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How do I get HELP improving?


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Clearly, Heart of the Mists isn't going to do anything but instigate and I have no guild, I have never been good enough to get into a pvp guild that would actually help me. I have been playing the game on and off since beta and still can't reach the upper echelons of ranked. I just want to reach plat, but I'm sitting in gold2 getting absolutely unwinnable games. I have tried everything. I have played every class, I have learned the kiting spots, I try my best to dodge key abilities, but my best isn't enough. It doesn't matter at all how hard I try or what mindset I take or what information I look for, I lose. I have previously had things as crushing as a 12 game losing streak that just makes me want to put a bullet in my head. Bashing my head into a wall being a ranked ape isn't going to help because it hasn't helped for the past several years. I don't know what else to do but honestly if I can't find an answer any further pursuit at pvp would be pointless and I'd likely drop the game again. If there is anyone kind enough to help someone who has struggled for a long time it would be appreciated.

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Read godsofpvp.net for roles and rotations acknowledgement, read metabattle.com to builds and combos acknowledgement, watch a LOT of good streamers, DO NOT play builds off meta, reroll your class to fit in your comp and counter the other comp, but if you dont have a good duo it will take years spamming ranked until you get good enough to soloQ comfortable to plat 

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To paraphrase some real world combatants (actual warriors) They will always say one thing : It's all about the fundamentals.


By fundamentals, they are talking about combat fundamentals. You can learn Kung-Fu, Mui Thai, Kickboxing, Wing-Chun...all these different arts and styles and that's great knowledge to have...but at the end of the day, it always comes down to the most fundamental aspects of combat.


Sindrener once upon a time, laid out combat fundamentals for thief in pvp games, which was the concept of roles. Way back before then (like 6/7-ish years ago), nobody understood this concept and ranked matches mostly had no rhythm or strategy to them except for getting kills and capping nodes. When he laid out this idea of roles, players began to take those fundamental concepts and apply them to all the classes and specs, and used that to make builds and make specs designed for certain roles and how to compare them. It was a major stepping stone for GW2 in terms of theory-crafting, that lead to a lot of the currently understood paradigm for how to approach pvp combat.


There are many other combat fundamentals, many of which are more generalized for things other than gw2. I'd recommend watching this guys channel, and learning from him, real world combat fundamentals and then apply those to the game, and it will give you a different mindset on how to approach the way you play. Just some bullet points that you'll see in the video's:


1) Combat Advantage

Essentially this boils down to, having the advantage in combat...whether that's picking the appropriate weapon(build) for the environment you're in, or picking the counter comp to the opponents comp...Having the advantage over the opponent in as many aspects as you can muster is how to turn tables into your favor.


2) Time=Distance

Time=distance just means that, by closing the gap of distance between you and your opponent, means you are taking away the time your opponent can react to a situation. This is the good old Bruce Lee way to approach combat: A good aufensive, is a good defence. 


3) Element of Surprise

Just like time=distance, the element of surprise, takes away the reaction time of your opponent. Doing a huge one shot burst from stealth, is the equivalent to this combat fundamental used in practice. 


4) State of No Mind

A State of No mind, means that your actions should be taking place without your conscious brain being used...just like how you know how to drive your car or how to tie your shoes...you don't think about it, the combat just happens and flows with minimal effort from the brain. This is the equivelent to understanding what your burst rotation is, and memorizing how to use it perfectly, and when to use it perfectly, in as many different situations as possible...so that in all those situations, you know what to do without needing to think about it.


5) Unification of the unit and the independent.

This is basically the idea that, you and your team are essentially a single unit...and your victory, is dependent on your teammates, and your teammates victory is also dependent on you. This is why MAT's simply demolish other teams...because their level of unification is what allows them play as a single unit.


Hope this information is helpful in getting a different mindset on the game. The last one is the main fundemental you will deal with in SPVP...since it's random who you get in a match with you, it's hard to ascertain a sense of unification with your teammates to well...work as a team rather than all trying to do their own thing. Try to at least begin the match by telling them to work together as a team is how to win: Try your best to peel for your teammates...don't leave a man behind...things like that, and relay useful information to your teammates. Even if they don't have your mindset, you can at least inspire that mindset as best as you can. 

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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53 minutes ago, Aylpse.6280 said:

Clearly, Heart of the Mists isn't going to do anything but instigate and I have no guild, I have never been good enough to get into a pvp guild that would actually help me. I have been playing the game on and off since beta and still can't reach the upper echelons of ranked. I just want to reach plat, but I'm sitting in gold2 getting absolutely unwinnable games. I have tried everything. I have played every class, I have learned the kiting spots, I try my best to dodge key abilities, but my best isn't enough. It doesn't matter at all how hard I try or what mindset I take or what information I look for, I lose. I have previously had things as crushing as a 12 game losing streak that just makes me want to put a bullet in my head. Bashing my head into a wall being a ranked ape isn't going to help because it hasn't helped for the past several years. I don't know what else to do but honestly if I can't find an answer any further pursuit at pvp would be pointless and I'd likely drop the game again. If there is anyone kind enough to help someone who has struggled for a long time it would be appreciated.

Its hard to imagine stuck at gold 2 and have played all the classes and know all the kiting spots.


Two things to consider: maybe your map rotation is garbage -- you do not know where to go at different times in the game. For this, I recommend you what Sind's older vids, back at the time when he explained a lot about every decision he makes.


Second, it could be that your mechanical skills are worse than you think. For this, you can go to a 1v1 arena and try to duel plat players or higher.

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2 minutes ago, Crozame.4098 said:

Its hard to imagine stuck at gold 2 and have played all the classes and know all the kiting spots.


Two things to consider: maybe your map rotation is garbage -- you do not know where to go at different times in the game. For this, I recommend you what Sind's older vids, back at the time when he explained a lot about every decision he makes.


Second, it could be that your mechanical skills are worse than you think. For this, you can go to a 1v1 arena and try to duel plat players or higher.

I never claimed to be good in the first place, my goal is to get to a place I could say I am half decent but as it stands I am losing to bots. Rotations would help and lot. But I don't understand how to improve mechanical skill. I just get frustrated in the arena.

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2 hours ago, shadowpass.4236 said:

I stream live commentary on twitch @Blindside_TV on all of my ranked games starting at 8:30 pm EST (an hour and 15 minutes from now) every night.


I main a ranger which I saw you were interested in.  Feel free to ask me as many questions as you want!

This guy here is where u can learn most at moment @Aylpse.6280, he is simply amazing!

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Watch pvp Twitch streamers. Godsofpvp.net for basics. Queue, queue, queue. I'd recommend finding a pvp or pvx guild and consistenly do ATs. Learn meta builds for all classes so you know how to counter what and know match-ups and roles. Go to dueling servers and 1v1 in-between queues. 

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Make the commitment in your mind before you queue that you will do everything you possibly can to push the match toward a win for your team. Think of impossible as your starting point and then go past that point. Believe that you are capable of pushing through unimaginably difficult scenarios. Do it. Believe and do it. Assess, pace yourself, take the risk, find a way. 


Edit: Also, you might check out Coach Pain on youtube. There is a lot of valuable advice in his videos. I've  learned a lot from him. Keep being powerful.

Edited by Zagerus.8675
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