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Never played Mesmer, is now a time to start?


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Ok, now that the dust has settled on the elites (expect for beta play) I am thinking of rolling the one Class i dont have, Mesmer. Always been intrigued by the playstyle and such but didnt want to be locked into being a "tank ( im going back like 5 yrs) so never bothered.

If I am to put in the effort do you all reckon Virto gonna be worth the grind? Was thinking of going Mirage until then but yea, if its gonna be meh I dont see the point. Granted SC shows a 42k bench so thats not too bad but will it be wanted/needed/loved????



(maybe just roll with a Robot friend and be done eh...lol)

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I mean. Chrono right now is pretty dull imo. You can have fun with Mirage and hopefully Virtuoso when it comes out. Base Mesmer can get boring quick though cause its' not as flashy, But it is effective. Honestly if you make it and end up not liking it you can always delete it. You'll never know if you like it without trying it. like a car. beep beep

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On 10/23/2021 at 12:32 AM, Joxer.6024 said:

Ok, now that the dust has settled on the elites (expect for beta play) I am thinking of rolling the one Class i dont have, Mesmer. Always been intrigued by the playstyle and such but didnt want to be locked into being a "tank ( im going back like 5 yrs) so never bothered.

If I am to put in the effort do you all reckon Virto gonna be worth the grind? Was thinking of going Mirage until then but yea, if its gonna be meh I dont see the point. Granted SC shows a 42k bench so thats not too bad but will it be wanted/needed/loved????



(maybe just roll with a Robot friend and be done eh...lol)

Never assume a build is good/bad based on a benchmark especially a beta based pre-release benchmark made by a top tier player. I will second what Genesis said. That is, any class can work fine in open world and every class has some niche strengths that can shine in certain raids and mesmer is no acception, however, Mesmer is not in what I would call a good place.

Also personally I wouldnt invest the time and gold into a class in the assumption that you will be Mr/Mrs PhatDPS from a future spec that seems like you could really set yourself up for disappointment and cost yourself time.

Then again, if you are already set on playing Mesmer and just posting to troll the forums and see what people say, then what are you waiting for?


Either way, good luck with which ever you decide to play.

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yea being "Phat DPS" is not my thing, just having a class that doesnt get kicked based not on my ability but on what I am playing, that sucks. But I will just wait and see what plays out. As I have mentioned before , really dont want to be that player that is needed for support but dies alot, thus no support. Need to get stuck in on a class and learn it so I dont feed! Its been 5 yrs so am a tad rusty and have only done wings 1-4.....so lots of room to grow!


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14 hours ago, Joxer.6024 said:

yea being "Phat DPS" is not my thing, just having a class that doesnt get kicked based not on my ability but on what I am playing, that sucks. But I will just wait and see what plays out. As I have mentioned before , really dont want to be that player that is needed for support but dies alot, thus no support. Need to get stuck in on a class and learn it so I dont feed! Its been 5 yrs so am a tad rusty and have only done wings 1-4.....so lots of room to grow!


well tbh as a Mesmer I would think some groups in content like T4 would kick mesmer unless you can look like a very impressively competent chronomancer or Mirage (only if playing cm 100 even then maybe not ideal enough). Im not talking about average pugs. Im talking about meta pugs. A meta pug may well ask if you have a meta character you can play because Mesmer is not meta. Then I would expect a group that wants quality meta will ask you to sawp or leave or prove yourself. This sounds like a senario you may well be wanting to avoid. Im not sure.

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On 10/23/2021 at 12:32 AM, Joxer.6024 said:

Ok, now that the dust has settled on the elites (expect for beta play) I am thinking of rolling the one Class i dont have, Mesmer. Always been intrigued by the playstyle and such but didnt want to be locked into being a "tank ( im going back like 5 yrs) so never bothered.

If I am to put in the effort do you all reckon Virto gonna be worth the grind? Was thinking of going Mirage until then but yea, if its gonna be meh I dont see the point. Granted SC shows a 42k bench so thats not too bad but will it be wanted/needed/loved????



(maybe just roll with a Robot friend and be done eh...lol)

If you have enough character slots and haven't played a Mesmer, then why not?

As you can see, there are a vocal group who remind us the dire state of Mesmer when given the chance.  However, the profession is fun to play and has interesting mechanics to work with.

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If you are casual any class works including Mesmer. If you are going hardcore endgame or even competitive mode then no there are better options. I'm sure someone will say I'm wrong and put worthless statistics that is made by the top notch players that even they themselves posting those statistics cant reach. But hey why not take a gander and take it for a spin. 

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