cpc lol
  3. It's too build dependant, you almost can't play greatsword without taking domination line. That's why I can't say if GS is good or not but I can tell you this: power mesmer of any kind is currently pretty bad in wvw. I think some fractal/raid builds use GS but the main choice is sword or axe.
  4. Please read before answering. I don't care about its duration, cooldown or radius. I just want to see the skill so I can stop using my projectiles.
  5. I don't get why people defend this for no reason. The skill is obviously very hard to see. Make it less transparent and the problem will be solved.
  6. We can argue longer duration makes up for this since you use both of them in wvw where personal reflexes are less important. WoR is, again, a light field which is way better than ethereal fields. I mean, we already know WoR sees way more play than Feedback does.
  7. Well conditions ignore armor. I think burning and bleeding should have a difference and poison should have lower coefficient/damage than bleeding. Rest are ok.
  8. Mesmer:Signet of Illusions CD increase Thief:Some initiative cost increase
  9. I don't complain about P/D thief at all, I play some kind of reflect-invuln-cleanse build so P/D die easy to me. Plasma on the other hand :) Edit: @Bazsi.2734 lol so that's why I can't dodge DJ sometimes.
  10. Thieves I fight will ALWAYS have quickness access except deadeye. Guess what class I play?
  11. Other classes getting nerfed more than renegade is the same as renegade getting buffed.
  12. Not like I want to destroy rene. I even asked for mechanical buffs and bugfixes. However current renegade is like core necro, it has "never dodge and spam 1" gameplay. Maybe they should nerf autoattacks and rework 2, 3 and 4.
  13. You know 3 renegades won EU monthly AT, right?
  14. @Khisanth.2948 Apparently a developer already has taken note about it, we'll see if anything comes out of it.
  15. on October 26, 2015 patch it says "Fixed an issue that caused this trait to apply aegis without respecting its cooldown." This trait currently has 300 seconds cooldown. However, when I tested it without taking any other traits other than DH minors, I noticed this trait grants aegis on every disabling effect without respecting any cooldown.Is this intentional? Tested in Heart of the Mists.
  16. I think renegade needs number nerfs but mechanic buffs. Shortbow 2 and 3 are useless. Shortbow 4 is semi-useful. In many cases, you are better off spamming 1.Spirits can't be used to or from no-port zones.Spirit AoEs have too much screen clutter. They also need different colors.
  17. OP nearly always plays jalis/kalla, that build is almost hard countered by burn guard. That's why he is asking for deletion lol.
  18. EDIT: 5k per tick is like 16-18 stacks of burning. If you get hit by that much, you are omegalul anyway. Maybe stop playing jalis kalla. Yeah 0.155 coefficient, scales so much. Do you want every condi to be 0.06 like poison and bleed? I think they need to nerf POWER parts of those skills. Torch 4 has 1.75 coefficient for power, lol.
  19. Thing is, the foe isn't beaten until they get into defeated state (basically dead). I think rallying should be removed and that's all.
  20. How do they stack with each other?I think food is useless there, and vigor + trait is 100% faster?
  21. Maybe a button to queue unranked into the activity that's on the rotation?
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