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Everything posted by Voltekka.2375

  1. Again, it's nothing that they aren't already doing in the game. For example, they have the Personal Story versions of the open world maps, there is no reason to believe it would be non-trivial to do a direct copy-paste of the existing raids and make them functional. The only part that would take actual work would be tweaking them to be easier, and the amount of work that would take is highly debatable. There is a pretty good reason to assume that it will be a huge workload. A red post that said exactly that.Raid entrances and personal story don't work even remotely the same. well it cant be a huge workload, if there are 400 people working on GW2 and only 8 people to create all the raids you have today. The effort would be a one off up front cost to resolve any issues when running the clones instances alongside each other. After that its number tweaking. It's not only that, and it's obvious. You don't even need to know anything about game design... just try to have some common sense. But even if you don't, as you have already shown, you can go back to what Gaile Gray said.Do you perchance have Gaile's actual quote?
  2. Just a suggestion, unless they throw in a Legendary for Adventures, World bosses or something. My main thought was tying new trinkets to pvp and wvw. Hm. I can see a pvp and wvw legendary, ye. Maybe even a world boss one. Should be interesting.
  3. Dungeons are dead. Not sure why Anet would make a dungeon legendary (dungeons already have their unique ascended trinkets, anyway).
  4. You havent ever seen DL, with their early morning blobs that reset everything because the opposition sleeps? Or any german server that does the same? Or deso when they were linked with WSR and they had the neverstopping nightcrews? Plenty of servers that do what BB do...
  5. The whole "entitled" meme really needs to go, or at least apply it accurately to raiders who feel that they are uniquely entitled to everything the devs have attached to raids. I would if they would add it, which is my point in being here. There is other content, but it is not an easy mode raid, so it's entirely irrelevant to this discussion. I have no problem with raiders having their hard mode versions, so long as easy mode versions also exist for everyone else. The entitlement meme will go away till you realise what it means, and when you stop projecting your own faults into others. Raid content is there, in its current forum with its current rewards. YOU ask for free shinies. Oh man. It is really not hard to understand.
  6. Well that's the problem, players join one listed as "T4 Dailies" with no other label and then still find players being elitist in those runs. I mentioned much earlier in this thread how this would begin to happen, and I was right. The general expectation of a player in T4 fractals has become "running raid subgroup builds". Most players agree on this to the point of it being so casual, they don't list that requirement in the LFG. Again I'll state how unnecessary of a discrimination this is. Few reasons why:T4s are not difficult content.Raid builds aren't even the meta for T4/CM fractals. It has its own meta.In raids, if 1 or 2 wipe, they all wipe, so we can see the purpose behind running glass cannon dps specs that rely on a single powerful healer. However in fractals, 4 players could wipe and a single custom build that has 10% to 15% cut from its expected arc dps benchmark to front twice the sustain factor, can be capable of finishing a boss fight solo and saving the group time /gging from the top of some health bar. <- So stop complaining about off meta builds when some guy solos ark for you, when the boss is bellow 10% health.It's fractals. More experienced players who are tired of running only raid meta, PURPOSELY design custom builds for fun/something different, when they run fractals. Relax and enjoy the more casual than raid content. Players need to properly label their LFGs and remember that custom builds does not always = bad player. Judge players by performance and not blind discrimination. You know, playing however you want is nice and good. Until you need to enter instanced, group content. Even then, you can play however you like, unless you detract from the group's success. And once you detract from the group's success, that playstyle of yours come into play. Now, I am by no means an elitist, mind you. I dont need a chronomancer on every run, nor a full heal druid with permaboon stacking. But if you bring a condi reaper as dps with staff as one weapon, or mix of soldier+cleric dps engi (with T4 heal+precisoon food) , or core guard as healer, while having to spend 45minutes for chaos fractal (this happened to me yesterday),well,that keeps ME from succeeding. And i like to