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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. WarriorBlue warriorMagical thiefWarrior with petThiefWeird warriorDark mageMagePurple mage/thief So we have variants of warrior, mage and thief.It's ALMOST like this is intended. Like, the classic trilogy: warrior, mage, rogue.
  2. In case anybody is mistaking something, 1) They can't rework as easily so they just change passive cooldowns to 300 seconds.2) There is no "base damage", a skill's "base damage" is calculated using 1000 base power of a level 80 character. On the contrary, heal skills have a "base heal" since a level 80 character has 0 base healing power. So if a hammer skill has a power coefficient of 0.01 and 1000 base power, that skill should do (1048 1000 0.01) / (920 + 1000) = 5 damage on a light armored opponent without any toughness stat except for the baseline (1000).
  3. It will do 20 damage now but that pass-through trap can hit harder. Seems more interactive now, that's a nice rework.
  4. I'm only sad about stability trait which got replaced by Eternal Yikes. Otherwise good changes for PvP, though they didn't need to nerf spectral armor.Also that reaper 5 change is very lul. Which has just 1 dodge on mirage now, and shattering in chrono is so 2018 :lol:
  5. Ranger elites, rev elites (lol), chronomancer, engi elites (lol) and hopefully mirage. If they give mirage another (tradeoff) it would be funny.
  6. They sure do, like warrior, thief, ranger... Passives need to be deleted instead of 300 second cooldown but the balance team can only change numbers for now. Also dividing 300 by 60 should be easy enough, it's 5 minutes.
  7. It was "imagine ccing a weaver lol" before, we'll see what happens next. Also, Both power and condi damage in this game are nerfed, so is this a double buff to sustain? Yes, it is. So we are back to square one, which is ok.
  8. We can't really know what meta we will go into. Even if condi meta becomes a thing, thief is relatively okay at condi cleanses. It's actually way better than non-inspiration mesmers (cleanse mantra is nerfed in this patch) and non-mallyx revenants. After Shake It Off nerfs warriors will have a harder time dealing with condis as well, healing signet nerf doesn't help either. In a way, even currently meta holosmith build is worse at dealing with conditions because they don't have much evades except vigor, which is nerfed. Also, we should not forget that thief counters necromancer and mesmer, which are the primary condi classes (even though condi mirage is hit greatly and chrono is nearly unplayable, they have yet to kill core). ps: if condi becomes a thing, thieves can go daredevil and take "that" trait. because thief always changes depending on meta.
  9. They nerfed everything, mostly a lot more than those. I love how you just read your main and go "is this for real?", if anything thief seems better now that any cc hits for 20 damage.
  10. Something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiwAYtzlVwuYJMFGKeuT7reA-z5YXGRWBZmCaMA
  11. WDYM druid? Currently renegade is better than druid. It can be an unkillable tank with jalis kalla or a sustained but mediocre damage bunker with shiro kalla. It can even be a mallyx kalla which can output pretty high (and mostly aoe) condi pressure.
  12. They are traits in Chaos line, the last 2 ones. PU is Prismatic Understanding, I forgot the full name for BD but it's probably Bountiful Disillusionment or something like that.
  13. I'll put this here again: This is the real problem. Currently, you can dodge most of the skills on every power spec except thief and mesmer. When it comes to conditions, you can dodge a few skills but mostly they have small animations like a hand wave (marks, corrupt boon, arcane thievery, that one mallyx skill) or they are just ranged autoattacks (mesmer and necromancer).
  14. Yes, illusions line was nerfed a lot. Now everybody is playing chaos, a passive traitline.
  15. Wait approximately one month. Your wishes may come true.
  16. But this is where this conversation ends, at least on my side. Personally I am pretty excited.
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