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Expec Weapon ? Main, Off or both hands ?


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We will see, at most it will take 1 month for us to know.

In my opinion, it needs to be at least a mainhand weapon, if not dual wield. Offhand would suck for engineer so incredibly hard simply because we have no weapon pool to combine this weapon with. The only mainhand weapon to pair it with would be pistol, but if it is a mainhand weapon, then we can at least combine it with pistol or shield in the offhand.

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We won't know until closer to the October 26th elite beta that includes Engineer.  The type of weapons for each elite were datamined from beta equipment boxes... but the handedness of one handed weapons was not similarly revealed.

There is a bit of heated discussion on this matter, because of Engineer's poor choice of weapons.  Some would probably consider the lack of dual wield mace to be a deal breaker.  Engineer needs some major love.

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HOPE: mainhand + power-damage

FEAR: offhand + condition-damage

dual-wield? That would be way too much work. Look back at our previous elite-specialization. We have the least number of weapons, but heat-effects only for the sword. Compare that with Elementalist or Warrior.

But I doubt it will matter much. Even if it is good, we probably spend most of our time in the next photon-forge again. If the icon is a golem-armor, we may not keep our weapon-skills while using it. 

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2 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

HOPE: mainhand + power-damage

FEAR: offhand + condition-damage

dual-wield? That would be way too much work. Look back at our previous elite-specialization. We have the least number of weapons, but heat-effects only for the sword. Compare that with Elementalist or Warrior.

But I doubt it will matter much. Even if it is good, we probably spend most of our time in the next photon-forge again. If the icon is a golem-armor, we may not keep our weapon-skills while using it. 

Why do you hope for it to be a power weapon if both our elite spec weapons so far (hammer and sword) have been pure power weapons already?

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19 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Why do you hope for it to be a power weapon if both our elite spec weapons so far (hammer and sword) have been pure power weapons already?

Yeah we have had 2 power melee weapons, we really don't need a third.

I hope it's a MH weapon and would be very happy to see it dual wield, but I doubt it. I do hope for it a bit while looking at the icon that's probably ours that we just might.... but ehh...

If it does turn out to be Mace I hope it's a "tesla mace" that does condition dmg and dazes. Would be cool with burning and/or confusion as the dmg type and I would love for it to be sorta mid range 600-900 ish.

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On 9/26/2021 at 1:03 PM, Kodama.6453 said:

Why do you hope for it to be a power weapon if both our elite spec weapons so far (hammer and sword) have been pure power weapons already?

If it is a condition weapon, chances are high it will include confusion. There is only one profession capable of dealing acceptable damage with confusion right now. I do not believe in miracles. So what ever we get, I guess it will be significantly weaker than even core-mesmer, regarding the confusion-output. 

Auto-attack may be a triple-chain with a condition on the final blow. With maximum expertise/condition-duration, I doubt we will generate anything above 2 stacks with it. Duration ~ 1-2 seconds with the same amount of time to finish the chain. Not enough to stack it efficiently.

In addition they may cut the damage in favor of a profession mechanic, like repair/build or even barrier-gain. Elementalist/Catalyst has proven that they are more than willing to recycle the same concept on two elite-specializations. What ever they will pick for a side-effect, it will weaken the damage output (see Guardian mace). If it has a condition, they will touch the condition as well. I would also like to mention that we do not have pure-condition attacks, which means the condition-damage fragment will be even lower. 

One of the two remaining skills is going to be a CC? If it is condition-based with confusion (obviously), the initial impact of the CC is significantly lower than with a power-weapon. But if the condition is instantly cleansed, it is just a weak CC. If it is a power-weapon, the entire force of the attack is stacked in the CC itself. As they do not want CC attacks to deal power-damage anymore. 

One of the two remaining skills could also be a block? As long as this block is not packed with a strong condition-counter, pistol will be the better option with 3/3 damage-skills. 


I have to admit that 49/50 of my predictions/guesses are incorrect. I want to be incorrect with this.

[EDIT] And I was incorrect. It is an offhand mace so far, color green implies condition. I just hope in your case that you can utilize what you have been asking for. Let us hope for two acceptable mace-skills.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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9 hours ago, Amadeus.5687 said:

Yeah we have had 2 power melee weapons, we really don't need a third.