succeed. Therefore, your fun detracts from the whole group. So, it is natural for the group to kick the "i play how i want" fella, instead of the dude who at least gets the theorycrafting, and tries to apply it. Right there, there it is, a prime example of precisely why I wrote this thread to begin with.You say that playing however you want is good UNTIL you enter group content. This suggests raid elitism.You begin talking about "detracting from the group's success" as if no custom build could possibly be a successful build.You say you are not an elitist, but I think you should watch this video You go in to describe "soldier/cleric dps engis" as if by "custom build" we mean "running bad builds". This also suggests that you assume all custom builds are running completely improper setups and that some literal "Fractal God" who has complete all raids multiple times with his group, posting record times on youtube, could not possibly run an effective custom build.You keep talking about "your success", in the purpose of responding to my post. I already stated in my post, that players simply need to properly post in the LFG. If you want a turbo maximum DPS group, label it as such. If you don't, players will join with builds that you don't approve of and they shouldn't be kicked out of a party through blind discrimination, before seeing if they are actually effective. Look, there isn't anything wrong with elitism. I feel elitism is actually important to a degree within any community. The problem occurs when plebs begin acting with elite attitudes, who are not elite at all. This serves only to create large amounts of misinformation, unnecessary discrimination, and derails the entire purpose of actual elitism, which is sound leadership and example set. Have you ever wondered why metas flip so frequently even when there is no new patching? Maybe it is because some guy, who was part of a truly elite group, decided to run an off meta build one day, and discovered it was better than the current listed meta. Now reread that carefully "the current listed meta." Yes, that means it is currently identified as the best tactic. It does not mean that is actually the best tactic or the only tactic. It also means that some one source identified this tactic and listed it for you on a website. Some one raid group discovered this and that information was given to a widely acknowledged source of information. Again, it does not mean that it is actually the best, most practical or only tactic. It is a great tactic, that's for sure, but it is not the only. In other words, the next time you want to blindly discriminant against a player who isn't running a perfect raid subgroup build, consider the above statements and ask yourself "Am I even elite?" "Do I have the right to act elite while I am copy/pasting someone else's build?" "If I had logged in on day 1 of HoT raid release and had to figure it out on my own with 9 other friends, would we have discovered the same method as the first listed raid meta? or would we have discovered something equally as potent, that simply didn't get listed on a website?" Think about that, really think about it.I said" play however you want, unless you detract from the group success". Not sure why you got confused.With number 1 in mind, any build that gets the job done within reasonable time is good. Again, not sure why you mix up things. Dps reve? Sure. Is it meta? No. Do i care? No.Didnt watch, sorry.Why do you call it bad build? The fella obviously WANTED to play however HE wanted. You disagree with yourself? Small headsup here, not every person who wants stuff done within a reasonable time frame is an elitist. Anything goes, heal fb/engi heal/dps reve /dps reaper etc. But they need to actually kill stuff and clear stuff and not wipe 12 times at the chaos boss. Will the t4 take 10more mins to clear with a non meta group? I dont care. You bring a bad build cause its inconvenient for you to carry your own weight/dont understand basic stuff? That may be a problem.I apologize for wanting to succeed in what i do. I honestly do. You could very well wanna fail t4 for 3 hours straight, because its ok for you. Its not ok for me.I dont care if a meta grp clears t4in 25 mins and my non meta group does it in 35. I dont care if snowcrows weaver does 35k dps and our dps reve does 15k. Just do not suck. If that is elitism, man, I promise, your mentality is the elitism of casuals.Finally, you put a lot of words in my mouth. You could just reread what i wrote. "elitism this elitism that" is all you keep spewing left and right. For the Last time, I do not care if your build is not in metabattle/snowcrows. You pull your own weight? Thats more than fine. You suck at what youre supposed to do? Dont take being kicked as discrimination/elitism. Just get better at What is expected of you.
