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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. Don't think so, as afaik this is part of the protection against payment fraud (so e.g. the TP can't be influenced by accounts bought with stolen CCs).
  2. All (except one afaik) mastery points are also an achievment or part of achievments, so I think that's already an incentive to get them.
  3. No, unfortunately it's not possible (most likely because steam doesn't want to loose their share of the purchases), so if you want to move to a anet account you will need a new one. See also https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053416353-Steam-FAQ Usually the sales should be on steam the same time as in anets shop.
  4. Not for the prices, yes, but you can see the spikes in the supply numbers very well this year
  5. They may not directly, but Unlockers come from BLCs and gems to gold also exists. Also I doubt that anet wants to make gem-shop items always available, they use FOMO in the shop since all the years, so I guess they would have already changed it, if their analysts thought another tactic would be better for their sales. The shield also is still available, just very rare. So if we exclude the gem-shop, cheaper skins and all the items that are still available, it would be what, an unlocker for a total of about four weapon- / armor-skins (scarlet's kiss and the three shoulder skins).
  6. The price and the supply seem to be rather stable this year. There is always a big impact when the new WV rewards are released and I thnk you can actually see the impact of the event too, as the supply went a bit up the last days. But I'm not surprised that the impact of the event wasn't that big compared to the WV, as the maximum was 29 coins I think and we don't know how many people even did the three PoF daylies every day, or the achievment at all.
  7. Have you checked how many skins fit to this description? I only ckecked the list rather quickly, but I think there are currently only four weapon / armor skins which are part of the unlocker, tradable, have a price over 300g and currently no other source.
  8. But if it's for gem shop skins that currently aren't available like your first post says, the selection of the vouchers would usually be enough. There may be some few historical skins in it, but the other thousands are always available. Also if you make the gem skins available all the time, this item will propably be around 800gems+, so how many non gem-shop items from the unlocker are even worth that much (currently 330g+) .
  9. So https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Weapons_Voucher but just more expensive and always available and updated?
  10. Are you only harvesting in this hall, or are there others too and which synthesizer levels do they have? Because this way it's hard to say if, it's just a bug that you can use the nodes at all or, if they should give you loot?
  11. You can follow the links on the fast site to see how the value of chests / containers / items is calculated. For the blossoms it's the use in the Sigil of Bounty - https://fast.farming-community.eu/item-conversions/fire-orchid-blossom
  12. Or a new concole, as if it is really released for consoles the current models will be rather outdated then
  13. It was saved, but think it is bugged since the release of the new rifts with JW. But at least on each char it was saved for me?
  14. Which materials do you mean with "wood materials" and have you checked, if there are even recipes that need this materials and can be discovered? Because usually you will need the processed materials like staff heads etc.
  15. Don't know, if you just missed the dot in your post, but it would be support@arena.net Afaik a reason for the problem with the support site can be scripts blocked by your browser
  16. The chest work with autoloot, as far as I remember the range is also rather wide (down to the bottom of each lane?). So you would have to watch your loot, to know, if the chest really doesn't work (assumed you have unlocked and activated autolooot).
  17. The value of Lucent Motes was around vendor value for years. Also the relic is seen as a core legy, so materials like essences where main source are hidden behind expacs wouldn't make so much sense.
  18. If you can't log in, you can also contact the support via mail - support@arena.net See https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201862918-Trouble-Logging-In
  19. https://fast.farming-community.eu/bags/bag-opener
  20. The english version uses both words too, you see them as warclaws on the map and e.g. also during the story in the swamp Malice calls it a warclaw when there are no kodans with you. I don't know how far skins as seen as part of the lore, but as NPCs sometimes use them too, a guess at least some are. So as even one of the two original warclaw skins was just a jaguar with armor-parts, so yes, I guess we and the people we travel with are used to call big feline mounts warclaws. Even, if the journykinsmight not be exactly the same and just related. It's just like in real life, where animals also often got names because they reminded the "discoverer" of something, while the natives would use different names and also the DNA would tell a different story.
  21. No need to craft them, they can directly bought in the drizzlewood coast (as token you can use). One of the three versions - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Thick_Drizzlewood_Coast_Tree_Token
  22. As gem/gold and gold/gem are linked, the supply won't get back to normal, as only a part of the new liquid gold is removed by the exchange fee, the other part will go to the sellers, so the gold supply will stay higher. Sure could anet change the whole system, but why should they change a system that is working since the start of the game and also risk that people calling them out for manipulating the market and lying, as the official statement was always that it's just an exchange beetween players. The new gold supplies you list are often some of the more niche gamemodes, if I had to guess, I would say that the biggest new source is actually the wizard vault
  23. You can also use tools like pingplotter to see where on the route the problems are happening
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