I hope it's a MH weapon and would be very happy to see it dual wield, but I doubt it. I do hope for it a bit while looking at the icon that's probably ours that we just might.... but ehh...

If it does turn out to be Mace I hope it's a "tesla mace" that does condition dmg and dazes. Would be cool with burning and/or confusion as the dmg type and I would love for it to be sorta mid range 600-900 ish.

Dual wield mace would be wonderful, finally we would be allowed to have some variety in combinations for our new weapon. Also thought the same that the icon kinda suggests dual mace for me, but it could be it is still just a mainhand mace....

Not really a fan of it being a tesla mace, tho. Considering that hammer already has been a weapon with electrical theme. Especially since mace already kinda is just a one handed hammer (both being blunt force weapons), I would like to avoid giving them the same thematical niche and use something else instead.

Maybe an explosives theme, with the mace being repurposed as a stick grenade that causes bleed/burn/poison? Or an alchemical theme with the head of the mace containing concoctions to cause poison and confusion (unlikely since Harbinger stole our alchemy theme....)?

I care for themes of the elite specs and want it to be distinct from the electrical theme of the scrapper....

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2 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Dual wield mace would be wonderful, finally we would be allowed to have some variety in combinations for our new weapon. Also thought the same that the icon kinda suggests dual mace for me, but it could be it is still just a mainhand mace....

Not really a fan of it being a tesla mace, tho. Considering that hammer already has been a weapon with electrical theme. Especially since mace already kinda is just a one handed hammer (both being blunt force weapons), I would like to avoid giving them the same thematical niche and use something else instead.

Maybe an explosives theme, with the mace being repurposed as a stick grenade that causes bleed/burn/poison? Or an alchemical theme with the head of the mace containing concoctions to cause poison and confusion (unlikely since Harbinger stole our alchemy theme....)?

I care for themes of the elite specs and want it to be distinct from the electrical theme of the scrapper....

I mean I'm open to other themes then a Tesla mace. I have been looking at the Jade Tech and wondering if that could also be what "fuels" the engineer of the mace and gives us condition dmg?  
I really just want something that lets us get away with the being condition + having some range to it haha 😄


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3 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

I have to admit that 49/50 of my predictions/guesses are incorrect. I want to be incorrect with this.


I feel like it's far more reasonable to look at the Revenant skill on a mace if we are talking about condition maces then it is guardian. 

They don't really pay a dmg tax for their mace and I feel it's quite awesome.

And while Mesmer atm is the only pure confusion/torment dmg dealer I feel like Engineer can easy go with more confusion and burning on our mace loadout. Engineer have always been about several different conditions to me anyway, beside just 1 or 2. 

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1 hour ago, Amadeus.5687 said:


I feel like it's far more reasonable to look at the Revenant skill on a mace if we are talking about condition maces then it is guardian. 

They don't really pay a dmg tax for their mace and I feel it's quite awesome.

And while Mesmer atm is the only pure confusion/torment dmg dealer I feel like Engineer can easy go with more confusion and burning on our mace loadout. Engineer have always been about several different conditions to me anyway, beside just 1 or 2. 

Tbh its also something different if its an e spec weapon and if its core. E spec weapons normally (dh longbow excepted) do really great in pve.
I mean look at core guardian and warrior hammer and then look at scrapper hammer. I believe catalyst hammer will also get really great after so many people wrote bad feedback about it so anet will most likely buff or rework it.
E spec weapons nearly always have something that makes them unique. Like chrono shield does totally different stuff than any other shield in game.
E specs weapons turning out more "creative" in general so i have still hopes for engi mace too.

Also yes i agree that its fitting revenant more than guardian if its condi. Also even if it would be power it would fit more to warrior mace than to guardian mace.
Guardian mace heals allies on auto attack and gives regen on symbol. If any mace doesnt fit to engi, its guardian mace 😄

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9 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Also yes i agree that its fitting revenant more than guardian if its condi. Also even if it would be power it would fit more to warrior mace than to guardian mace.
Guardian mace heals allies on auto attack and gives regen on symbol. If any mace doesnt fit to engi, its guardian mace 😄

Yeah I agree with you. 
Also there is this huuuge opening in creativity for Anet with this being the first time Mace is given to a profession that ain't heavy armor. So I feel anything honestly could go with how we use it and why I'm hoping it's gonna be medium ranged 🙂

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