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Frequent crashes in Gendarran Fields

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I wonder if it’s related to the beta stuff, something in this update weird, I was in Harathi Hinderlands, accepted the new spotlight episode mail then crashed in the process, now it wants to run a repair (and I never crashed before and was told to run a repair upon relaunching) 😕

and I just crashed again in queensdale, this time it was pulling up black lion

Edited by Novaris.7156
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same, crashing in Harathi and always rolling back to something like the last checkpoint, I guess. . I'm now porting to Mistlock Sanctuary frequently, hoping to save my status. I think I chose the wrong day to level a new toon.


I'd rather opt out from this beta, really.

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@Fire Attunement.9835 Same thing here, and like last character beta, it starts in Gendarran (where you end up with your beta chars) which now kicks you out every 2 minutes, and then people spread these beta characters around the rest of the game  like a virus, and it'll crash everyone in those zones too. If you're trying to mimic covid, job done.

Put a Lockdown on Gendarran please, close the airport, close the portals, pull beta chars back to there and let them crash that zone in a separate instance for beta chars only. 

Edit: Gendarran now kicks me out every 15 seconds and does a rollback.

Edited by darksome.1697
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1 minute ago, nobleboivin.4102 said:

Now that you mentioned that, I did have a dC a couple times yesturday but I thought it was my end cuase my net was slow


The metas were more or less unplayable last night, we had crashes + rollbacks every ~3 minutes in AB and about as frequently in DS. 

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21 minutes ago, Sunsetter.5637 said:

Same, multiple maps. The update broke the game for me 


Disabling DX11 seems to have stopped it (no crash for 10min whereas before I couldnt last 2).

Thanks to Luminoxic.5812 for suggestion

I've not got the DX11 beta on 😕 I turned it off a while ago as couldn't handle the crashes.

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