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Four and a half years since the last new guild mission


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@Alimar.8760 said:

  1. General updating of guild missions, add missions in HoT/PoF zones.So players without HoT or PoF can't participate in guild missions, or guilds need to micro-manage their members and squads so only some people can do some missions? No thanks.
  2. Guild Hall events would be nice. The hall is so large that its mostly remains underutilized. It would be nice to see events happen inside of it. Not necessarily in the exact same instance but perhaps a combat instance.This is probably an impossibility since players can place random objects anywhere. If an event spawns Chak (as an example) from underground then how does the game resolve spawn locations when there could be any number of objects in the way? Can players break the game by trapping event enemies? Too many conditions to test with any events within the guild hall. No thanks.
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If they are going to add new Guild Missions, I believe they need to rework the system and add a better variety of rewards. Currently, GMs are basically a 2-3+ hour festival of boredom with a 10-15minute bit that is actually interesting (Guild Challenges). The Races can be fun, but they tend to just frustrate most of the guild. Guild Puzzles are not designed to scale up with participation so only a handful of guildmates have to cooperate to complete. The guild Trek's and Bounties are just plain boring.

If we get new Guild Missions, please make them INSIDE our Guild Hall. Give us interesting challenges and events that spawn inside the hall. There was a (bit overtuned and poorly scaled) event structure to open up the hall, and then that was it. Couldn't we have a challenge where Mordy comes for our hall? or Joko in the Vabbi hall? Would it be hard to add a few adventures to a hall? (Hell a lot of guild's have well crafted jumping puzzles made by players).

Most importantly, give us a cap on participation, so we don't feel like we have to participate in every single event possible every week. A Large Guild shouldn't be able to do the Easy, Middle and Hard scaling every week.

TLDR: don't just add more of the same. Give us something we can either have running for a full day or change every reset/week (adventure;s in the hall or if no hall, then a random adventure in the world give guild credit). Give us something we can schedule 1-2 times a week so we larger guild's can get maximum member's credit. Most of all, give us something that is not going to take 2-3+ hours and be mostly organization and boredom. We have raids for that.

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Here's the thing: what else is there to do? Go somewhere quickly, go somewhere and find the thing, go somewhere and kill the thing, go somewhere and solve a maze. These are already randomized from a selection of places and things, what more do you want? We run into the fixed-deck card game problem: without expansions, you're just getting the same prompts over and over again, and expansions only delay the inevitable.

What it sounds like you're asking for, and something I would agree with, is Guild-based mini games. I'm all for improving and adding new mini games, even if they're only for guilds. Though, I suspect ANet want players and guilds to create their own. They've given plenty of design tools for the guild arena, and haven't added Arena activity to the Guild Missions deliberately.

I would also enjoy adding Guild-based rewards to the Dungeons and Adventures, if the system can be adapted to automatically select a specific Path. Though, that sort-of steps on the toes of Daily missions.

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@Chickenooble.5014 said:

@Alimar.8760 said:
  1. General updating of guild missions, add missions in HoT/PoF zones.So players without HoT or PoF can't participate in guild missions, or guilds need to micro-manage their members and squads so only some people can do some missions? No thanks.
  2. Guild Hall events would be nice. The hall is so large that its mostly remains underutilized. It would be nice to see events happen inside of it. Not necessarily in the exact same instance but perhaps a combat instance.This is probably an impossibility since players can place random objects anywhere. If an event spawns Chak (as an example) from underground then how does the game resolve spawn locations when there could be any number of objects in the way? Can players break the game by trapping event enemies? Too many conditions to test with any events within the guild hall. No thanks.

I don't think there is anything wrong with a percentage of guild missions (not all) being in new zones - maybe under a separate category so we still have the same number in the core maps that we do now. They even talk about how exciting they would be in the video I link in the OP.

As far as the guild hall mission issue, I think you are probably right - but I could see the mission spawning a temporary empty instanced version of the hall (or just a part of the hall) for the mission - much the way guild challenges work by duplicating part of the open world now.

I still hold out a TINY bit of hope that there will be new guild missions on Friday, but given the silence and the 4.5 year gap since the last new one, it remains only a tiny hope. The real hope is that some developer sees this - and similar - thread(s) and realizes, "Oh, yeah. we did forget something. Let's fix that immediately." I realize I'm probably being naïve, but I do think it is worth reminding them how much some people love this small part of the game.

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@Draxjon.1790 said:To be fair guys, The new bounty system is basicly the same as Guild mission bounties but just better. So if you wanne do bounties with your guild you can do just them (tho without the guild rewards). Now sure if we are talking about Puzzle, Treks and Rushes, yeah that would be nice to see again. but i think the guild team spent there time on the new bounty system. That maybe and hopefully will make the new guild bounties better and more interesting :D!

Except some of us need guild commendations, which only come from official guild missions. There's also favor for buying banners and such. Sure we will probably run PoF bounties with guildies, but they can't replace official missions for to this.

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@MashMash.1645 said:

If I'm not mistaken, guild commendations aren't even good for much anymore, since you can't buy HoT stat trinkets with commendations (I could be wrong on that).

Not entirely. Their are a couple of things they are good for. Can buy some ok items from the trader who has random stuff every day. 15 obi shards, or items to flog for gold.

Not amazing, but not worthless.

I check each day and use my tokens.

I check the trader each day as well, but the only things I find worth buying are Crystalline Ore which have a lot of interesting uses (guild weapons, special minis, special inscriptions for elite weapon collections, etc) but are relatively scarce compared to other currencies. However, Crystalline ore seems to only come up rarely, and there's a limit of 3 per day. Frankly, that limit should get significantly increased or removed entirely. I earn guild commendations much faster than I can spend them on items that I'm interested in buying. I know I can convert them to gold by buying other items with them, but I don't really need gold or other mats atm.

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@Boogiepop Void.6473 said:Crystalline ore needing to be removed from the coat of guild equipment is a separate argument entirely.

There are definitely fundamental flaws with the current guild mission system - the RNG resulting in the same mission duplicated in a single week, dated currency and reward models, etc, but, as you say, that is for another discussion entirely.

Right now, we just need some indication that they are still - in any way - part of the content development plans. I understand not wanting to talk about stuff too much, but 4.5 years without any real additions is a little long to go. They really do seem to have slipped through the cracks.

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I'd love to have some new guild mission content. And can we have the servers check to avoid having repeated missions? I don't really mind trek being on multiple levels, but it's kind of redundant and boring to go into the guild mission panel and see stuff like:

Easy-Branded ShatterstrikeMedium-Branded ShatterstrikeHard-Branded ShatterstrikeChallenge-Branded Shatterstrike.

(Ok, I haven't seen more than two repetitions other than trek, but having the same race/challenge/etc. more than once is also kind of lame. At least make sure we get different races.)

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