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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. I don't get it. Power can burst in a short time so having shorter immob and cripple is fine while condi only does damage over time. It's just logical.
  2. While I am not sure I was the reason, they fixed 2 of 3 long lasting bugs I reported, Elixir U and Power Stab. So I guess they took them as exploits or it was just pure coincidence.
  3. Let me get this straight: I don't like the way they fixed it with a rework. I would rather they really fixed it by making cancel reset the chain. Power Stab could be casted, cancelled and recasted for longer evade duration. It is obviously an exploit, it only happens with channeled autoattacks. Don't worry, I got the definition of "exploit" from gw2 wiki.Link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exploit ps: Exploits don't need "feedback" except reports. They aren't discuss materials for players.
  4. They will also be fixing a big exploit with elixir u in this patch, it has been there for a very long time as well. I don't care if Ranger is the worst class, an exploit is an exploit, game balance is irrelevant.
  5. It was an exploit from the perspective of Anet.Dumb or not.
  6. Heal signet's aftercast on Chrono and Blurred Frenzy evade were fixed. I think I don't even have to remind you of Heartseeker and Vault steal. Exploits aren't skilled.
  7. It's not out of nowhere. I reported it as a bugged skill alongside some other bugs recently. Though I am not a fan of how they fixed it.Proof: https://imgur.com/a/PIxBVj4
  8. If for some reason they didn't die to mantra burst, you can't just walk to them and use sword autos.
  9. I already answered: Power Stab was an exploit in Anet's eyes, and they bugfixed it.
  10. FYI you can mail anet when you find an exploit. Also, there aren't many "channeled auto attacks" in the game anyway.
  11. They fixed some bugs I reported. Holo and rev changes are steps in the right direction, while not enough. Though I must say that scrapper, mesmer and thief changes are again pretty bad. Death Magic feels like they will make it unnecessarily tanky. Still, minion skills need adjustments. Ranger sword rework was unexpected and unneeded. Fix druid first. I don't care about the rest. Renegade still needs bugfixes/buffs/reworks. Chrono still needs IP.
  12. Somebody (probably Praqtos) posted a thread about it and that thread got removed for advertising an exploit, so power stab was an exploit after all.
  13. Power Stab was exploitable.You could cast, cancel and recast for longer evade.
  14. Oh you guys really fixed stuff I sent you in exploits@arena.net, good job.
  15. NA's advantage is having the only somewhat competitive sPvP team, not saying they are good or bad.Otherwise, EU and NA are equally bad but there are more mesmers in NA compared to more thieves in EU. I agree that oneshot builds should be deleted but not by nerfing mantras. As I said, just rework MoP and GS.
  16. Shorts is freecasting on plantsNA op 1 min later, Zeromis evaded his burst when he sees/hears stealth. Last edit: Vid is so old, chrono was playable xD
  17. The discussion is about the skill of the one getting oneshot, not the oneshoter. Otherwise I agree, it's easy if you don't have high ping.
  18. Mantra of Concentration7 stacks of stability, aegis, and quickness on a 15 second cooldown is inherently broken.Mesmer doesn't need any other stunbreak than blink and occassional Signet of Midnight. Not even mirage cloak's ability to dodge is needed. Maybe it should be reworked. Chaos lineIt's broken. In fact, mesmer traitlines have ONLY strong options to pick from. And, they're conveniently placed so you can choose several strong ones in each line.Dueling master tier has no good traits. Adept depends on your weapon. GM has 1 good trait.Chaos has 1 bad trait in adept and master each, while it has only one usable trait in grandmaster.Illusions has 2 good traits in adept depending on your weapon, while having only one good ones in other two.In Domination and Inspiration, all traits are forced take.Mirage has only 1 changes (if you use axe or not) and Chrono is forced take except grandmaster tier.This is very bad. There are no real choices except chaos. MirrorFlock runes bump that up to 6k healing every 12 seconds that also gives you a 1/4 uptime (or 1/2 uptime because you can reflect and cancel it to put it on a 3s cooldown omegaLUL). If you think that's bad, you're just wrong xdIf you are taking flock runes you won't be oneshotting anybody. Also Mirror has a long cast time, and reflect is only good against projectiles. A lot of classes don't even have blockable projectile CC. Sword autoattack 3rd chainUh huh but shatters remove boons D:Yes, so? It's not like 3rd chain hits instantly. About removing Berserker amulet from PvPBanish them in WvW as well.In that case I agree. They are not meta for a reason, lol.Who cares if they are meta. They are unfun to fight against and completely bloated.Well that depends on person. It's not like something should be nerfed because it's "unfun to play against". Mesmer as a class is supposed to be unfun to play against.I agree with you on one point though: Oneshot needs to go, with really precise nerfs.
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