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ambient rev dialgoue gone for my character?

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I noticed a little while ago that after my rev leveled past lv 30 ish, i stopped getting any kind of what i have seen referred to as 'ambient dialogue' between my rev and the legends.

I remember getting some very early on while leveling, but at some point it just stopped altogether?

Is there something in 'options' that i accidentally turned off or some kind of bug? is it some kind of chat box setting? I haven't even seen the dialogue show up in the chat box since lv 30 ish.

It's all very weird. I love my rev enough that this won't stop me from playing it, but i liked the rev/legend chatter when it happened and it seems gone for me now. It sounds like the ambient dialogue isn't supposed to just stop after the early levels like this, judging from people mentioning that shiro and the new legends are getting new dialogue.

Turning on 'character chatter' gets me voiced lines when i switch legends, but it didn't bring the ambient dialogue stuff back, which is what i was hoping would happen. so idk, and I'm posing this question publicly to see if anyone has ideas.

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yea, i don't get it.

for me, i heard some fairly frequently at early leveling, but i can't recall hearing even one exchange after around 40, i think. I don't think I've had any dialogue happen at 80 whatsoever.

I guess there isn't really a solution out there. Which is a shame, especially if the dialogue stays virtually unseen for me in EoD, what with it being Shiro's homeland.

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I haven't been able to level a revenant past mid twenties or so. Deleted several attempts. Dont care for the green wavy lines when in (Shiro?) Or the ambient dialog that you mentioned. If it drops off after a certain level l could try again l suppose. I do think l would enjoy the new elite spec for EOD. The greatsword animations looked pretty cool to me during the beta. 

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