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New Weapons Shouldn't be Designed as Part of The Mechanic


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Untamed and Holosmith are designed so that you have to use the new weapon to get the full benefit of the espec. From a design standpoint not only does it appear lazy, but it limits build diversity and ultimately, interest in the profession. You also somewhat see this with Catalyst, but their problem is the entire design concept is not good.


I think that unleashed needs to work with all weapons. I think heat needs to work with all weapons. This killed my desire for Untamed even though its very interesting overall.

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Well you can run condi holo with pistols or rifle holo (uses bomb kit auto to fill gaps).

Untamed's Unleashed could work in PVE because pet aggro isn't as much of an issue and there's a 10% healing from damage trait if you are solo , maybe in PVP as well. In WVW until you can stow pet / invis it when you invis it won't be a strong option so long as stealth is part of the overarching strategy.

Catalyst needs a lot of work , hammer isn't going to save it really.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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7 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Well you can run condi holo with pistols or rifle holo (uses bomb kit auto to fill gaps).

He mean the fact that the heat mechanic is unique to the Sword and doesn't affect the other weapons

1 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/a/aa/Sun_Edge.png/33px-Sun_Edge.png Sun Edge ½   Strike your foe and inflict vulnerability. This attack deals more damage based on your heat level.
1 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/4/48/Redirect_Arrow.png/25px-Redirect_Arrow.pnghttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/8/80/Sun_Ripper.png/33px-Sun_Ripper.png Sun Ripper ½   Strike your foe again and inflict vulnerability. This attack deals more damage based on your heat level.
1 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/4/48/Redirect_Arrow.png/25px-Redirect_Arrow.pnghttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/0/0c/Gleam_Saber.png/33px-Gleam_Saber.png Gleam Saber ¾   Unleash a burst of stored energy with your sword and recharge your other sword skills. This attack deals more damage based on your heat level.
2 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/1/10/Refraction_Cutter.png/33px-Refraction_Cutter.png Refraction Cutter ½ 9 Strike at foes in front of you and launch a blade of light at your target. Launch extra blades based on your heat level. Each blade inflicts conditions.
3 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/a/ab/Radiant_Arc.png/33px-Radiant_Arc.png Radiant Arc ¾ 14 Leap to your target and create an arc of light that strikes nearby foes. Gain quickness based on your heat level.

The same way: The Rev. Trident has different effect depending on which Legend is channelled

1 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/f/f5/Mistsfire.png/33px-Mistsfire.png Mistsfire ½   Unleash the Mists toward your enemies, changing effects based on your current legend.
2 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/f/f5/Portal_Fire.png/33px-Portal_Fire.png Portal Fire 1¼ 6 Open the Mists around you to fire multiple projectiles at your enemy, with a chance to inflict conditions based on your current legend.
3 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/d/d3/Rift_of_Pain.png/33px-Rift_of_Pain.png Rift of Pain ¾ 8 Saturate your target, creating a chilling area around them with a field type based on which legend you are attuned to upon casting. Allies in the affected area gain beneficial effects.
4 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/3/3e/Reckoning_Blast.png/33px-Reckoning_Blast.png Reckoning Blast 1 15 Release a blast of Mists energy that heals allies and knocks enemies back, infusing your foes with dangerous power. Inflict conditions based on your current legend each time a target is struck.
5 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/8/88/Torrential_Mists.png/33px-Torrential_Mists.png Torrential Mists 2 20 Release the Mists from your aura with a chance to inflict conditions based on your current legend.

On the other hand, some of the Expec had their weapon altered to fit the new mechanic:

Weaver: Dual Element (6 skills per main-hand Weapon): 4*6=24 (Not counting Sword)

Deadeye: Malice (1 Skills per main-hand weapon): 6 (Not counting Rifle)

Berzerker: Primal Burst (1 Skill per Main-hand Weapon): 9

Mirage: Ambush (1 Skill per Main-hand Weapon): 6 (Without counting Axe)

And possibly more

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Total teardown and redesigns are simply not going to happen at this point. Anet is already way behind. Remember release has already been delayed and its obvious how unfinished the game is. We still have not seen seige turtles even. Theyll make some small changes but what weve seen is what were getting.

Edited by fenriswolfman.5486
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9 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

I think that unleashed needs to work with all weapons. I think heat needs to work with all weapons. This killed my desire for Untamed even though its very interesting overall.

I'm in on this with you. Yes, heat doesn't make much sense for core Engineer but there could have been a work around. I really don't get why they are making the same mistake with the Untamed. I'd rather have one flip over skill for each weapon set - maybe just the #5 to be a bit different than Mirage - instead of it only working it on Hammer. That's bad design. Just as bad as linking resources or base mechanics of specs exclusively to the new Utilities like they did with Berserker and Mirage.


While it is just speculation on my side, it appears that more work and thought went into the more recently revealed specs. The first batch really pales at this point. I did like Harbinger Shroud. But it when it comes to Utilities and Traits, the first three and maybe also Catalyst don't compare to the others. All expansion had stronger and weaker additions. But the gap to me seems to be much bigger this time. I'm curious how much they will (or are able to) change those till release. And wether they will implement new mechanics to older skills and specs. For example, the ally targeting of Specter would make so much sense for Druid Staff.


Also... once again feeling bad for Chronomancer. Not really sure what to do with it at this point. 😆

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This is a problem with the Untamed spec coming up for ranger as well:  Anet gave all of the hammer skills an alternate "unleashed" version when you have the wild magic on you instead of your pet, but there's no unleashed variants for any other weapon skill.  This kinda forces you into using the hammer over other weapons because those other weapons don't benefit from the espec's perks.

In fact, in almost all of the new especs with end of dragons, it seems like they designed them to only really work with the new weapon choice, and not with other existing weapon options.

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1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Unleash is changing hammer's role from CC to damage.

What kind of role to you want, for example, Greatsword or Longbow change to?


I think that the core weapons are just fine with just the damage modifiers.

Not sure and frankly its not my job to figure that out. In wvw your pet will be dead in the frontline and you will only have unleashed be useful on 1 weapon. Goodbye 2/3 of the espec

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