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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. I guess that's not a bug, as all the enemies in the Pavilion ar diguised watchknights and so a change would make problems with the festival achievment.
  2. If you only check thick party health bars, only your sub-group in a squad will show the thick ones, if the squad only uses one big group, then yes, the whole squad will have thick bars.
  3. I think it's not their fault, according to the skins it's very likely from the chests which were added to the starter maps with the former discontiniued tutorial achievments like this one https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Enhanced_Mighty_Chestpiece In this case you can right click + delete if you unlocked all the skins
  4. The symbol blinks 3 times befor changing and it always goes from left to right - square -> rhomb -> circle -> square....
  5. If you look at the crafting prices on gw2efficiency, the difference between gen 2 and gen 3 is really rather huge - gen 3 about 1,3k (including everything you listed except research notes I think) / gen 1 about 1,4-1,7k (excluding eternity) / gen 2 about 2,3-2,5k
  6. The min. specs are still rather low, on my old pc which fulfills them easily, I still often run into invisible decorations because they need too long to load and that's just a privat hall without that many decorations.
  7. The thing you want to hear was posted on page 2:
  8. I may remeber it wrong, but wasn't gen 3 designed to be cheaper because they aren't unique like gen 2 but designed as a set and also because of the additional costs for the skins?
  9. The rewards from the wizard vault and laurels (which mainly also come from the wizard vault too, so this point is just redundant) are already very good. How will even better rewards for this small daylie and weekly tasks be better for the longevity of the game and the lfg, when you just need some minutes and don't even have to use the lfg to get all the important rewards. It may even affect the longevity of all the current events that reward this expensive items negatively. Also which are this items that get more expensive permanently, because most parts of the market are actually very stable.
  10. The wiki wasn't updated yet, yes, but the boxes have been changend (the new things for Four Winds were part of the tuesday patch), just preview the chat code from the wiki ingame. If someone has some boxes left from last year, it should be possible to see the changes too (sadly I don't have boxes left).
  11. It has already changed, when you use the chat code of the existing Zephyrite Supply Box (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zephyrite_Supply_Box), you can see that the content was updated.
  12. As the Imperial Everbloom Infusion (EoD CMs) was available in the chests already 2 years ago, I think it might actually not be an oversight. The only strange thing is, why the one from ToF is available, but not the one from CO.
  13. They don't work in PvP, raids,... and the most important thing, they don't work with other transformations like mounts, chairs, class skills etc.
  14. I think gold is restricted by a numerical limit too, because 200k gold is 2 000 000 000 copper, which is signed 32bit (rounded down from 214,...k gold to 200k). My guess is that the limit of all the currencies in the wallet is signed 32 bit (maybe rounded like for gold).
  15. Normally it should be available in the gem store. At least I can see it on my alt account (current price - 600 gems)?
  16. As this is a service the support offers for free via ticket for as long as I can remember, there is no need for a new contract. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013021194-Policy-Guild-Ownership-and-Name-Changes
  17. The ultimate editions are only available in anets own shop. I guess that's because it needs a special return policy because of the gems and that would cause problem with the return policies of the retailers. (And maybe also because people then buy at anets shop and so they don't have to share with retailers).
  18. Do I think that it's neccesarry to add such items, no, but things like this exist for a long time already (looking at you +30 agony infusion). Maybe it's also added with the second version of the game in mind, afaik it's at least much easier to get higher agony / stat infusions on the chinese client? You can also not just look at the current number of sales to say that there haven't been enough infuison drops for all the people farming them, over 20k are sold and bought per day, if you add this numbers together over all the years, you would be able to make multiple 30% infusions. I also thinks it's not fair to call everyone who could afford it an exploiter, if you know the market very well and invest a lot of time, I don't see why it shouldn't be possible.
  19. In the video it looks like they have a fixed placement next to the associated building (wood at the sawmill, plants at the farm, etc.)?
  20. I don't think this will be added, as it would make harvesting nodes nearly worthless, if only one person on the friendlist or in the guild could share them permanently with everyone.
  21. You can see a glyph management option in the video, when he uses one of the auto harvesting stations
  22. As far as I remember one of the devs stated in a discussion about adding new material to the material storage, that they can't just add everything that is used for crafting, as the number of slots is limited in the database. So I would guess the same might be true for the bank, also the number of slots (510) is suspicious close to 512? I'm not a game dev, but i doubt the storage space is the main problem, my guess would be that they don't want to risk changing datatypes etc. in a database that has grown over more than a decade, as any bug or dataloss of the storage-system, where people have stored things worth many thousand or even more gold, would cause a large outcry, rollbacks etc.
  23. We already have one language that isn't following the design. Spanish only has text, no audio.
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