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We have a "nearest enemy PLAYER" target option?


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1 hour ago, hatozeni.5721 said:

Which option should I choose to NEVER target a player's pet? I found "nearest enemy" in the options tab but it also targets all pets of a necromancer...


thank you so much.

Well its kinda their jobb to grab your attention.

Otherwise ranger pet, necromancer minions and mesmer clones will become useless.

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6 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Bem, é meio que o trabalho deles para chamar sua atenção.

Caso contrário, animal de estimação ranger, lacaios necromantes e clones mesmer se tornarão inúteis.

It's just that I'm a deadeye thief and taking advantage of our little stealth time is everything. In PVP whenever I tab/target a necro or a ranger... I will eventually target his pet and then I have to keep changing it. I thought that in "options" there would be a way for me to ignore pets when I target...

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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

No your doing nothing wrong at all mate, it is working as it should.

Thanks for your help. I understand that within the game there is nothing that can be done. But I found this quite strange. In other MMOs this only happens when the enemy player sends his pet taunt my char.
It does not make sense. I am a thief. In stealth. Why would my tab/target select player's pet... if my primary target is the player? Does not make sense.
If anyone from Anet read this plz, take this problem to the devs.
Thank you all.

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23 minutes ago, hatozeni.5721 said:

Thanks for your help. I understand that within the game there is nothing that can be done. But I found this quite strange. In other MMOs this only happens when the enemy player sends his pet taunt my char.
It does not make sense. I am a thief. In stealth. Why would my tab/target select player's pet... if my primary target is the player? Does not make sense.
If anyone from Anet read this plz, take this problem to the devs.
Thank you all.

Might be because very few pets have taunt in this game.

Chrono shield one and ranger pets if traited are the only ones I can remember.

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14 hours ago, hatozeni.5721 said:

Thanks for your help. I understand that within the game there is nothing that can be done. But I found this quite strange. In other MMOs this only happens when the enemy player sends his pet taunt my char.
It does not make sense. I am a thief. In stealth. Why would my tab/target select player's pet... if my primary target is the player? Does not make sense.
If anyone from Anet read this plz, take this problem to the devs.
Thank you all.

Because an enemy's pet is still an enemy to you.  If it is the closest enemy, then this is working as intended.

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