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Kyon Sama.8301

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Everything posted by Kyon Sama.8301

  1. [Suggestion] A "Nearby" list that you can check everyone in the instance that you're in. So for example. I am in LA and there are multiple phases/instances of it. If I check the nearby list I can see all of the people in LA in my instance. [Reason] Well it would be nice to check to see if you're talking to nobody when you're in a map that is not usually frequented. Could use it to whisper people in the same map to see if they want to do something with you like a bounty as one example.
  2. Wow, people are harsh. It isn't that bad. It's like 20 minutes of VO.
  3. They already drop gems. And give you some every day just for logging in and doing 3 easy dailies. ISN'T THAT GREAT?! Gold is still valuable today since you can convert gold into gems! I disagree with this if they dropped bags of gems on the precursor droptable along with black lion keys. 50 gems or so would make people want to spend more money just to get enough gems for an item they are close to buying. But I don't think it's a good idea as they already have a way to earn gems in-game. XD
  4. Even if you don't plan to use ArcDPS meter. I still recommend downloading it for other features that it offers. It fixes some stuff for me that the main game doesn't.
  5. Okay, I don't know about changing weapon hotkey spots. But different hotkeys for different characters is something I'd love to see. My "F" key skills are different on different classes. Like druid feels different from engineer. I'd love to be able to rebind them separately.
  6. Wow, I didn't know it was this serious. Lord.
  7. I'd love this feature. They have more and more stuff that you can use in combat. I'd like to see this just for the sake of convenience.
  8. I think at this stage a new naming is in order, how about: Imaginary Armory or No Update Armory or, Ooo I know "Fake News" Armory Seriously guys, after all this time it's gone beyond a joke, I guess nothing was learned from the WvW Alliances. You need to update your signature: "ArenaNet Non-Communications Team"...... Chill out, dude. It's coming with the next expansion. COPIUM
  9. Join the Ash Legion of Tawny Ridge in Stealth operations... This heart is maybe the only heart in the game that actually annoys me to the point of wanting to alt+f4. I know old content is pretty much unlikely to get updates at this point. But please add white circles or something to show the range of the npcs in this heart.
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