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Everything posted by Malus.2184

  1. Preface: This is serious. The Invisible Cat Cape has brought an unthinkable amount of QoL to my fashion game as I can have the backpiece slot enabled by default. If I want the cape to be invisible I can just transmute it into the Invisible Cat Cape and then I'll still have a backpiece showing on other gear templates. I want the same for helm, shoulders, and gloves. Basically, add an "Invisible X" for every toggable gear slot so we can change back and forth without having to worry about the slot being visually enabled.
  2. Because we never fight Ignaxious in the story. he's a meta-event and thus tuned for more players. If it was reversed and we had Heitor as the meta boss and Ignaxious as the story boss, which we probably should have IMO, then Heitor would have been game-mechanically stronger than Ignaxious.
  3. Then name me one popular dramatic story that has no "Darkest Hour" in the narrative. Even the romcoms of the 2000s and 2010s had a "Darkest Hour" where the protagonists had seemingly lost whatever they wanted and were down in the dumps before they had "Moment of Glory." This sequence gives the audience a sense of catharsis. Every story that's remembered have a "Darkest Hour." Even "Romeo and Juliet" has a "Darkest Hour" in the ending and no "Moment of Triumph" since the protagonists die due to their stupidity.
  4. Nayos is fully ruled by strength by design. "The strong shall rule" always expresses "The weak shall serve." While Labris had the status of queen she would also have been more powerful than Heitor either from the beginning or gaining it later. Kryptis can become stronger by consuming other Kryptis so she had the means to become physically stronger than Heitor. Even if Heitor was stronger at the start then Labris would have kept her from gaining physical power while her own grew.
  5. Anything other than a defeat is a victory. There are plenty of examples of this being a part of the story structure, it even has a TVtropes page that explains it and shows many examples (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkestHour). All those examples create memorable stories. Some will join Eparch, some will join Peitha, and in this specific context, those who stay out of this implicitly help Peitha since they never provide force against her.
  6. Do you know what a "difficulty curve" is? Larys was higher in the hierarchical ranks than Heitor, thus she should have been stronger than Heitor, and aside from the instant-down attack this never happened as Heitor on average was stronger than Larys.
  7. It's still different than the boss being power-crept to death. This is new content. The exaggeration is just expressing that the content is disappointing. I honestly doubt anyone has had any serious issues with any of the bosses of the story so far. In my experience, Heitor was more difficult than Larys.
  8. Any claim of a boss dying in one rotation is hyperbole.
  9. Honestly visible or joke visible? Because it would be amazing if you could see the cloak when on stage. Kinda like the greatsword of the unseen.
  10. Just to give some context before someone thinks this is serious. ANet has only taken inspiration from this bug rather than taking the bug itself. The old stretched body was just stretched, this one has physics where it wobbles all over the place when you move.
  11. If this was real and came with a rework of underwater combat then I think it would be lit AF. Edit: https://guildwars2.waveofshadow.com/index.html
  12. Hence my Davvid Eding comment to start with. It's a result of the disjointed storytelling. "Immediate threat" is less convincing when it's a "so, come back in three months to deal with it." Each chapter being essentially a self-contained section of a larger story is definitely an issue. While older Living World seasons could do this they could do it because they were longer and as such there was more time to have threads that carried over to the next. These sections feel like you blink and they're done.
  13. On reflection, I would rather have had the different content without the story, and then the story is a massive drop so you could finish it in one go without the massive breaks that makes it feel disjointed. I would rather have had Convergences dropped with content patch 2 and no story. The bosses there would have been models that would obviously have been used in the story that we would have had no context to, so, lots of speculation. Without context, it makes no sense though.
  14. I've started to pay attention to this recently and in the time I've looked, I've yet to get a task for killing enemies or doing events in Cantha. Seeing as EoD is about Cantha I'm fairly sure there's a bug there. I've seen the "Kill Vets," "Kill Elite," "Break Defiance Bar," and "Gather X" fairly often. I ´get Canthan enemies and/or events daily often on my main account and that has access to everything.
  15. The Dodge 3/Three Combo. You aways get one of them if you only have EoD.
  16. Then it sounds like the EoD is the one that has the bug.
  17. Nothing is the inconsistency since I always have one or the other on my other combinations. I never said you never get either dodge or combo. I said that they were sometimes absent in that exact combination. My Core account always has one of them and my EoD account also always has one of them.
  18. The operative word is "almost." You always have one of them when you only have the Core game (Thanks Prime) or EoD (Again, thanks Prime), and you also have it when you have SotO (personal experience). That's the important difference. The difference only occurs when you have the HoT and PoF combo and if it was consistent then you should always have one of them regardless of the expansions you have.
  19. I've noticed that with this exact combination of game additions sometimes lacks a task to either dodge three attacks or make three combo attacks. If you have any other combination of additions you have one of these two. Has anyone else noticed this?
  20. I put the smaller luck in shared inventory slots, then just use an Artificer to make it Exotic. You can do the same just by throwing it in the bank since you can craft directly from that. It would be nice if there was a material storage slot for it, and difficult to gather? You get it passively for salvaging blues and greens.
  21. If you have an Artificer you can convert it into Essences of Exotic Luck and then use that for either Gift of Research, or save it up for Lunar New Year and then buy a gorillion small, gift envelopes for them.
  22. Make the Warrior Staff 3, Linebreaker have a flip-over skill so you can detonate it early since you go wildly off-target if the target moves.
  23. Make us able to replay the chapters of our personal story. Make the initial choices we take the canon choice and then afterward we can replay it and take the other choices.
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