  7. Well that's the problem, players join one listed as "T4 Dailies" with no other label and then still find players being elitist in those runs. I mentioned much earlier in this thread how this would begin to happen, and I was right. The general expectation of a player in T4 fractals has become "running raid subgroup builds". Most players agree on this to the point of it being so casual, they don't list that requirement in the LFG. Again I'll state how unnecessary of a discrimination this is. Few reasons why:T4s are not difficult content.Raid builds aren't even the meta for T4/CM fractals. It has its own meta.In raids, if 1 or 2 wipe, they all wipe, so we can see the purpose behind running glass cannon dps specs that rely on a single powerful healer. However in fractals, 4 players could wipe and a single custom build that has 10% to 15% cut from its expected arc dps benchmark to front twice the sustain factor, can be capable of finishing a boss fight solo and saving the group time /gging from the top of some health bar. <- So stop complaining about off meta builds when some guy solos ark for you, when the boss is bellow 10% health. <- And that is exactly why he is running a bellow average dps build to begin with, so he can carry parties when they wipe in such situations to save time, rather than be forced to /gg and waste time from a 100% health bar, with a party that will likely wipe again.It's fractals. More experienced players who are tired of running only raid meta, PURPOSELY design custom builds for fun/something different, when they run fractals. Relax and enjoy the more casual than raid content. Players need to properly label their LFGs and remember that custom builds does not always = bad player. Judge players by performance and not blind discrimination. My solution remove boonsharing and ability to kick if you start instance you stay there until its finished same for raids and also make benchmarks forbidden my soldier renegade is better than any mirage ore weaver no one has just given it a chance this would enforce the idea of no meta builds wich is better.I understood nothing.
  8. Well that's the problem, players join one listed as "T4 Dailies" with no other label and then still find players being elitist in those runs. I mentioned much earlier in this thread how this would begin to happen, and I was right. The general expectation of a player in T4 fractals has become "running raid subgroup builds". Most players agree on this to the point of it being so casual, they don't list that requirement in the LFG. Again I'll state how unnecessary of a discrimination this is. Few reasons why:T4s are not difficult content.Raid builds aren't even the meta for T4/CM fractals. It has its own meta.In raids, if 1 or 2 wipe, they all wipe, so we can see the purpose behind running glass cannon dps specs that rely on a single powerful healer. However in fractals, 4 players could wipe and a single custom build that has 10% to 15% cut from its expected arc dps benchmark to front twice the sustain factor, can be capable of finishing a boss fight solo and saving the group time /gging from the top of some health bar. <- So stop complaining about off meta builds when some guy solos ark for you, when the boss is bellow 10% health.It's fractals. More experienced players who are tired of running only raid meta, PURPOSELY design custom builds for fun/something different, when they run fractals. Relax and enjoy the more casual than raid content. Players need to properly label their LFGs and remember that custom builds does not always = bad player. Judge players by performance and not blind discrimination. You know, playing however you want is nice and good. Until you need to enter instanced, group content. Even then, you can play however you like, unless you detract from the group's success. And once you detract from the group's success, that playstyle of yours come into play. Now, I am by no means an elitist, mind you. I dont need a chronomancer on every run, nor a full heal druid with permaboon stacking. But if you bring a condi reaper as dps with staff as one weapon, or mix of soldier+cleric dps engi (with T4 heal+precisoon food) , or core guard as healer, while having to spend 45minutes for chaos fractal (this happened to me yesterday),well,that keeps ME from succeeding. And i like to succeed. Therefore, your fun detracts from the whole group. So, it is natural for the group to kick the "i play how i want" fella, instead of the dude who at least gets the theorycrafting, and tries to apply it.
  9. IS it so hard to not enter meta lfgs? I mean, you all could make your own lfg "chill run". Does a toxic fella join? Explain to him its a chill run, if he continues being toxic, kick him. WHy do you have to make your lives harder?
