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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Nobody is forcing you not to join. Also, it's cross servers (NA vs EU is already exciting)
  2. I don't know how I forgot that, adding now alongside protection. Though you can have perma protection against condi with taking anti condi runes.
  3. Condis are easier to deal with than power since (excluding weakness, protection and armor) both have the same counters. However, condi can be cleansed, negated with resistance or passive duration reduction rune/traits can be used. BUTCondi skill animations are way more subtle.For example, what if corrupt boon animation was as distinct as warrior greatsword 4 or mesmer scepter 3 animations? Also, make mirage skills (especially ambush and mirage cloak) more noticable. Even condi rev has a nearly no animation utility on Mallyx. I won't even talk about condi thief. Then condi will be balanced and there will be no need to nerf condis to oblivion. Except for burning, it needs a 20% duration reduction on all classes.
  4. Aww man you just revealed The Super Secret Unbeatable Soulbeast™©® build. Jokes aside, I am like the worst ranger player this game has ever seen (I was dying to everything with boonbeast when it wasn't nerfed) and I'll try this.
  5. I wasn't talking about the split after initial teamfight.
  6. Someone has to push far, otherwise opponent team will gain points for free.
  7. Revenant becoming relevant is a huge factor for this. Same goes for S/D thieves, they changed to S/P and even D/P to have a chance at killing heralds and mirages. Even weavers and firebrands, to a lesser degree.
  8. These results clearly indicate any kind of Ranger is unfortunately very bad on a thief/rev meta.It was very good in Scourge/Firebrand meta though.
  9. Allowing class swaps means lowering matchmaking RNG.Otherwise you get situations like this:1) Queue as mesmer2) Have 2 thieves in opponent team3) Alt + F4
  10. GS power mesmer was a thing since forever (it was even staff/gs for a while), but million damage modifier traits weren't there.
  11. Your influence on thief mains is scary.
  12. Gives me one more reason to learn weaver.
  13. It's nerf teef thread since I'm biased mirage main
  14. How do mirages on both teams and the firebrand stay alive?Map was Skyhammer.
  15. Necroing this because of upcoming balance patch.
  16. In many games, the mm system softly (more like mathematically) forces a 50% winrate, but your case is very weird indeed.
  17. Even more fun and efficient way:Open chat, check team comps, say which node you will be pushing initially at /team. Say "inc thief/mesmer/necro/blabla to close/mid/far/bell" or stuff like that whenever necessary, don't speak a lot with different sentences just give plain information. If anybody is talking bad to you, ignore.
  18. On EU, top 2 (It was Tramadex and Sindrener iirc) are nearly always duo so obviously they win everything.
  19. Thanks to best teef we may see best memesmer stream/s? Nice.
  20. Needs fixing immediately:Boon uptimes in generalRanger: Greatsword 4-5 should be fixed (not rework, only needs number changes tbh) and "random" pet cc should be deleted. Also longbow range should be fixed.Revenant: Riposting Shadows, which is an evade, gives more evade, lol. Moreover, you still have staff 3-5 and sword 3. This nearly fills the gap between 2 glint heals.Druid, Chronomancer, Renegade, Core Engineer: They are very clunky to play. Almost broken but not quite there yet:Warrior: Bull's Charge should be fixed. Second is Magebane Tether.Sword/Pistol Thief: Pistol Whip's damage should be more conditional. Like, nerf it 50% and it could do 50% more damage to disabled targets. Resulting in what, 75% of its current damage, best case? Also, since it's an evade, quickness should not affect it.Fire Weaver: It's not exactly one skill, but weaver is so strong in general. It should be toned down.Core mesmer: This oneshot build should not even be a thing. My worst choice in this game was putting this build on Metabattle. Also, bring back glamour trait. Relatively lower priority changes:Power Mesmer: Buff sustained damage and nerf burst damage. Fix greatsword, tywm. Maybe I'll edit this later.
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