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EoD Engineer Elite Spec: "Mursaat" based


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Slowly we are getting new Especs shown and as Golemancer has been quite often asked for Engineer I can see this happening. That said I do think there will be a twist and I will explain that here at the bottom.


When they were talking about EoD and how they made a timeline to write down everything that happened that could have an effect on Cantha. I can see two things that could have an effect one it as well:

  1. The explosion of the Bloodstone in Maguuma Jungle
  2. The death of Lazarus

For a while now a lot of Engineer players wanted to have a Golemancer like Espec. Now we are going to Cantha which is all about the Jade. We already know that for example Elder Dragons have eaten magic of Gods etc. I can see the same happening towards the Jade. Jade absorbed some of the magic of the big happenings around the world and that is how certain things are now possible as well.

I think that Engineers will actually get an Espec that is similar towards the Mursaat ability to create Jade Constructs. So either we go and get a Pet like mechanic or we go the minion route (or both who knows). That said which weapon would fit the Engineer if they would go "Mursaat" is hard to say. I guess Staff or Scepter or something like that. I can also see the spec be more condition based.

Wonder what other people think about this idea?

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I think this is plausible but rather than Mursaat Jade Constructs it'll be a play on the Kurzick Juggernaut

The Kurzicks used the Forever Trees in the Jade Forest to create these powerful "golems" (for lack of a better term) as a way to fight against the Luxon Siege turtles. Effectively immortal (think similar to the "Blighting Tree" from Heart of Thorns), the memories, thoughts, feelings, and desires of the people turned into Juggernauts were untouched and they served as powerful guardians.

When we look at the Luxons, the Siege Turtle (as we can see from the mounts) had effectively reached the height of its tech. Big animal? Strap a cannon on it.

The Juggernauts, however, were dependent on magic. It wouldn't be too big a stretch utilizing Asura Golemancer tech and mixing it with the existing Kurzick magics to create a form of "upgraded" Juggernaut. I would argue one of two methods of implementing this in game:

  1. Engineer "Shroud" - Engineer naturally recovers X resource (think Revenant Energy) and can spend it by transforming into a Juggernaut, reducing speed (callback to GW: Factions) but massively increasing power and survivability
  2. Golemancer- In light of the "Pet Rename" window that Engineers are seeing, it could be something along the lines of a pet. This seems rather prosaic compared to what every other profession is getting, and if you can "meld" with it it's essentially Engineer version of Soulbeast, but it's possible. A unique take on this would be replacing the entire Toolbelt with skills, effectively giving Engineers an incredible amount of control over what their "pet" is doing at any time and opening up options. It would be wild having the "pet" creating combo fields that the Engineer can capitalize on-demand


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First: Those pushing golemancer simply are the loudest, not the majority. I support whatever Anet has in mind so long as it's genuine ideas coming from them and not fanservice like PoF.

Second; I think if it is ever a thing, no matter what the theme is, it will be a waste of an elite spec slot just because of the AI thing. People simply have ZERO idea of the reality of a spec's performance when it's about AI despite Anet's track record time and time again and the statement of getting less AI in the future after gyros got turned into wells. It's just inconceivable dreams turned into disappointment after a one week honeymoon.

I wouldn't wish pets as an e-spec upon my worst enemies class.

Edited by MrForz.1953
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I think it is most likely that if it is indeed a Golemancer, it will be one where the Engineer will be able to enter and pilot it based on the Spec icon having a humanoid figure surrounded by giant armoured arms. So most likely, it will be a Soulbeast like mechanic where you merge with your pet. If your golem ever gets stuck doing something stupid, you can call it hulkbuster iron man style and wear it and start punching.

My guess is like a Holoforge mode F5 kit. Out side of Golem mode, you get your regular weapon skills and the golem attacks autonomously. Activating golem mode instantly pulls your golem towards you and you get a new set of skills to use and maybe bonus health or something.

Edited by Dracomet.3648
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12 hours ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:

I think this is plausible but rather than Mursaat Jade Constructs it'll be a play on the Kurzick Juggernaut

The Kurzicks used the Forever Trees in the Jade Forest to create these powerful "golems" (for lack of a better term) as a way to fight against the Luxon Siege turtles. Effectively immortal (think similar to the "Blighting Tree" from Heart of Thorns), the memories, thoughts, feelings, and desires of the people turned into Juggernauts were untouched and they served as powerful guardians.

When we look at the Luxons, the Siege Turtle (as we can see from the mounts) had effectively reached the height of its tech. Big animal? Strap a cannon on it.