  10. You want challenge and status recognition? Go competitive and show the world your skill. :) You have a point here, but this "patterned repeating over itself" still gives status recognition. For those who don't raid, the single fact of "raiding" could mean that status recognition. When a raider joins my T4 fractals LFG, I trust them more to be a decent player because I know they raid. That is status recognition. (Yeah, some raiders are bad still, but it's about the chance, not the exceptions) Between raiders, the status recognition comes from other things tied to raids like world records. Hardcore raiding guilds like SC, US, qT, up, nxs... have more status. Raiders know them. SC has status because of their raids and their builds, but guilds like US are known for their raids /their raids give them a reputation where raid buyers trust them to buy raids from them/. If you're one of those who don't give any kind of recognition to raiders, I'm glad for you. But it's obvious that raids give status recognition. Of course raiding gives status - so do titles - that's why they have them. What's fascinating about GW2 journey into raiding is that unlike Blizzard - they kinda got it.Blizzard dropped the ball - they hired some new guys - kitten types who were appalled at the fact that raiders use to prance around in their unique skins. Those were the words they used to describe this on their own forums. So to fix this they let "everyone' raids so hey could get similiar rewards from the Looking for Raid. But if you let everyone get a trophy - the trophies end up having less value. Status is lowered - the raiders feel like they have to repeat the content every week. Those guys drop out.. This has a horrible trickle down effect as top raiders are often the most enthusiastic ambassadors for your game. And for what? So a few grinders could feel they got a chance for the same rewards? The people that like to grind (aka do easy tasks over and over) have TONS of content just for them. What you really want from a game designers perspective is to have your playerbase to be in awe of both the top PvE and PvP players - even if that means some exclusive content for them. This will keep the guys striving for success and will aid in the health of your game. Gating by difficulty/organizational skill is a very good idea for at least some of the content. 'This has a horrible trickle down effect as top raiders are often the most enthusiastic ambassadors for your game' You are joking right? Raiders are amongst the worst, they are not interested in the game as a whole, they are not empathetic or altruistic in mindset,. they are not interested in the majority, they are not interested in inclusivity. What raiders want is to be prestigious, an attitude that is the direct opposite of classic rpg gaming, they want to protect their own interests. Then you look at the elitist attitudes, the snobbery, the subjective and derogatory evaluation of players based on meter metrics, their over weighting of difficulty over gameplay pleasure (something many of them cannot even comprehend). No raiders are not great ambassadors of a mmorpg.Gee, mate, that is some great constructive and helpful post, devoid of any hate or other negativities. And they say casual elitism isnt a thing.
  11. A reskin of illustrious armor would be fair. I mean, like T2 wvw armor.Personally i think that the WvW legendary armor should also get its own, legendary-level skin, not just inherit the precursor one. I understand that raiders want the Envoy armor to be the only legendary set visually worthy of the tier. I happen to strongly disagree with that sentiment however.It has been already said that no other legendary skins will be made, so i wager that an open world leggy armor with a reskinned model would be more possible. I dont raid, already made one set of wvw leggy armor. This topic iamt really about easy raids, no. It is about people refusing to do regular raids, and instead ask for easier raids to get that envoy armor. Its all about skins.Personally, I disagree that envoy armor is legendary-ish (maybe except the heavy skin). Light and med skins are horrible. It is in no way visually worthy of being called legendary.
  12. You would need some sort of reward to keep people playing the mode, like stat swapping armor. Not for easy mode. It's there to train you for a normal encounter. If you are not willing to learn then you don't deserve the rewards. Would be a waste of resources, honestly. Now if they had a time gated stat swapping set that didn’t use the Envoy skin you may have something there. But most advocates of easier raid mode dont care about the stat swap. They care about the envoy skin. They have said so time and again.By "most advocates" you mean Ohoni, right? I wouldn't be adverse to a separate skin, as long as it would also be of legendary quality. That doesn't mean that i wouldn't consider a separate path to obtain Envoy armor as a nice extra, of course. tl/dr: i wouldn't be satisfied with "skinless" legendary (the WvW style), but i don't necessarily insist on specifically Envoy skin. Said legendary having its own unique skin of legendary quality would be enough.A reskin of illustrious armor would be fair. I mean, like T2 wvw armor.
