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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Chaos shares Inspiration's identity as a support/sustain traitline.Inspiration should have more raw healing and utility since Chaos has boons.That's why I am going after the "aoe" theme but it would be good if we can get a rework like explosions on engineer.
  2. Traited, Null Field removes 2 boons and 1 condition per second for 5 seconds on a 240 radius (area = 180864 units^2) with a 1200 range and takes up a utility slot. It's also an Ethereal Field. Untraited, Winds of Disenchantment removes 1 boon per second for 5 seconds on a 360 radius (area = 406944 units^2), prevents boon application, blocks missiles and is a Lightning Field which gives daze on leaps. Takes up the elite skill slot. Winds of Disenchantment's area is 2.25 times of Null Field's.
  3. Except for Chaos Armor and Phantasmal Duelist, most of them aren't even viable. Other than those two; only MH Sword, Mirror and Portal are playable.
  4. This thread will also include feedback about some of the changes in the next patch. I will add more stuff if I remember anything. Feel free to discuss. Section One: General Mirage should get 75 endurance instead of 100. You can still bank endurance so you won't get punished for waiting big attacks.Chronomancer should be able to self shatter and CS should be between 60-72 seconds cooldown instead of 105 (lol).Clones' vitality and toughness should be a percentage of the mesmer, I'm thinking 15%.Section Two: Underpowered utilities and their respective traits(I won't be touching mantras in this thread) GlamoursMedic's Feedback trait should be reworked into a more general glamour trait. It should: Reduce glamour cooldowns by 15/20%Add new mechanics to every glamour skill, such as:Null Field should remove 1 more boon every pulse.Feedback should remove and prevent poison when applied and revive allies.Portal should last 60 seconds instead of 30 seconds.Veil should give a long aegis to allies who passed through it. (I think this skill won't suddenly become usable in PvP with just a small change, but okay.)Time Warp should apply 1/2 seconds of chill on every pulse. (A cooldown reduction regardless of the trait would be good)Healing skillsEther Feast: Should remove remove 1 damaging condition if the mesmer has at least one clone.Mirror: Should heal the same amount but gradually, while casting. Utility skillsSignet of Domination: Less stun, less cooldown.Phantasmal Defender: It should give nearby allies 1 seconds of aegis or protection per blocked attack, 1 seconds of interval per ally. If no attack is blocked, heal nearby allies instead. It should spawn next to the target, and shouldn't deal any damage. Hopefully a cooldown reduction (on both the standalone skill, and on the trait).Mirror Images: It should apply confusion.Decoy: Less stealth, less cooldown. Elite skillsSignet of Humility: 105 seconds cooldown instead of 120 seconds. WellsAll's Well That Ends Well should heal for a small amount on wells' first pulse, and a large amount on their last pulse.Well of Eternity: Initial heal should be way larger and then last pulse shouldn't heal but give a big barrier instead.Well of Action: Less quickness, 20 second cooldown. Bigger damage.Well of Precognition: It should be like this -> X endurance to the mesmer instantly and pulses Y endurance, last pulse gives 2 stacks of stability. No aegis or stability on pulses. Still breaks stun and is instant cast. Increase the cooldown from 30 to 35.Gravity Well: It should do more damage on its last pulse. Section Three: WeaponsStaff: Chaos Armor cooldown should be 25 seconds regardless of trait. MH Sword: Blurred Frenzy: More damage and/or hits 4 times instead of 8.Illusionary Leap: 900 range and/or the spawned clone has invulnerability for 1 second.OH Sword: Phantasmal Swordsman should immobilize the foe it leaps to. The sword strike on this skill should apply vulnerability. Focus:I'm having a problem defining an identity for this weapon and inspiration traitline. Below are some ideas (as a choose-one) Temporal Curtain can be 20 second cooldown and give swiftness + regeneration to allies who passes through it. Phantasmal Warden can deal more damage to the foe it targeted. Every axe can bounce to a nearby ally and apply swiftness (with a 1/2 sec interval per ally). It should spawn next to the target.A bigger emphasis on utility side of it can be put. For example, we can make reflect trait baseline and replace it with a functionality-adding trait for this weapon.Pistol: Phantasmal Duelist should spawn halfway between the mesmer and the target.
  5. They can't nerf its functionality, hopefully they won't forget to discuss it with "skills team" after the patch. A good nerf would be 35 energy and some vigor instead of endurance so it wouldn't be evade into more evade.
  6. It's like this:I don't care if x toughness reduces incoming damage by y%, what's important is not percentages but flat values since what matters is, in the end, the damage you received.30% damage reduction is less value when the the skill hits me for 1k (it will absorb 300 damage), compared to when it was 10k (it will absorb 3k damage).
  7. You will play thief anyway, nerfed or buffed :p
  8. If you read it again, you will see I said the exact same thing.
  9. This is even more important now that people are talking about a hypothetical Unkillable Core Necro.
  10. And you would be right, except core is more bunker-sustain based unlike bursty mirage.
  11. It's good against:Condi mirage (I can easily kill any cmirage from bronze to legendary, I have videos to prove)Condi revenant (If you know they are condi, that makes it way easier, still you can't waste any cleanses against this or you will die)Power herald (Unless +1)Core necro/reaper/scourge of any kind (I fought several different builds, against good and bad necros)Condi thief of any kindFire weaver It's on equal terms versus:Symbol firebrand (more like it takes infinite time but in the end FB dies)Power holosmith (you won't die if you play it safe, but if you can cycle your defenses with good timing you can get greedy)Condi ranger (or maybe I just got outplayed)Renegade of any kind (you can fight for 10 mins and nobody will die on similar skill level)Water weaver (don't even bother)Power reaper (this is a question mark, I either roflstomp or get roflstomped) It's bad against:Power warrior of any kindPower thief of any kindPower ranger of any kind (except druid)Power core guardian (DH is a huge question mark)Lightning rod or FA weaver (especially LR is a losing matchup for some reason, maybe I am just bad with dodging idk)
  12. This is awfully similar to what I play, but I use torment trait in illusions instead of Escape Artist. Actually, I am curious about where did you get it from.
  13. It now roots you for 20 sec so the warrior can swing the remaining 91 swings And locks the player in animation so you can't cancel it.
  14. I don't want to change this thread into a mesmer-related one but mesmer and necro are the only classes whose class "energy" (illusions and shroud respectively) can be interacted. A necro can refresh shroud so fast (traited) because there is no upper limit of how quickly it can be damaged. You can be focused by 5 power heralds or 1 support firebrand. For a necro, they either have to go the sustain build with signets or the fear build. Fear build should be looked at for sure but I seriously can't imagine the signet build to become a good bunker. Sure it might be hard (or even impossible for most builds) to kill 1v1, but they can easily be outrotated right now. I am still concerned about Terror, but that's a different topic.
  15. Bring back stacking heal and damage sigils :lol:
  16. Believe it or not, I can't play guardian and ranger. This is funny because my 2nd oldest character is guard and 4th oldest is ranger.
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