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What's the point of Time Warp now ?

Zhaid Zhem.6508

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On 8/19/2021 at 7:07 PM, Zenith.7301 said:



The obvious fix would be to make Time Warp 60 sec cd 20 secs of quickness+alacrity and apply chill+slow and pulse boon strip.


Would still be largely redundant in PvE since firebrand and renegade maintain trivial 100% uptime on alacrity and quickness with low cd mere utility/core skills, and chronomancer has been systematically castrated out of a support/utility role and left with lower DPS to boot in its utility spec that is infinitely harder to play and execute well compared to firebrand or renegade.


But at least the pulsing boon strip would have its uses in PvE.

Dont forget you can also apply 100% quickness uptime and pull 30k dps on scrapper now while also having a group revive and enough barrier to survive about anything. Just why play Mesmer TBH its a kitten class! =(

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To the 5 people who reacted to my post every single nerf that has come has come because of tears.


Not raids.

Not Spvp.

Not WvW.


Just tears, chrono was killed because of pvp and is still dead in pvp was it because it was OP no they fixed that in HoT chrono stayed dead to this day.


Wonder why?

It's by design.

Do you know why?

Because mesmers are the most hated class in the game and not enough people play them to defend them.



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  • 6 months later...

TW needs to be 45-60 sec cd with 25-30 secs of quickness and slow+weakness application.


But then again, just another bad mesmer elite. Moa Signet is slightly better than the Willbender elite, which is a chrono well elite with half the cooldown of the well elite and one third the cooldown of moa signet.

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On 8/22/2021 at 9:37 PM, Zenith.7301 said:



Mesmer has gotten way more cumulative nerfs over PvP than it ever has for raids, don't even try.


Confusion was for the first time changed and did the same damage as bleeds but with the confusion proc bonus, PvP'ers cried their hearts out over it, and then Confusion was reverted into this unbalanceable mess of big confusion procs only, which was really strong in some fights and mediocre in others, and then we have the dumpsterfire it is now. When it could've stayed 100% bleed damage with the boss action bonus like torment, but as usual PvP is what strangles the mesmer.


This goes as to why phantasms have such hideously long cd's despite doing less damage than a Whirling Wrath with more ramp up, or why Cry of Frustration has more than double the cd of Mindwrack despite being the condi equivalent and far weaker, and Diversion is single target only instead of AoE due to the Guild Wars 2 vanilla beta having PvP nerf it down.

You know what skills splits are? You realise that things can and do have different cds in pve vs pvp? You realise that phantasms do substantially different damage in pve vs pvp? You realise that damage is not the only thing phantasms provides - it also provides a clone that you can shatter.

On 8/22/2021 at 9:37 PM, Zenith.7301 said:

It's why Moa signet is a ridiculous 120 sec cd, and why well is a 90 sec cd.

Well isn't even 90 seconds in PvP lmao. Moa on 120 sec isn't rediculous at all, you should be complaining about the rediced moa duration instead which is because of chronomancer being able to double elite skills (something I called a bad idea years ago).

On 8/22/2021 at 9:37 PM, Zenith.7301 said:

Mind Stab also at some point had an aoe daze and did more damage, and then that was changed. Guess why. Yeah, not PvE.

Yeah, in beta. And again, damage is split.

On 8/22/2021 at 9:37 PM, Zenith.7301 said:

There used to be a trait for clones dying causing conditions. That too was removed. Guess why, not PvE.

Hell yeah, thank kitten for that because that wss such an insanely stupid trait.

On 8/22/2021 at 9:37 PM, Zenith.7301 said:

Mesmer has been an absolute hostage to WvW roaming and sPvP inspired balance.


Chrono doesn't even have a distortion anymore courtesy of PvP inspiring devs to replace distortion with continuum split to nerf bunker builds in spvp.

It wasnt to nerf bunker buimds It was because the devs became obssessef with the concept of "tradeoffs"

On 8/22/2021 at 9:37 PM, Zenith.7301 said:

Mantra of Pain is still a meme utility far worse than the Firebrand Mantra. Why? Not PvE, but PvP related burst holding mesmer skills hostage.

First of all, the recent mantra rework was because of pve and ONLY pve.. Second of all, once again damage is split so this argument doesnt make any sense.

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I'm very torn on Time Split, to be honest.


First, it is so disappointing that Glamours basically still lack a trait. Yes, there is Medics Feedback but it only affects one Utility. Plus, ANet really made a huge mistake to push THREE Utility groups into Inspiration and giving them support focussed traits. If they ever touch core traitlines again, this has to be reconsidered. Second, while I like my "Feel my Wrath" on Guardian, it caused quite some balancing issues. I think ANet might be afraid to buff TW because of a similar reason. While it doesn't make sense conceptually, removing Quickness from it might be the only reason to make it powerful again in a different way.


Different but related topic: I still feel that classifying MI as Manipulation and Moa as Signet was a mistake.

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