The Juggernauts, however, were dependent on magic. It wouldn't be too big a stretch utilizing Asura Golemancer tech and mixing it with the existing Kurzick magics to create a form of "upgraded" Juggernaut. I would argue one of two methods of implementing this in game:

  1. Engineer "Shroud" - Engineer naturally recovers X resource (think Revenant Energy) and can spend it by transforming into a Juggernaut, reducing speed (callback to GW: Factions) but massively increasing power and survivability
  2. Golemancer- In light of the "Pet Rename" window that Engineers are seeing, it could be something along the lines of a pet. This seems rather prosaic compared to what every other profession is getting, and if you can "meld" with it it's essentially Engineer version of Soulbeast, but it's possible. A unique take on this would be replacing the entire Toolbelt with skills, effectively giving Engineers an incredible amount of control over what their "pet" is doing at any time and opening up options. It would be wild having the "pet" creating combo fields that the Engineer can capitalize on-demand



The idea of Juggernauts is also cool because it fits perhaps the Cantha theme more. That said, as an Engineer main having both the Siege Turtle and the Juggernaut would be awesome :D.

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12 hours ago, Geoff Fey.1035 said:
  1. Engineer "Shroud" - Engineer naturally recovers X resource (think Revenant Energy) and can spend it by transforming into a Juggernaut, reducing speed (callback to GW: Factions) but massively increasing power and survivability

So... reverse holosmith? Because if you want to play an elite spec that transforms into an alternate form, that gameplay niche already exists on engineer. Sure, a new spec might offer different visuals and different skills, but it would still functionally behave the same at its core.

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2 hours ago, ThrakathNar.4537 said:

So... reverse holosmith? Because if you want to play an elite spec that transforms into an alternate form, that gameplay niche already exists on engineer. Sure, a new spec might offer different visuals and different skills, but it would still functionally behave the same at its core.

Exactly my thought and the reason why I don't really like the whole idea of an exosuit for engineer. It would just be a photon forge with another flair to it.


But this would still be better than getting an AI pet, I gotta admit. x__x

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I dont care if the spec is good or not. I just want a Golemancer class/spec. Dont care about playing with IA and Im in the team that was really disapointed when they change the gyro, the well are better in term of utility but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more boring. And frankly they look ugly in well form... I want a real Golem suit!

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3 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

I dont care if the spec is good or not. I just want a Golemancer class/spec. Dont care about playing with IA and Im in the team that was really disapointed when they change the gyro, the well are better in term of utility but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more boring. And frankly they look ugly in well form... I want a real Golem suit!

You don't care if the spec is bad as long as it just looks cool? Do you actually main engineer?

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4 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

I dont care if the spec is good or not. I just want a Golemancer class/spec. Dont care about playing with IA and Im in the team that was really disapointed when they change the gyro, the well are better in term of utility but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more boring. And frankly they look ugly in well form... I want a real Golem suit!

I can sense the overpowering strength of these arguments as well as the wealth of gameplay and flavor for the years to come.

Also here you go, have fun.

Edited by MrForz.1953
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2 hours ago, MrForz.1953 said:

I can sense the overpowering strength of these arguments as well as the wealth of gameplay and flavor for the years to come.

Also here you go, have fun.

Yeah I know it exist and honestly I wpuld play with it in open world for fun. But the 240 sec cooldown for a 40 sec transform that suck performance wise is just sad. Dont get me wrong, I would rather have a good espec, but I would love a Golemancer.

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2 hours ago, RobinotX.1604 said:

The only thing I dislike about Engi is that most builds are based around Grenades. But perhaps I should try it 😄

well heres a problem, If we get a AI Based Specc, the likelyhood is the builds will remain the exact same. the only way u lose this is if What comes is better then the old stuff im afraid. AI is generally unpredictable and not Concrete answers, therefore Simply wont replace anything.

the reason Ranger pets "work" is because the core Mechanic is Forced upon the proffession. which is very different, For aslong as a Opt out exists. the other builds will just be better.

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12 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

well heres a problem, If we get a AI Based Specc, the likelyhood is the builds will remain the exact same. the only way u lose this is if What comes is better then the old stuff im afraid. AI is generally unpredictable and not Concrete answers, therefore Simply wont replace anything.

the reason Ranger pets "work" is because the core Mechanic is Forced upon the proffession. which is very different, For aslong as a Opt out exists. the other builds will just be better.


I am also just thinking of keeping my Engineer in casual content and go for a different class for higher end content. The good thing about GW2 is that it is quite alt friendly anyway. I enjoy my Engineer a lot. It is just sad that people expect you to play Snowcrow or something if you join raids.

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I don't want an AI Based pet class for Engineer.  I want an Innovator Elite that replaces Mounts with similar themed combat Mechs.  Engineer has no in combat weapon swap, so give Engineer an exclusive in combat mount up option.  Running Mech, Jumping Mech, Hover Mech, Warping Mech, Flying Mech, other Flying Mech, and Roller Mech!  All with an array of combat abilities.

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Either way, the elementalist reveal will tell all - given the other e-specs have been "breaking the rules" and importing bits from other classes, there is an outside chance they could get the bulky golem icon (summoning jade elementals or something) and we get diamond fire. (pyromancer dot spec)


Still more likely to be us with the pets, though.

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