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Everything posted by Katastroff.1045

  1. Maybe if you remove the T1 mats and add 1 gold to the box.Getting jute from a world boss feels a bit like a slap in the face. :s
  2. The complete tutorial on how to survive in HoT is here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dodge_Instructor:p
  3. Just go in and follow a meta group, you chop some pods, get some loot and your mastery points. You dont need to fight, all you need is about 2 hours of your time. DS gets done all the time, just like most HoT metas.
  4. Irenio literally mentioned improvements coming to PoF meta events in the OP. Few weeks after the World Boss Week event. I just fail to see how hyping up content that's already being successfully done every day will help revitalize that poor dying POF expension. Dont get me wrong, i'm happy to see such events added to the game. I just feel that Anet is stretching it thin.
  5. Skipping Stones cant be bypassed altogether with a mount and the ''Bond of Faith'' slkill.
  6. I want the GW1 elite druid armor for my female ranger. :bleep_bloop:
  7. Be cheap!!! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celestial_Dye
  8. nope, those items are in a time cycle loop. Every 10 mins a different items is available, no matter which rift you do. https://reddit.com/user/that_shaman/
  9. Who says Cantha was only human-centric? What about the Tengu, for instance? You might get what your wished for.
  10. I participated in the event 3 times yesterday. The first 2 we were not enough for the event, on the last attempt we were more then 50 in a PUG squad and succeeded. The main problem i see with this event is the lame rewards it gives. The mechanics are fine, its just hard enough to make it fail if you dont know what you're doing.The main problem is the rewards. You can go run around like a headless chicken in SW and get way better rewards. You can go get in AB 10 mins before the challenge and get better rewards. You can even farm flax and get a better income for your time. Make it worth it to get more people to do the event and most of the problems will be solved.
  11. I asked for something similar at least twice, a weekly server reset, so far, Anet as not even replied. Your idea sound even better maybe you should make a separate post about it. :)
  12. Why would they do that? Plenty of people spent cash on those warclaw skins, the very same warclaw wich you cant complete the ''Perfect Fit'' achievement because they were too short sighted to try it before implimenting it. 3 known bug were fixed so far this year, 2 of wich were cash shop items bugs. Source: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231272908-Known-Issue-Tracker
  13. Let me just stop you right there.It ain't a 3rd party problem it's a l2p issue as the OP is running pure glass against pure glass. His house got shattered and so he took the only route he can, come complain on the forums. yeah. 10k vs 19k? did that 9k appear out of thin air? i can even tell you that i hit a medium armor glass engi with protection for 600 dmg. and im on full zerk.Looks more like the OP didnt see the ranger coming. I run a similar build, full viper axe/axe and axe/torch, its and old raid build ment to do a lot of dmg, but with very little defenses.
  14. Once you get your hands on both pieces, having them locked behind 2 meta events will be the least of your problem.
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