  13. You would need some sort of reward to keep people playing the mode, like stat swapping armor. Not for easy mode. It's there to train you for a normal encounter. If you are not willing to learn then you don't deserve the rewards. Would be a waste of resources, honestly. Now if they had a time gated stat swapping set that didn’t use the Envoy skin you may have something there.But most advocates of easier raid mode dont care about the stat swap. They care about the envoy skin. They have said so time and again.
  14. It is actually, there are lots of skills with decent enough power scaling. Even on hybrid scourges, at least 60% damage is direct damage, unless fights last very long where condies would obviously prevail. Power scourge probably has the best aoe burst at the moment, besides maybe reaper, but that's hard to execute since it's melee. The problem with it is that it lacks sustained damage after that burst and it has less corrupts and less sustain compared to hybrid. I certainly won't argue, but it's a bit swimming against the stream -meaning a bit tougher to make a great power build than a condition build. Nice to know it's viable and that there's room for diversity - often hard to find in this game, tbh. cough grieving stats cough grieving = 0 defence though Carrion maybe?Grieving+cele. You wont need more
  15. It is actually, there are lots of skills with decent enough power scaling. Even on hybrid scourges, at least 60% damage is direct damage, unless fights last very long where condies would obviously prevail. Power scourge probably has the best aoe burst at the moment, besides maybe reaper, but that's hard to execute since it's melee. The problem with it is that it lacks sustained damage after that burst and it has less corrupts and less sustain compared to hybrid. I certainly won't argue, but it's a bit swimming against the stream -meaning a bit tougher to make a great power build than a condition build. Nice to know it's viable and that there's room for diversity - often hard to find in this game, tbh.cough grieving stats cough
  16. Because dungeons were designed with these story paths in mind, these paths are completely different from the explorable paths and thus do not apply for raids. So I'm acknowledging my unfamiliarity with raid content in GW2 here, but if I understand your post correctly, there is no 'story' to the raid content?Of course there is story in raid content, there is also a whole other topic regarding thathttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17613/stories-locked-behind-raids-merged/p1
  17. For blobbing, cele nec (hybrid) is meta. Hybrid nec works best blobs, cause there is so much condi cleanse, your conditions wont ramp up their damage in time. Burst dmg is preferred, thats why a power/condi hybrid works better, along with boon hate/booncorrupting.For roaming, I really wouldnt suggest you go with scourge, as it is slow moving, hence target practice for ranged classes. In small groups, you can play full condi as there is much better sustain of condi dmg.Hope that helps.
  18. I cant have my own opinion, it seems. You offer no counterargument, yet you attack me, as a commenter. Ad hominem right there.Good day, your attitude pretty much sums a lot of things up.
  19. We have content of scaled difficulty (e.g. fractals) where you can gradually work your equipment, skill and knowledge of mechanics to get to the top tier level at some point. What the OP says and I agree with him is a similar solution so that the content becomes available to more people even to the casual ones. It's not healthy for the game's community to have "content barriers" and to discourage people. And if this is something the community itself can't regulate then it's time for the developers team to offer a solution. I do not raid. But I also will not buy the fractal argument. I wont buy it because if one were to actually compare fractal tiers, it would have to be reg 99vs 99cm, and reg 100 vs 100cm. No matter how many times you do reg 99,it wont prepare you for 99cm. The same will happen to raids. If you have been following the 50+ Pages of this and other, similar topics, you would see that the supoorters of easy mode raids want to get raid loot, at a slower pace. They dont care about moving on to "normal" raiding.
  20. Nope. You pay for access to the game, but the game is property of ArenaNet.Actually he means that he bought the game legally and he is excluded from the raids content due to the current situation with "show xxx LI, xx KP" groups. Can't really blame him he has a valid point. :) No, he doesn't. Start your own group, or join a training run/guild, like we all did. The game offers the same means to do it that it did to us. It's your own choice to participate or not.I fail to see how one can not play raids. If youre new, you can play with other, new players, just make an lfg that says "everyone welcome!" and play. How does that exclude you? Is the issue is about you - a new raider- wanting to join a random group that has people who set certain requirements? It is their right to not want to play with you, if you do not meet said requirements. As it is YOUR right to state in your lfg "NO dps meters, no elitist, casual run". I agree that raids have their problems, but making them world-boss like is a poor solution.
