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Everything posted by MarkoGold.7126

  1. because its a waste of time and not my problem.
  2. Superior rune of thorns its twilight arbor rune i am sure you can replace them with something else.
  3. Curses 1 2 2 Reaping 1 1 3 Scourge 2 2 2 full viper + sigil of mad scientiest on weapons + scarlet potion.
  4. This is my second account i dont have commander on this one but if you tried to join my squad yes i would probably kick you since you dont have li, nothing personal i just chose not to play with you, and secondly you are not owned anything if you dont want to be kicked get a tag and make a party yourself put in some effort first before whining about being kicked from parties.
  5. I wanted to see if it would be hard and it turns out it is not, did it on my necro the second char is just my alt account for more looooooot. can do it in like 6-7 minutes now people can probably do it faster but i am happy with my time only wish i had more accounts. anet give me a discount already so i can get some more.
  6. You only put your personal opinion as if it is correct, and in truth it does not mater, i will continue doing as i please and filter players as i please.
  7. No its party selection so that my time isnt wasted by people who dont know anything, i can select who i want to play with nothing wrong with that and if i want exp people to whom i dont have to explain anything thats also fine, its not my job to teach new players how to do stuff.
  8. The only real solution is to let us sell our ascendeds on the trading post, salvage is a joke selling is a joke let us make some gold back on all the time invested for ascendeds.
  9. well they should give us ingame filters for example this party requires 500 li to join or 10k fractal currency, and if the player doesnt have that he cant even join. i am already filtering people for fractals and raids and so is pretty much anyone who does those game modes why not make it official and put it in the game by default.
  10. and how did i do that exactly ? by telling you to get non braindead people in your hypothetical squad.
  11. sound like a people filtering problem add li requirement or some other dont take the lowest common denominator.
  12. you do realize you can tag up right and make your own squad of 50 player near instantly atm right, then just sort them. there is always a way if you are not lazy and put in some effort.
  13. Another post that whines about marionette being hard, which its not its downright easy if you can just use your brain and get people who can do the same.
  14. Finally someone making a positive thread i had the felling the only thing people do on these forums is whine.
  15. Lets not tailor every encounter to the lowest common denominator, dont nerf it.
  16. Oh and keep your asc gear on a gear storage alt, maybe they add tp ascended trading in the future for all the ascended chests.
  17. Its some wow term Asmongold uses and i only know about it because i watch him sometimes.
  18. right anet would actually benefit from user engagement if we could sell ascended gear because more people would farm it, more people playing better overall game experience.
  19. The last time i actually had to craft an ascended was like 7 years ago, make ascended boxes sellable on tp!
  20. Ascended equipment while being relatively easy to get fractals etc, is still a reward and deserves better then to be thrown down the trash bin because legendary armory kills it. i am not against armory in fact i like it alot however i do not want the 80+ chests i have in my bank to go to trash because i cant sell them and recover some wasted value from these REWARDS.
  21. and skill and effort needed to get it, you cant say standing half afk in wvw is the same difficulty as a raid.
  22. i did read you say a whole lot of nothing concrete. your post is basically wah wah i wasted mats on wvw armor and wont have anything to show for it.
  23. people say how horrible it is meanwhile i did it in 30 minutes on my memer after not doing it since ember bay released.
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