  21. It almost feels like people want mechanics to be removed so raids can become mini core world bosses everyone can kill with 1-1-1-2.But with waaaaaaay better shinies. Almost.
  22. I honestly don't see why. Nobody can take away the time and effort they put into it. There have been plenty of rewards in the game that were once earned one way, and later opened up to other options, or that once cost one price, and later became much cheaper. That's just the way of things. Just because the price of something was once one thing, doesn't mean that it must forever be that same price. That's just a silly way to design anything. Nia was above describing his experiences playing raid encounters, that is what matters, the stories he has to tell, not the Li and magnetite he got for doing it. The feeling of reward, of accomplishment after hard work, is a driving force in humans. Nia was describing his/her experiences, all I can suggest is you try VG out yourself after maybe watching a few videos of the class you play. No matter how many stories of encounters someone tells, the real deal is in seeing it for yourself. that is what matters.
  23. Yeah, but not necessarily of the meta combinations for their class and the content. Let's say they're in exotics, but it's PVT, or just some random "close, but not right" combinations, because they didn't meta-build their class and just had what they had. Would that be good enough, not as the exception, but as the rule, and not for a team of experts, for a team of total newbs. Would they be able to complete the encounter alive and in time? Do you believe you could have done their jobs instead then, or just that the person with the druid job is able to carry their weight with less effort? If every member of the team had been no more experienced than you, would it have been successful? That was nice of you, how long did that take? I don't know what PVT is. Anyway. Don't you think it's extremely easy to get exotic equipment with the correct stats? What I mean with correct is: a DPS player who does not use toughness and vitality stats. Because toughness and vitality aren't going to hit anything, they are not damage oriented stats. The only stats that are difficult to get are chrono stats (commander or minstrel) and condi DPS stats (viper). Anything else can be geared just by doing open world PvE or even just buying right off the trading post. So why shouldn't a new raider do that? Off meta builds work, too. My raid leader raids sometimes with a power reaper. I use power herald sometimes, too. We also use heal firebrand (geared full minstrel). Yes, the boss can be beaten with an off meta comp, as long as you don't just pick anything. However, I believe it's reasonable to expect and do some preparation before starting raiding. I think it's basic. Just take a look at your build, try to get the best equipment you can get, and try to know something about the boss. That's the minimum. I could not have done their jobs. Why? 1: a druid DPS, as I already said, is too low. Your equipment is healing oriented. As a magi druid my power was the base number. As the current harrier druid I'm dealing around 2.5k DPS if I camp staff, around 3.5-4.5k if I swap to axe/warhorn. 2: a druid does not have toughness, so I couldn't have moved the boss. The boss would have never followed me. Would we have been suffessful with just noob raiders? It would have taken more time, but we would have been successful. One of our members geared a chrono few weeks later and we killed VG with her as tank. It took around 1 hour and a half, but please remember that the number includes all the time spent waiting for the squad to fill, the time spent replacing members who left, and the time spent when I explained things in squad chat. edit: I'll try to find the DPS log of that kill, if I still have it, when I arrive home. If I find it I'll give some info about the composition I had in that VG.PVT: Power Vitality Toughness gear, aka "soldier's"
  24. Dunno, it kinda feels - to me at least- dishonest to make easy raid mode. Dishonest to those who worked hard for their rotations, for the time they have put into wiping again and again and again, for the cost in food +gear and for the resources they have put into everything. I do not raid, mind you. But it would feel that theyre being cheated on, being treated unfairly, when people put much less effort to get EXACTLY what others got through hard work. Yes, it is a videogame and all, but hard work is hard work, regardless. It just... Doesnt feel right. Edit:The vote was, sadly, a misclick
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